RabidCarrot Member


  • My breakfast generally consists of steel cut oats, sweet potatoes, cinnamon, 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, 2 tbsp peanut butter powder, 2 tbsp raw vegan chocolate/vanilla protein powder and a few almonds chopped up. Really tasty.
  • Gyms are not needed at all. I have lost about 100lbs, gone from a size 20 to a size 4-6 without ever stepping foot in a gym. All you need are few weights maybe some bands and you. I started out walking, running and doing videos by Jillian Michaels and bob harpers workouts which are excellent for getting cardio and strength…
  • ohhh this sounds so yummy, I can't wait to try!
  • 25 minutes east of rochester here
  • I love black beans with some basmati rice, fresh cilantro, lime, red onion, garlic and a little avocado. Or Black bean brownies! Links to 3 different variations. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/2594 http://allrecipes.com/recipe/black-bean-brownies/ http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/recipe?id=9978369…
  • Valarian root helps is great for sleep issues and theres kava to calm the mind. Both come in pill, extract or tea form. I have also found that cutting caffeine intake to no more than 4 cups and no caffeine after noon has helped with staying asleep.
  • My weight isn't on my DL but a few months ago my wallet was open on the counter and my 7 yr old daughter saw it and said mommy who is that? lol I hadn't really realized how much I had changed til that moment.
  • 1. Coffee 2. Nail polish 3. Sweater 4. Kindle 5. heating pad
  • coconut water rehydrates as well as sports drinks and is low in calorie and sugar.
  • it looks like your diet consists mostly of highly processed foods. Try eating cleaner, more whole foods, lean sources of protein and healthy fats. Also try to cut down on the amount of caffeine you are taking in, to much could tax your body and cause adrenal fatigue.
  • I typically eat steel cut oats with berries, pb2 and yogurt during the week. On weekends its Natures Path rice puff cereal with berries and unsweetened vanilla almond milk and sometimes some chocolate PB2 mixed in.
  • I'm sorry for your loss. I looked at a few days of your journal you're doing a great job congrats on your 1.8lb loss, I do have a couple of tips for you. Try to avoid eating to many processed foods, Applying the 80/20 rule has been a huge help for me. Try and eat clean about 80% of the time and 20% of the time throw in…
  • Before I found out i was gluten sensitive last year I was at a 1 year stand still with my weight. After i cut it from my diet my body started responding within a month or two and the weight started to come off again. So it may be possible. It could also be that your getting close to your goal weight, maybe you have to high…
  • I grew up in a household of smokers and i smoked for abt 13 years. i no longer smoke and im 32 next month, I have been running for the last 5 yyears. At first it felt awful i couldnt do it for very long because i couldnt breath. Now i can run 6+ miles no problem, most times i want to keep going but just dont have the time…
  • I do this as well, single mom long commute and full day of work. So im up at 3:30 to fit in an hour of exercise before work. everyone thinks im nuts but i dont care its what i have to do to fit it in and I feel better/look better for it.
  • yum this sounds great. Im going to try it with PB2 instead of regular peanut butter, would reduce the PB calories down to 360.
  • Pretty much any yoga or pilates dvds will work, Jillians ripped in 30, 30 day shred or banish fat boost metabolism. You can look up some workouts on youtube as well or put together your own circuit workout using squats, jump squats, lunges (side, cross, jump), ab work, jumping jack, butt kicks, burpees, jogging in place,…
  • When i got bored of treadmill workouts I went to youtube and found a bunch of workout segments on there. Everyday health(i think thats what its called) is great channel to subscribe to, nice variety of workouts. If you like jillian michaels there a few of hers on there, or denise austin, bob harper, plus countless others.