anfmusicgrl Member


  • IDK, I have OCD (really do!) so, I tend to be obsessed with one thing if not, when anyone says that..I'm like "well, better to be obsessed about my health, than eating, or video games, or tv, or something else stupid" But really....Some people can't obsess about it, because it will probably drive them mad, and…
  • I have 1 or 2 days like that a week...I think it's normal for our bodies to be a little less hungry sometimes. To make up for it, on my rest days...I am sure that I up my calories with little things like others mentioned (peanut butter, nuts, avocados, cheese, olive oil, etc) so I get a really nice net calories that day.…
  • Mini-goals are awesome, however, placing a time on it, not so awesome. For instance... my overall loss to be "ideal" from my starting weight 6 months ago would have been 133 lbs! If I was just going off that...I'd still be like, eh, I'm almost halfway there! Instead, I make goals, so that I can celebrate all that I've…
  • I WISH mine would have been addressed as a child... but unfortunately it wasn't until after puberty I began gaining weight. At that age, my mom would try to address it...but as we all know, it's completely someone's personal decision. At that age, one of the best things you can do it get them to have a taste in better…
  • I WISH I looked like my mom, lol.... I'd say that statement is not true. There are 2 gene pools that are at play anyways..not just one. My mom is 5'2" and weighs about 110 lbs...sometimes only like 95, sometimes up to 115...She wears a barely A cup. I'm 5'5" and I don't remember ever weighing less than 150; lol... not to…
  • It's not actually causing you to *not* lose weight in most cases.... However, it can DEFINITELY mask weight loss. Case in point: The week prior to my "time of month" and the first days during, it always LOOKS like the scale is stuck, even a small gain sometimes...but as soon as that week or so passes, WHOOSH goes the…
  • I completely feel for you!! :( When I was smaller, and still an athlete in school I know the only place I had ANY problem with was my stomach.. then as I had gained, it was still my stomach that was the main issue. It wasn't until the last 50lbs of gaining (last 5 yrs) that I'd gained in my legs, arms, and thighs. I…
  • The worst that can happen is you would remain on a plateau, right?? Unless you were eating above your TDEE, upping your calories would not cause you to start gaining any fat. Give it a few weeks, not just a day or two before you would see if it will work for you. By simply increasing the weight of food, you would maybe see…
  • One of my favorite breakfasts is a homemade egg sandwich. I do an over medium egg, whole wheat english muffin, and a slice of canadian bacon; with a small glass of organic milk. I like to have a filling breakfast, my lunch tends to be smaller, and that leaves a good amount of calories for me to be flexible with for dinner…
  • All I know is that Jan 15, 47 year old step-mother died from a massive stroke. The Dr's determined it was from a blood clot that formed in her leg making way to her brain, and cutting off oxygen. The Dr's also said that this was most likely a direct link to the large amounts of diet soda she consumed, containing…
  • I have always loved my sodas...and even when I began losing weight, it was one of the last things I got the willpower to do. 2 months ago, I decided to treat myself to one... (throwback pepsi was my vice also) I got about halfway through it, and couldn't even drink the rest..I was stressed like "why am I drinking this…
  • I love the elliptical..but, I love the arc trainer even more. It's very similar when looking at it, but to me I feel like I exert more energy, but somehow the motion of it is more natural. It's really easy to mix up the workout on it. The incline has a large range, so it works different parts, and it MAJORLY works my butt…
  • This is exactly how my losses have been every single week, of every single month, for the past 6 months (53 lbs of loss so far) My week tends to be like: 1-2 days of losses ranging from 1-4 lbs; 2-5 days of hovering at the lowest weight 1 day above the lowest weight.... Then rinse, and repeat, I'll "whoosh" down another…
  • Good question, and I'd say UponThisRock is right... There are days (like today) I feel ravenous lol, and have NO problem eating all of my calories, and other days where I have to make myself reach 1300 calories. Hormones, mental state, etc, I guess are at play...and other things we probably aren't aware of.
