sphinxdust Member


  • This brings up a good point of a lot of confusion for people who want to lose fat. I've been attacking my fat over the last 6 years, starting out at around 40% body fat. Even now that I have very little desire to lose more fat, I find that if my proteins aren't 40% and my carbs between 20% and 30%, I start getting fat…
  • I was considering giving up this app after a month because I felt I got all I wanted out of it, but after contributing to this community and realizing I can either motivate or inspire people to reach their goals, especially now that summer is approaching, I'm taking on a new perspective by being more involved! I like this…
  • Lots of great varied responses here! SInce everyone has a different body with different environmental factors that affect different genetic factors, what's sufficient or insufficient for one will not be the same for another. However, with standardized nutrition and fitness across different genetic variables, more people…
  • You're right, butter and cream have no substitute (as my german chef friend tells me) but you have to love the food that is healthy, otherwise it will be torture. I have turned it around 180 degrees, so now foods with sugar and butter and cream and white bread are torturous to me.
  • I'm sexy because I try not to judge anyone. I try to transform my body so I don't have to explain to others all day long why fitness is so beneficial, hopefully inspiring others to feel good about themselves and set new goals. All of you above are super sexy!
  • Only twenty, boy you do have the world ahead of you! I read your story, and you should just reclaim being happy with yourself, and love yourself. Good luck staying disciplined, I know it can be hard unless you create the proper social boundaries so that others don't influence your progress negatively.
  • I have, and combined with intense strength training and a strict diet, it did help burn extra fat away that I noticed, while feeling leaner and harder overall. The exact product I have tried about three times was 7-Keto MuscLEAN. These days I haven't thought of it again because I don't have a desire to burn any more fat…
  • I can see how that would be very difficult. I personally have no interest in going to a Yoga class; I've only done Yoga at home alone, slowly teaching myself, except for less than a handful of rare occasions involving friends and classes. In my opinion, Yoga is an internal journey for the individual that is made more…
  • There really is only one diet that works. It's called the Stop Eating So Much You Fat *kitten* Diet. Adjust to taste from there and you're good.
  • I prefer carrots and nuts with V8 juice as a meal for dieting.
  • I was a vegetarian for 12 years, and through that experience I understand how hard it can be to eat properly without eating too many carbs and not enough protein. It's the caloric proportions like on the MFP app pie chart that is most important. If you want to stay lean, eat at or under your minimum daily caloric intake…
  • My motivation is the mirror! If I don't like what I see, I don't care what the scale reads. You look at yourself completely naked, assess your weaknesses, and zero in on them. If you only work out 3 times a day, that's three weaknesses you can work on, and in a month you'll already be a new person.
  • Boxing is a fantastic workout, especially combined with weight training! I do it all the time, it enlivens the neurofascia through speed, agility, quickness, as well as balance training. I use 14 oz gloves and find them sufficient for training, although I have heard that training with a weighted vest or weighted shorts is…
  • Nothing, except only when my friends don't log in and don't keep track of their goals!
  • That's fantastic! I wish I could do that! I was a vegetarian for 12 years, then I gave it up to be an omnivore. I am now in the best shape of my life, and am stronger than I've ever been. Nutrition is everything, do what works for you and don't let anyone tell you different.
  • You're not the only one! I am happiest when the gym is empty. It's easy for it to get all in your head when some dude is eyeballin' you.
  • Yes! That's why this app is great! Eat carbs from vegetables, input your meals, and you'll see what your carb intake is. If you cut out all added sugar, you will lose weight faster. Eat more protein and your metabolism will quicken as well. Good luck.
  • Nope, I haven't done it, but I never detox. I find that detoxing is something that should be done on a daily basis, moderately, comprehensively within your diet. The people that I know that detox often are bingers who are unhealthy most of the time. If you live a diet that is your normal lifestyle that incorporates plenty…
  • I've lost exactly 60 pounds, and I did it only by being the most vigilant!
  • Actually, aside from water, the whole point of your biological existence is for your body to synthesize protein to keep your body alive. It is true that your body will use all available amino acids to build protein, and can survive on little protein. Beyond just surviving, however, protein and water are probably the two…
  • It's because guys stare at men lifters also, so get used to it.
  • I have varied sources of protein, and didn't know I wasn't getting enough protein until I started supplementing with protein powders like Whey Protein. My breakfast usually is a protein powder with 1% milk, and that gets my day started. About an hour later I am hungry so I eat my real breakfast, usually 2 jumbo eggs over…