SparklySarah412 Member


  • Same issues here. My little boy is 9 months old and is still breastfeeding. I am having the worst time ever losing weight :( I'm sticking to my calories and exercising 3 nights a week and still nothing! I started dieting 5 weeks ago, initially lost 5lbs but by the next week that 5lbs had gone back on again and I haven't…
  • Same as confuzzled4ev said. If I'm still hungry I'll get something, if not I won't. Last night I was peckish at 10pm so I used up the last of my calories on a slice of banana bread and a cup of tea, but if I'd not been peckish I wouldn't have bothered. Also, on mondays and tuesdays I have classes at the gym that don't…
  • Handful of fresh strawberries with a couple of spoonfuls of low fat coconut yogurt
  • Here's my two tips for easy weight loss. (Please feel free to send me money for sharing this revolutionary new idea with you all btw) Tip #1: eat less Tip #2: use the time you would normally spend researching which foods and drinks will make you lose weight quicker to exercise instead.
  • Planning all my meals in advance and putting them into mfp first thing in the morning then throughout the day I can add snacks in if I have spare calories, or do some exercise if I want more calories. Also I only have pudding after dinner once a week as a treat
  • My absolute favourite soup is Jamie Oliver's spicy butternut squash soup: I don't bother with the croutons though. I could eat this every day and never get bored of it!
  • I love it has loads of healthy recipes and it tells you how many calories, fat, carbs etc are in each serving so its really easy to then just add it to your food diary x
  • Sounds just like my husband too. I rarely let him cook because it takes him ages, he makes a huge mess in the kitchen for me to clean up and he adds unnecessary calories like cheese or butter etc to otherwise healthy dishes. He also has this weird thing where he likes to season my food for me (you know, like things you'd…
  • I have a treat night every friday and I really look forward to it all week. But rather than upping my calories for the day I do a lunch time fitness class and try to keep my breakfast, lunch and snacks to an absolute minimum so that I can have a really big dinner without going over my allowance for the day.
  • I usually have a bowl of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries with about 4 spoonfuls of yogurt and half a handful of granola - about 250 calories. Or if its cold I like a small bowl of porridge made with 1:2 parts milk and water with a bit of cinnamon and some sultanas
  • I don't put in all my meals for the whole week but I do plan ahead each day by putting in everything I plan to eat that day first thing in the morning. It really helps me because it means I can tweak my meals to keep me within my calorie allowance (eg reduce the amount of meat I was going to have and increase the…