firef1y72 Member


  • 5th Jan 4mile run with friends. Have a friend who has just graduated from C25K and we're helping her make the jump to 10k ready for a race in May. Today was her longest run s we tackled the first and hardest part of the route.
  • 4th Jan 3.2 extremely muddy miles at parkrun with a friend. It was like running through slippy treacle and we did well to stay upright and not lose a shoe
  • 3rd January Still recovering from the flu. And had an active rest day. Just over 1mile run to keep RED January going. 30min yoga stretch workout
  • 2nd January Still recovering from flu but feeling so much better today. Managed a full cardio workout. 1hr of LISS including 5km on the rower and 10km on the bike. Deliberately kept it low intensity as really am still recovering. 30min Beachbody on demand yoga class followed by practising the crow pose. 3.1 mile run as…
  • I dont have a coach, not that I'm aware of anyway.
  • I use it, love it. Especially enjoy the yoga workouts (a part of my training schedule that was sorely lacking). Also love that if my PT/class instructor is ill/away then I can take myself to the gym and have a good workout (I do to live piyo and insanity classes so do those more than any other)
  • I was in the morbidly obese category when I started towards my running journey. The first thing you will need to do is build up a walking base. Don't worry about speed, but you want to aim for be able to walk for 30min without stopping. When I started I could just about manage 5min at 3km/hr (yep that's km not miles). I…
  • Been unwell and not kept up with this for a while, but on the mend now. January 1st Very slow, 3.1mile run. My first run and only 2nd lot of exercise in 11 days. 10min yoga
  • Transform20 is pretty intense, is best done using a step but can be done without
  • Wednesday. 30min Speed work session with PT - Combination of fartlek and resistance band 45min PiYo class 50min Disco Zumba
  • Tuesday 30min PT - legs, started with 30 squats, 30 squat jumps, 30 lunges, 30 lunge jumps, pull her along to next lamppost with resistance band. Then dropped to 25 repsmand repeat, 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, pull her the whole way back. Hamstrings were proper cramping by the end. Benching - I upped my weights this week…
  • Monday 30min session with trainer, trx with the twist of on the minute burpees, starting at 1 going up to 16 (136 burpees) Shoulders - did my usual routine, but upped the weights and dropped the rep back down to 10. I'll be upping the reps each week until I'm back up to 15. Christmas elf challenge - 10 burpees, 10 press…
  • Absolute hell. Whenever my PT has made me do one I've felt like dying. I am not a natural sprinter anyway
  • Sunday - active rest day Supported a friend who is new to running. We started with a 2km run, where she got a pr Then the penultimate week of C25K. 30min beachbody on demand 3 week yoga retreat, week 2, day 2, stretch
  • Saturday No bootcamp today so I did parkrun. Disappointing overall time, combination of legs being tired from a week of being beasted and the start of an IBS flare up. But there were positives, I didn't stop or walk even on the hill, I didn't hate it (well I maybe hated the hills) and I finished strong.
  • Friday 30 session with trainer. Burpees were involved along with an attempt at running while pulling her along with her band Legs bums and tums - just a little bit painful 3km treadmill run 30min beachbody on demand yoga retreat - week 2 core
  • Thursday. 1hr session with trainer. A lot of burpees and squat jumps plus some running (at a for me very fast pace). Followed by upper body trx. 3.2 mile chatty run with a friend, very easy pace. Tabata class + abs
  • Wednesday 6am sprint session with PT and her weighted vest. 30min yoga Christmas challenge, 3 rounds of 10 press up/10 squat jump PiYo - got my feet off the floor in ceow for the first time, only for a second but both were up Zumba
  • Tuesday 30min PT - legs, trx and weighted vest Benching Zumba Interval treadmill run - 200m intervals Beachbody on Demand insanity max 30min tabata power Beachbody on demand yoga retreat week 1 flow on the go Boxercise
  • Monday. 30min PT - boxing a proper beasting Benchmark run 30min cardio mix up Cardio blast challenge workout 1000m run/250m row 800m run/500m row 500m run/750m row 300m run/1000m row Took 1min 14sec off my time. Shoulders
  • Sunday -active rest today and I supported a new runner through a 2km run and c25k group. Extremely easy pace, in fact I actually found it quite challenging to run so much slower than my usual pace.
  • Saturday. Very chilly cycle to and from bootcamp, about 5miles in total. Bootcamp - only 3 of us today, and we did a mix of trx, running and for me.only burpees (the other 2 had injuries/niggles that prevented them from doing them, but I got no sympathy when I said my legs hurt).
  • 30 min session with PT - rebounder and upper body. 7km run, not my best, went off road up a muddy, slippery, extremely steep hill. 30min cardio - rowing machine, bike and incline walking 30min yoga - stretch
  • I have BOD but I dont do any particular program. More a case of dipping in here and there depending on what I feel like. I probably do PiYo and yoga more than anything else, but that's because I have a personal trainer and go to classes, and need to stretch more than anything else. Have also done some of the insanity…
  • Thursday- not quite back in to my usual routine but getting there. 60min stair workout with PT, tough, really tough, half cardio, half muscular (leg) endurance Interval run with a friend. Warm up and then 5x400m run/2min recover. Tabata - seriously hard tonight. Instead of.resting in the 10sec intervals.we ran suicides.…
  • For me it is simply the case of getting out there and doing it. I get my kit ready the night before and if the run is over 8miles I make some overnight oats. If I'm eating I make sure I do that as soon as I get up and then I get ready and out the door. I train with a PT very early a couple times a week and it really does…
  • For me it is simply the case of getting out there and doing it. I get my kit ready the night before and if the run is over 8miles I make some overnight oats. If I'm eating I make sure I do that as soon as I get up and then I get ready and out the door. I train with a PT very early a couple times a week and it really does…
  • Wednesday 6am sprint session with my trainer and her resistance band 50min piyo 45min zumba
  • Ok Monday was the funeral, so all I did was a quick yoga session before bed. Tuesday I travelled most of the day but needed to blow off some steam. So I went to class. 45 min insanity- well and truly pushed myself and threw myself in to it. Not sure I have ever done burpees that fast. 50min boxercise - I partnered the…
  • 20min yoga to stretch out after a 6hour train journey. And that's it. It's my Dad's funeral today and I'll probably be only doing a quick yoga session to calm myself before bed