vickiele1 Member


  • Welcome to MFP. It is a wonderful and supportive website. I have been a member since August 14th. I have been very successful in reducing my weight and have almost reached my goal weight. The only things I can suggest/recommend is that you just be very truthful with yourself. Log everything you eat and don't exaggerate…
  • Being a student is brutal at any time of the year. The demands are unbelievable. Not sure why professors do that, but they are all about the same. I tried to remember that this was a temporary situation. I would do what I could and I know that my life was very unhealthy during that time - many nights with only one or two…
  • great article - thanks for sharing.
  • MFP does ROCK!!! But each person has to do things their own way. For some people who pay out large sums of money, that may be the motivation they need i.e. I have to do this because I paid for it. Kind of like joining a gym or fitness center versus doing the exercises at home. I personally can't afford a fitness center…
  • I'm pretty sure she meant to include the basal metabolic rate, plus your exercise caloric burn - not just your caloric burn from exercise. If you add your calories burned just doing a normal day (BMR) to your calorie burned doing your exercise, you should be using more calories than you eat - that would equal weight…
  • Found this website - since we don't have "whole foods" here, I have no idea if this is what you are referring to or not. it is worth checking out. Also,
  • I will definitely explore that as an option. Thanks.
  • I have seen many such posts over the course of the last 4 - 5 months. I too experience the same problem. I have begun to use miralax others are using benefiber, and some have increased their fruit intakes. I know that many people struggle with this problem, so it is quite common despite how much water is taken in. I avoid…
  • Guess I'm wondering why it is important to you. You have done an amazing job losing 60 lbs. and wearing a size 9 that is falling off of you. You are doing an awesome job - worrying about someone's "projection" of what dress size you "might" wear seems like a waste to me. My advice, CELEBRATE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT - BECAUSE…
  • The weight I gained was primarily on my hips and thighs also. I started with just walking about 4 miles a day (2 in the morning and 2 at night after work). I started out wearing a size 16 pants, today I wear a size 4 and weigh in at 140.6 lbs at 5'6" tall. Just keep doing the exercise - walking, stationary bike, any kind…
  • I have been lactose intolerant as long as I can remember. I put a little bit of skim milk in my coffee, and can eat some cheese. I can not eat ice cream, cottage cheese, chip dips, etc. I have used rice dream, soy products, etc. I have problems with soy as well, so don't do soy - rice dream is expensive and I don't like it…
  • If "you" think what you are doing could be "unhealthy" for "you," then make an appointment with your healthcare professional. If you think your plan is okay and you feel okay, then simply ignore your friends comments. I have found that I have 2 types of people in my life. Those that are genuinely concerned about my well…
  • I also have gluten intolerance. Not to the point to be diagnosed as celiac, though. I realized almost right away, this time around; that if I avoid gluten products I lose weight much more easily with a lot less effort. I'm also lactose intolerant, so I also do my best to avoid dairy. It has really been to my benefit. This…
  • Log it all, Print it out. Draw a picture or take a photo of yourself expressing how you feel right now. Post it on your fridge, or bathroom mirror as a reminder to yourself Remember, this is YOUR JOURNEY. YOU HAVE CONTROL!! So, Exercise that power.YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Blessings Vickie
  • I have a friend who is in maintenance phase. She has an identified weight she will never allow herself to go over. she continues to login to MFP and continues to do weigh ins. When she sees she is getting close to "that" weight she increases her exercise and monitors her calorie intake more closely. So you could promise…
  • Thanks to all. @ Pickles you are doing well. Keep up the great progress. @ Ray thanks for the encouragement. You are nearly at your gone as well. Sometimes life can be challenging. How we respond to those challenges often decides our future. I want to see my grandchildren grow into adulthood and hold great grandchildren in…
  • they are unattractive, but i decided it was more important that i do the exercise so i can be more attractive in the long run. i wear workout pants that come down over the braces. health versus looks? Vickie
  • I also recommend knee braces. I use them for both knees due to arthritis. You need to get the kind that supports the patella -mine are Healy-Weber. I ordered them on-line. The first set, I got from an orthopedic specialist following an auto accident 1 1/2 years ago. they provide support and reduce the trauma to the knee…
  • I am going to remember not to "taste" before serving the meal. I am going to remember to eat the healthy things first and then eat smaller portions of the less healthy things and have very very small tastes of the "unhealthy" things. I am preparing the meal myself = with some help, so I will not worry about exercise until…
  • you really need to see medical professional. You do not have to name the guy, but you should be checked out - this is rape - unfortunately, the guy's remorse is a little late. You are not responsible for him or his emotions - please seek assistance the hospital and rape/sexual assault professionals can provide direction…
  • You definitely got me. LOL - try putting it under carpentry - thats what I would put it under anyway.
  • my grandson is allergic to eggs, so he can't have the traditional tuna salad - but I made it for him using Ranch fat free dressing - it was delicious. Also, when my kids were little, we would drain tuna, put it on open buns, put cheddar cheese on top, pop it in the oven to melt the cheese - very yummy.
  • often, the non-traditional students are snubbed by the younger students mostly because the younger ones just aren't mature enough to step out of their own self absorption. I always have been an introvert and have never joined in all of the other "activities" the other students engage in. I, however, did excel in college,…
  • I work towards 2 to 2.5 lbs per week or 10 lbs per month. I have been doing this since June 25th and have met my goals every month. I am 1 lb away from meeting my Thanksgiving goal and 11 lbs away from my Christmas goal.
  • If you have a Nordic trac bike, the calorie burn is calculated for a185 lb male - no idea why. try using the machines heart rate monitor to get an average of your heart rate. Use the following calculator to determine your caloric burn Vickie
  • weight watchers sells a sliced medium cheddar that is only 40 calories per slice - I love it.
  • While I haven't yet reached my goal weight, I have very similar concerns. One of my MFP friends posted she has an identified weight SHE WILL NEVER GO OVER. She says she increases her exercise and monitors her caloric intake when she sees she is getting close to that weight. She continues to log into MFP daily and logs her…
  • From a therapists view, you are definitely on the edge of an eating disorder. You can have an eating disorder without engaging in binging.purging, etc. The obsession that you have described in such detail is one of the first indicators. Also, you have engaged in an attempt to purge. From a non-professional view - Please…
  • I actually also have a couple of people in my life who are either indifferent or are not supportive of me and the journey I have been on. The one person that is not supportive actually is working hard to reduce her weight. She has a significant amount of weight that she needs to shed. She has stated that skinny people just…
  • it's actually infectious mono and can be dangerous if you don't take care of yourself. follow dr recommendations