  • It stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It's long to explain, so instead I'll just quote from an online source some of the symptoms, causes, etc. source: "Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which there is an imbalance of a woman's female sex hormones. This…
  • That is SO awesome congrats!!! PCOS definitely presents some hurdles and roadblocks with weight loss, but dedication and will power can overcome many things! I also have PCOS and have had success so far! Keep up the good work, and know that you are not alone out there! I'm hoping with more weight loss, maybe my PCOS…
  • While I understand this, and NORMALLY would not have an issue doing I said I have a lot going on in my life and am significantly stressed about my mother..This tends to suppress my apetite, so that is somewhat out of my control. I make sure to eat more calories on big burn days, and also must take into…
  • I don't even know what I want my final goal to be! :( lol. I am really musular...and when I was pretty thin in HS and played sports, etc, I think I was around 160? I was in really good shape! Back then, I thought I was overweight because I wasn't "skinny fat" like a lot of my friends..but looking back...that would be what…
  • Absolutely! In fact, the first 30ish lbs I lost were from simply cutting out sodas, watching portions a bit, and opting for whole wheat carbs. Wasn't working out or counting calories then. It definitely can be done. I have PCOS and carbs are supposed to be evil, but I still love whole wheat carbs and so far my body has…
  • Did you start exercising within the last few weeks? I went from sedentary to exercising 4-6 days per week, and had a few stalls at first.. I was losing inches, but the weight would get stuck on a few pounds. Eventually it starting coming off faster..and I think it was due to my muscles retaining water from new physical…
  • The elliptical does hurt my knees somewhat, however, the ARC trainer (made by Cybex) does not! I can go longer on it, and the motion seems a little more natural to me! If your gym has one, you should try it!
  • I wrote about this in my I'll just copy and paste it here. "The A-ha Moment? Some people have this huge a-ha moment, or inspirational moment, in which they decide they're done "trying to lose weight" and just simply do it. I didn't have that. Mine was more like an a-ha year. Let's rewind... Early January 2011 -…
  • I like as well :) I love them! They help inspire me, and feel not so alone in my journey!
  • I still track on LoseIt, then just quick enter the calories on MFP each day. It's where all of my data had been entered for weeks, and didn't want to lose that. Plus, I feel like entering food is easier. The calories on it, VS the calories MFP gave me had a difference of like 400 calories. (Both I calculated at 2 lb weight…
  • Meds are very important in treating Addison's disease. My step-mother died from a stroke at the age of 47; from Addison's disease. Just over a year ago. Take care of yourself and your body.
  • I have days where my belly feels HUGE, but then days where I feel "skinny" at least compared to what I was.. The trend I've noticed is: When I've been working out REALLY hard, or have done new exercises; I tend to retain water. It's quite noticeable in my ankle, knee, etc when this happens..So, I know when I feel like that…
  • I started working out after being EXTREMELY SEDENTARY for 5 years. I was very overweight (well..still am, but 49 lbs lighter)..and believe it was hard. After the first week or two, the pain diminished. (That pain that lasts for a few days) I still get sore after strength training, or pushing myself extra on my cardio,…
  • I have been taking it for over a year, I still have days where it makes me sick all day long, and sometimes I have weeks where I tolerate it well. Only your Dr. will know if you should change your dosage, BUT I do know that they probably won't recommend taking it "here and there". It's a medication that is meant to be…
  • Always gain, between 1-4lbs. The day it's over it instantly goes down. I take in A LOT of water, exercise as normal, and watch sodium, still have the gain. I'd say it's somewhat unavoidable for some people, either that or I don't know the magical trick. :)
  • Don't worry too much about it! I hit plateaus every few weeks, and even see gains on some days (Could be due to anything like water retention, time of month, sodium intake, etc.) Just know that your patience and consistency will pay off. In a few days it will "whoosh" off and you'll start losing again. I've lost 47lbs so…