

  • They don't call it "Daycare Disease" for nothin'. Germs spread like wildfire amongst kids. Its insane.
    in Swine Flu Comment by Roxy34 May 2009
  • Does anybody sense the irony here, or is it just me?
    in CHILL!!! Comment by Roxy34 May 2009
  • YES!! Lets all agree to disagree! :smile: Good one Falcon! :drinker:
    in CHILL!!! Comment by Roxy34 May 2009
  • You rock!!! :laugh:
    in CHILL!!! Comment by Roxy34 May 2009
  • LaurenLibra: Thats not asking too much at all! Its kinda hard to move forward, when you are left hanging.
  • HAHAHAHAHA:laugh: GO LUCKY LEPRECHAUN!! That was awesome, LOL!
    in Swine Flu Comment by Roxy34 May 2009
  • You're awesome! I admire ppl who are honest with themselves. Its very important! :flowerforyou:
    in CHILL!!! Comment by Roxy34 May 2009
  • Beautiful!! SO true! Love it!!! :drinker:
    in CHILL!!! Comment by Roxy34 May 2009
  • Okay, well...this thread is null 'n void now anyway. It is no longer called the "swine flu". They are attempting to be politically correct and its now being called the H1N1 influenza A virus. TOO LATE! No take backs!! Its easier to say and remember anyway :laugh: Latest developments: -The World Health Organization says it…
    in Swine Flu Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • Omg, I LIVE with a spaz and it drives me NUTS! Spaz over things that are WORTH spazzing over. Not trivial, harmless, pointless, petty little things. Its just not worth it.
    in CHILL!!! Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • It is human nature to get defensive and protective when you feel you are being judged, attacked, made fun of, accused, looked down upon, laughed at....etc. But, at the end of the day, its all how you, personally, CHOOSE to react. You can LET it get you down OR you can let it GO. For some, its hard to do. For others, its a…
    in CHILL!!! Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • TOTALLY!! Try not to let crap like that get to you. It would be no different than a thin person getting "the look" because they had an ugly outfit on or something. Know what I mean? You have to love yourself and not care what anybody thinks. It'll be easier for you to brush garbage like that off. Show off your strengths…
  • After running into this site and learning so much about calories, I feel guilty for not teaching my kids better eating habits. But, its never too late to start! Im going to watch what I buy now and start getting my kids into healthier eating too. :smile:
  • Don't get me wrong....I love a good Big Mac, but usually when Im in need of a colon cleanse. And could they have picked a creepier mascot?! He just reeks "creepy"! :noway: * Their smallest restaurant is found on the Ginza in Tokyo and measures only 492 square feet * Ronald McDonald speaks more than 25 different languages.…
  • Ya, I saw that too and was thinking the same thing, BUT.......remember what happened to her to provoke that type of behaviour? It was horrible! I think if you are concerned enough to wonder if its 'healthy' or not, I would try to stop doing it and try to eat a 'healthier' chocolate. Its okay to splurge and treat yourself.…
  • :laugh: Im bored. You should see me when Im REALLY bored! Look out, lol.
  • Here are some interesting "facts". Feel free to add our own! :smile: * In the United States, the food industry spends more than $33 BILLION a year to advertise products that are mostly loaded with fat, salt and sugar. Of that, $12 billion a year is spent on marketing to youth. * According to a 2007 Kaiser Family Foundation…
  • EXACTLY! I find ppls opinions interesting. Everybody is entitled to them. I take them with a grain of salt. Noted. Even if I don't agree! It all depends on a person's sensitivity to the issue at hand. Makes conversation more interesting, thats all. Doesn't mean you have to change your opinion or that anybody can take your…
    in Swine Flu Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • Im not a huge fan of eating first thing in the morning either. Sometimes, just the thought makes me wanna gag, lol. But, if you DON'T eat breakfast, your body will hang onto fat. Its like it goes into protective mode, if you don't eat. Think of breakfast as fuel. It gives you energy to start your day. Usually, I'll eat…
  • Jeez.....there was a murderer flailing about in my neighborhood and schools in the 'vicinity' got shut down for a whopping 20 minutes! Why aren't they shutting down schools when kids show up with snot crusted to their cheeks? What difference does it make? Could you imagine what this 'outbreak' is doing to the minds of…
    in Swine Flu Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • If you want to scare the living crap out of yourself over ANYTHING....the internet is the sure-fire way to do it!! GUARANTEEEEED, there are ppl out there SO scared over this flu that they are literally in the corner of a room, with a can of disinfectant, ready to spray the crap out of anybody that comes within breathing…
    in Swine Flu Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • Hey....ya never know! Stranger things have happened, lol. BUT....even tho you AREN'T Mr. Youth Gone Wild......nice to meet ya! :laugh: Give Snake my regards! :tongue:
  • You just scared the CRAP outta me!!! I thought you WERE Sabastian Bach, LMAO!!!!!!! :laugh: Well, up until I read the content, lol. Welcome! :wink: :tongue: :laugh:
  • Isn't it GOOD to make light of sticky situations? (don't touch that Dave :laugh: ). Isn't laughter the best medicine? When did that fizzle out? Death, illness, NO laughing matter, by ANY stretch of the imagination, but its not healthy to dwell on it either. Its in my nature to make ppl laugh when they…
    in Swine Flu Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • GENIOUS! Im gonna use that in my forum signature. With your permission of course! :laugh: Swine flu..........when my kids were younger, there was a huge scare with meningitis. Ppl in my city were dying and it spread like wildfire. There were line ups for miles, to get vaccinated. It was very scary! SO scary, that I…
    in Swine Flu Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • Yes, that would be a fab idea if I HAD chocolate :laugh: Tomorrow is another day. Now I have a mission! Besides, I have some wicked weird dreams if I eat to close to bedtime. Especially if its something sweet. So, I guess its a blessing in disguise that I can't reach into my television and grab a handful of chocolately…
    in WHY?!? Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • Its 10:34pm and here I sit, torturing myself by watching the FOOD NETWORK and they are doing a special on CHOOOOOCOLATE............. Mmmmm, drooooool.......... Did you know that over 80 million Hersheys Kisses are made EVERY day!?! What I wouldn't do, for just ONE kiss! :laugh: Mmmmmm, chocolate pie........ Okay, thats…
    in WHY?!? Comment by Roxy34 April 2009
  • First of all........if I found a grasshopper in ANYTHING, I would die! Simple as that, LOL! The most I have found in my salad are those tiny little flies. NAAASSSTTYYYYYY!!!!!
  • My mom went through a similar experience. It isn't easy! Her and her sister were both pregnant around the same time. My aunt had her baby in December and my mom had her baby in January. My moms baby never made it. He passed away when he was 27 hours old. My aunt ended up naming her baby the name that my mom had picked out…
  • muimuimui: What?! Thats just down right ignorant! Im glad that they have been removed from MFP. Ppl like that just need to be ignored. It would have killed me not to say anything either, lol. *biting tongue* sassiebritches: I love your screen name, lol. Its so cute! Talk about a waste of you and your hunny's time. That…