

  • I heading to Australia on March 7th and I just wanna feel confident in my bikini on the beaches! My weight goal is 130lbs or thereabouts. (7 to go!)
  • This is such sad news, I thought I was dreaming when my radio came on with the news this morning before I was awake properly. He was genuinely talented - in Brokeback Mountain he was incredible. I was wondering how someone could ACCIDENTALLY overdose on sleeping pills (I was assuming you had to take like the whole bottle),…
  • Tell me about it! I love raisins, but like all dried fruit they have a lot of calories. A good rule to follow re this is only to eat the same number of a fruit dried as you would fresh, eg 1 or 2 dried apricots, not 5 or 6! I learnt this the hard way when, like you, I first looked up the calories!
  • My cycle has definitely been affected too, but not so much - usually it's 28 days, like clockwork, but the past couple of months (since I've been exercising a lot more) it's been much shorter, eg I got mine today, only 21 days after my last :grumble: I hope it gets back to normal soon!
  • Hi! I'm sooo impressed with your will-power to go running in weather like that BTW! I have a hard time getting myself out the door if it's a little cold or raining! :blushing:
  • I've always assumed that the calories listed for a fried egg include the oil or butter you put in the pan, and so on for scrambled etc.
  • Try Green and Black's Milk chocolate bar if you can get it - it has a higher cocoa content than most milk chocolate but it's still sweet and creamy!
  • You are clearly a woman of excellent taste LOL!
  • I agree. The walking you're doing is definitely buring calories, but to actually improve your cardiovascular fitness you need to really get your heart pumping. Jen
  • Ok. so I'll put my hand up and say I had a chocolate bar yesterday as well, putting me over by 100 or so. But actually, I don't feel too bad about it - I haven't eaten chocolate for weeks, and it was a Green and Black's organic one, very high in cocoa solids (antioxidants!) and soooo yummy! Plus I was able to enjoy that…
  • You've done so well! Just the last 7 to go! Start planning your celebration/treat now!
  • Hey me too! (Near Stirling.) Jen
  • This is very true true. Ever since I was a kid, my family has eated healthily - homecooked meals, lots of fruit and veg, no desserts, soda, or snacking - yet I have never been anything other than 'curvy' and my dad has actually been very overweight! In our house it has always been the portion sizes: enormous platefuls that…
  • This happened to me today, I was so hungry for some reason! So I ate some fresh pineapple, a whole grapefruit, a couple of plums and a cup of green tea! It tided me over and I definitely got my '5 a day' today! Plus I think pineapple and grapefruit were on that 'negative calorie' food list someone posted so that's all good!
  • I have 1300 for the day and I try to keep breakfast and lunch under 300 cals each, plus I eat a couple of snacks a day, about 100 cals each, leaving me with a minimum of 500 for dinner (plus any I 'earn' exercising). Dinner for me is usually a big meal with the family so I like to leave as many as possible.
  • Weekly, 0-25%. Maybe lunch at a coffee shop once or twice a week, dinner out once a month average. I love to cook!
  • I agree, they are brilliant inventions! I like how you can just watch all the the fat running off your burgers etc!
  • I think size must be the key... I'm from the UK and the bagels we get here (from the supermarket eg New York Bagel Co or supermarket own brand ones) are all around 220 cals each!
  • :love: This sounds sooo good! I think I'm gonna make some this weekend as a little treat for myself!
    in WOW Comment by sundaygirl85 January 2008
  • Thanks! I'm so glad you joined MFP, you're a fountain of knowledge!!
  • Try eating a banana before bed - less that 150 cals, plenty of carbs to fill you up, plus the magnesium and copper content of bananas can help you get a better night's sleep!
  • Personally, I find it best to go by what my mum always told me and my brothers when we were little and fighting on a car trip or something: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!!"
    in WOW Comment by sundaygirl85 January 2008
  • Fruit (especially bananas and berries), skimmed milk, black coffee, and chicken.
  • This is a link to a strength workout from the Women's Health website that just uses your body for resistance so no equipment needed: For cardio, I agree that walking is good, or depending on your fitness level try running instead. Doing these activities outside…
  • This is from the Women's Health magazine website: Q I'm dieting, but I get ravenous before my period. Do I really need more fuel at this time? A No. But indulging your cravings may make you feel better. Levels of serotonin (the brain chemical associated with feelings of contentedness and relaxation) are lower right before…
  • I think Maria Sharapova has a great body! She looked amazing on the cover of Shape magazine a few months back. Definitely my inspiration! Jen
  • I like 50 Cent's album 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' for working out to, and Bruce Springsteen's 'Born in the USA' album. Oh, and Madonna's 'Confessions on a Dancefloor' too.
  • I don't like the idea of loads of people looking at me when I'm all sweaty etc and for this reason I have never been to a gym! I keep fit by running outside or doing workout dvds at home if the weather is bad, and my brothers are really into weight lifting so they showed me some weights moves to do using their equipment…
  • My personal preference is cardio first because a) I HATE it and I like to get it over with; and b) this means I'm good and warmed up for my weights work Whatever works for you, as long as you warm up first so you don't hurt yourself. Jen