jyska Member


  • I modified the schedule to working out only on weekdays since I'm always busy on weekends (and I try to always workout first thing in the morning so that life doesn't get in the way). I lifted m/w/f and then I did either intervals or some other cardio workout on tues/thurs. Make it work for you! :smile:
  • Ok, I think I've got the numbers figured out...I did some checking and math and it looks like this is what is happening. BMF has an actual TDEE burn for the day and an 'estimated' TDEE burn for the day (if you hover your mouse over the lighter color in the bar it gives you the estimated burn number). BMF uses the estimated…
  • I believe it gets it's adjustment from what it EXPECTS you to burn in the day (as in it uses your tdee burn). As the day progresses, that number may be less or more depending on how active you actually are. Everything should sync in for food. My snacks (afternoon and evening snacks) logged under 'pm snack' for yesterday.…
  • I add my exercise like I used to, and the bmf adjustment simply changes to account for that. i like to keep track of exactly what I did and how much it burned each time. As for the food. I'm not worried about the breakdown so much in regards to where it logs it for the day as I am in regard to macros and overall cals. So,…
  • From what I've been able to ascertain, it's normal to experience DOMS when starting up a new program and then have them ease off until you switch up phases in a program or to a new program. Some people experience DOMS a lot, others hardly ever. As long as you are progressing, that is key. :happy:
  • very cool!
  • enjoyed burn phase, LOVED push phase, not too fond of lean phase. Burn phase is just a nice overall body workout that doesn't stress any area to badly. and works everything kind of equally. Push is lower body, really heavy weights. (I like it because my lower body is strong) Lean is upper body/core with lots of compound…
  • Sweatpants, I'm sorry that you are dealing with so much that is causing you stress. I really hope and pray that the dr's can get your meds sorted out nicely and get you moving forward. I also pray that your home life stress can be reduced, managed, and resolved, so that you can get to a point where you can do the workout…
  • ^^^ This. Each person is different. It won't matter what we say, you need to figure out what her love language is, capitalize on that (but make sure not to neglect the others because there is still a balance than needs to be in place) And most importantly, develop your relationship with God first and foremost....the better…
  • One thing that stands out is the fact that you are seeing more arm definition and ab definition!!! Those are changes! There are several people I know on here that see changes without inches moving at all....our bodies are funny that way. It sounds to me like you are having success...you are just using too big of a…
  • This is actually quite normal. Some people take up to 6 - 8 weeks before they see a scale loss (and some even longer). However there are several factors at play here too. 1. are you lifting? 2. are you measuring? 3. are you watching your macros? 4. is your deficit too big? 5. are you taking pictures each month? Scale…
  • wow! some great losses happening! Congrats to you guys! @carrie, I agree totally about the 1st of the month thing! AFM, I'm on the tail end of TOM. Between it and camping this weekend (camping = high sodium, high carbs, low protein, a little wine) my scale is up several pounds and my waistline feels pudgy. Needless to say…
  • yeah, I have changed my deficit from 650 to 250ish (it ranges from 150 - 400). (so I eat on average anywhere from 2250 - 2650) The first four days were great....lost weight every day. Then TOM hit and I'm waiting it out before I'll have any accurate readings. :grumble: it's amazing how attached you can become to those…
  • pc gamer - I play things like oblivion/skyrim, fallout series. dungeon seige series, borderlands (need to get 2 yet), bioshock series, left 4 dead series, etc...
  • You all should have joined her live chat yesterday (or was it the day before....) anyways, you could have bugged her for it then!!! :laugh: Although, in all honesty, all she really wanted to talk about was her outfit. :grumble:
  • Here is a response I got from 31Proverbs (aka Kiki - one of the founders of EM2WL and a personal Trainer):
  • I wouldn't adjust your protein down. Try choosing one macro at a time to work on if you are having trouble. If you know protein is a weak spot, focus on that. It takes time and practice to adjust the diet to increase the protein. Increase your protein serving sizes and reduce your carb serving sizes. I eat 6 oz of chicken…
  • I've never actually paid attention to that...not sure how I'd monitor it exactly as my 'activity' from day to day is so varied though. But good to know that it does actually happen!
  • That is so awesome Raynn! Here's to more good days on your horizon! :drinker: :drinker:
  • those come in the deluxe package I think right? I don't believe I have those.... that's ok...I have enough other options to choose from for the inbetween days. :smile:
  • Congrats on the runs Raynn and Sweatpants! Those are awesome achievements!
  • readjust your numbers according to your fitbit since it will be more accurate to you personally. I have a BMF and use the reports I generate from that to tweak my numbers by. Scooby is a great start and can be dead on, but if you have the means like a fitbit to track your deficit/burns etc, then use those numbers…
  • I just ordered the bowflex ones because I only had up to 20lbs and found that way too light for push. However, in Lean so far, 20 is plenty...more upper body work and all the balancing makes it harder to go heavy. I will still need the bowflex ones though anyways after Lean since I'll either do another round of CLX or move…
  • I don't care that the warm up/cool down are the same...I get up to workout in the mornings and I'm still half asleep when I start so anything new requires too much concentration at first...:tongue: ! by the time the warmup is over, I'm awake and good to go and by the cool down, I'm too tired to care what she does! :laugh:
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with doing another round! It will likely be more effective in helping you get stronger, whereas Lean for life is more maintenance (I'm sure you could still push yourself and get stronger doing it too, but I don't think it was designed for 'goals' and might be harder on you if you did…
  • Hey guys, first let me apologize for not posting in this thread as often as I should. I always come in and take a quick read through to see where you all are at, but I've just been too mentally exhausted to post in more than the odd thread and usually only a sentence or two. I think I need another vacay! :ohwell: Anyways,…
  • @shilsholebay: weight gloves might help with the sweating/slipping problem, but it never hurts to strengthen any weak link in our bodies. :happy: @Robin - I MISS push....I'm jealous you're still there! LOL. The combo moves in Lean are what make it so hard I think, all the balancing required forces me to reduce my weight a…
  • That is AWESOME!!! Love it! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thanks for sharing. :drinker:
  • Let us know if it actually helps! :happy: