Brad805 Member


  • I asked about it at a local health food store and they brought some in. I live in a small town too.
  • I don't think it is strange at all. This is my second bout with this journey, and I told my sister not long ago that I felt odd talking to acquaintances about the weight loss because of that. She pointed out that it is unlikely anyone remembers. That is probably very true considering the typical comment I get now is, "have…
  • Costco Kirkland plain fat free, Danone Oikos Plain Fat Free, or good ol Lucerne from Safeway all taste about the same, but Costco is way better on price. I can get three Kirkland containers for about the price of one at Safeway. All hail the Costco. The sugar content is fairly low (4g) in all. If you greek yogurt you might…
  • I feel like I'm close to my goal... I know that feeling. I have actually dropped around 100lb (started a few months before finding MFP) and have some skin issues (cause I old, haha). Some days the mirror looks fine, and others all I see is the negative. In the thread I mentioned it was pretty clear that those estimating…
  • Awesome job. There was a guy on bb dot com (lose fat section) that lost a large amount of weight and had his BF measured by Bodpod, dexa, calipers, dunk tank, and visual estimates by the group. It is quite interesting to see the variation. It is a little different once you add in a bit of left over skin (got it too, no…
  • Some of the reasons stubborn fat is stubborn can be found below.
  • I suggest you keep losing fat then. You will probably look more defined and bulkier at a lower BF level even though some of your measurements will go down. The bulky look has a lot to do with the muscle definition that pops out when the fat is gone. You need not worry about the bulky look unless you plan to add in a few of…
  • Was that waist measurement at your hips? What is the measurement near your belly button?
  • It will be what it will be. Lose it fast, lose it slow, it doesn't matter much so long as you do what you can to hold onto as much muscle mass as possible (ie good nutrition and some weights). Hydrate, and goop stuff on if it makes you feel better, but the reality is we all did a lot of damage to our skin by getting fat.…
  • I don't think most will find the length of their foot changes, but you might notice the width will. We do store fat there too.
  • You will have to do some experimenting with veggies you like. It took me quite a few tries, but I finally found one that I like. It sounds nasty, but it basically turns out to be a soup (very similar to a broccoli soup of Gordon Ramsays on youtube). 1C Green beans 1C Broccoli 1C Cauliflower 1C Almond Milk 1C No Salt…
  • Pretty darn awesome there SEXXXXXYYYY woman!!!
  • That is the last place where it goes for many. The reason is partly due to the different receptors in those regions couple with less blood flow in the area. A more detailed explanation can be found below. Motivating the fat cells to release the…
  • Sorry, but I just do not believe you have larger than normal leg development. Many of us think this at one point or another, but as we progress towards leaner BF levels many of us find that is not the case. Some researchers suggest female lifters can add 0.25lb/wk of muscle with ideal nutrition and training. Many have far…
  • How about tracking them calories for a starter. This is far less complicated than we like to think. You are not eating whatever target you set to lose. Tracking in your head is likely way off or you are nibbling a bunch of calories that you miss. You had the typical water loss during the first week, and now you are eating…
  • denial is a wonderful place to go so long as it is not too often.
    in denial Comment by Brad805 July 2013
  • Its awesome you are willing to share these pictures and personal story.. I have mixed feelings about anyone else helping pay for my surgery, but the comments about insurance paying for lung cancer patients is an interesting point. Those surgeries are to prevent death, but this type of surgery is mainly to improve one's…
  • I also found that going too low with the sodium level leads to greater water retention once if you increase your calories during a free meal. I was down to 600mg/d and that is not a good idea. Anyone on a lower carb plan should monitor their electrolytes (sodium, potassium and magnesium) since this type of nutrition plan…
  • Your new into the journey. Relax, it will take time to adjust to the reality of your goals. You are highly motivated and anxious for change right now. This happens to all of us. The scale is not a bad tool, but stepping on too often is rarely helpful.
  • It was not a fat joke. Shifts in ones metabolism is broken into two basic parts. The first change is simply the result of one losing weight. That should be straight forward. Weigh less, require less. The second change is referred to as the adaptive component. That metabolic shift tends not to have much effect until one is…
  • Well, you did indeed have an idea. Maybe not a great one...
  • I see 5'-7" now, duh. My guess is you are chasing a certain weight like 110lb or something along those lines. If so, it is time to put those silly girlish ideas behind you and learn to live with your body. Sure you might have a little something at the midline or around your legs. We all do. That is where the exercise and a…
  • how tall are you and why do you think you need to lose more?
  • Kind of a hotty :) Great job.
  • Look to the diet grasshopper. You can lose it, but you might not like the nutrition plan much.
  • Are you sure its not 28g? Please keep your none sense to yourself. You are welcome to live your vegan lifestyle, but please get some of the facts correct.
  • If you live in North America, and are at a higher BF level the odds are you are not. Many times a standstill is the result of less than ideal tracking methods.
  • How do you measure your food quantities? Scale and measuring cups, eyeballing, or guesstimate?
  • There must be one that makes light of the eating more theory?
  • All I can say is WHYYYYYYYYYYYY? There are so many other better options and you will learn how to feed yourself when you transition to a maintenance plan. I get it if you are using them when you have no other options, but otherwise I don't follow. My kidneys work wonderful and liquid foods leave me feeling hungry far…