ConnieLynn Member


  • Hi there, I went to Florida for Spring Break and decided I would not record everything for that week or so. I knew it would throw me off and that it would take me some time to get back into the routine, but it was worth it. I had lost 9 lbs. in 13 weeks, before the trip. I have come to trust the mfp process and have felt…
  • What an excellent idea! Great advice. Use this time to look at the realationship honestly. Connie Lynn
  • Dear phrn, It hurts so much because he was your foundation, your core relationship. It is going to be hard everyday, that is the reality. All you can do is focus on the present moment, think about what you need to do to make it through the day. One moment at a time, one day at a time. When you start to think about him,…
  • Hello mfpals, I thought we could start a list of things we have learned from each other and ways in which we have been supported. Here are just a few of the many I am thankful for: Kind words of support A sense of being in this together Great websites that support our cause Friends who share their experiences Debates that…
  • Hi deanea, Thank you for sharing your dream. I haven't had a portioning dream, but Wednesday night, I dreamt that Michele Phiffer(sp.) said: Someone is losing weight around here and she didn't say it nicely. Very Strange. I am going to wake up my teenage son and see if he had a bad dream too. I was worried it was something…
  • Thank you for your kind words: its time for a change. I just did some research and there is site studying the effect of the moon on dreams. I want a "dancing with the starts" dream or a happy dream where I get to see my dead relatives, not a…
  • Hi MFP's, Anyone have bad dreams while cutting calories? I had a pretty bad one last night. It may just be "in the air" as they say because my husband had one too and he is not dieting right now. I usually have vivid dreams around the full moon. Anyone else? Oh well, I hate waking up crying over nothing. TTYL, Connie Lynn
  • Thank you MFP, I printed this off for my weightloss binder. It is very helpful. I also talk to God and ask for help. It feels wonderful to feel that pure support that comes from God's love. Blessings to you, Connie Lynn
  • Hi MFP, I just finished off a week and a half where I got off track. I had a cold and it zapped my strength. I tried everything: eating chicken soup, garlic, onions, and drink lots of water. The only thing that worked was time. :grumble: I think our bodies are stressed when we are cutting calories that is why we may need a…
  • Hi MF pals, I had a 1 1/2 weeks were I was not on track, but I recorded everything and I am glad I did. This way I don't feel like I am totally off the routine. I am back to eating my allotment for the day and I am looking forward to that feeling I get when I am eating right and losing. I knew that there would be times…
  • Hi There! I find when I eat really healthy food. My hunger is satisfied because my body is getting what it needs. It takes a few days to feel the change, but then you really start to feel the benefits. I start off the day with plain oatmeal and then I add apples, bananas and other fruits to the bowl depending on what I…
  • Lost is my favorite show. My teenage son has a hard time watching it. His quote is "Life already has enough questions for me." I crack up every time I think of him saying that. Dane Cook then did a routine on that exact issue. I am used to them leaving you hanging, so it doesn't bother me anymore. J.J. Abrams has a unique…
  • Hi, I hope to lose 30 lbs by September 3 from 180 to 143! I've lost 7 so far and I love my new body already!!!! Can't wait for this summer! Connie Lynn
  • Yahoo!!!:heart: You proved the scale is not the true measure of success!!!! Happy Valentine's day!:heart: Connie Lynn
  • Hi myfitnesspals, Thank you for all of your wonderful information and thoughts. In our house, it is not on the table every meal, but I have two teenage sons and the youngest has a tendency to pile it on. I do not serve them butter at all. I am sure they get it occasionally at friends houses or when we go out to eat. I…
  • Hi there, To continue on with this subject.... I am the main cook in my house and what I put on the table is what my sons and husband will be eating for most meals. All of us take this responsiblility very seriously. I put out margarine because as I said before my husband had a heart attack and he was only 41. Now I know…
  • Hi sweetie, Make sure you are eating 3-5 meals a day to keep your metabolism up and running. When I first started this site I had to read and learn a lot until I understood what to do. I ate to little at first and that caused some problems for me. I am eating 1500 calories a day now and losing weight. I am always full and…
  • Hi there! I don't eat my exact calories everyday, but I am 1500 calories per day and losing weight. You may be eating to little. I did this when I first started. I adjusted my calories up and it was what my body said it needed. The fact that you don't eat breakfast and lunch sometimes is what is keeping you overweight. You…
  • I don't trust the scale. I go by how my pants fit and all the other rewards I am reaping from eating well and exercising. I know the scale will go up and down, so I don't consider it a reliable source in the short term. I focus each day on the positives I see and then I don't feel frustrated. I am instead thankful. Even if…
  • Hi whendee05, Women are use to cycles. We have to deal with one every month. It took me years of fighting this to realize that I could just go with the flow and if I take a day off or two, that is good. I don't think it is being lazy. Women have more things to deal with then Men do when it comes to the monthly demands of…
  • Hi! When I log in my bad days, I realize that they are never as bad as I thought. We also fluctuate every day on how much we do and eat, which is natural. This is calorie cycling which they say is the best way to lose weight without stressing out our bodies to much. If I eat more one day, I know I will work it off at the…
  • I love my coffee. My Grandmother lived to 96 and always had a pot brewing. Here is what I've heard about coffee from various sources: "Coffee is a top source of healthy antioxidants. But beverage is still no substitute for fruits and vegetables WASHINGTON - When the Ink Spots sang “I love the java jive and it loves me” in…
  • No. You should have a day off. I never exercise everyday. Your body needs time to recover. If you are active doing other things, you do not have to exercise everyday. Exercise is only a tool to weight loss, not the main one, which is calorie restriction. I have to eat more at times in order to exercise. It is all in how…
  • Hi my fitness pals, I have been at it for two Months. Yahoo!!!!!!!! 8 weeks, 8 lbs.! How about we list some of the rewards we are experiencing because of our healthy eating and dedicated exercise. Here are some I have noticed: My skin is improving. I feel good that I am eating food my body actually needs. My endurance is…
  • Hi from Chicagoland. You will love the site. It really works. Everyday I learn something new. The payoffs are daily to eating well and exercising. They are also immediate. Good luck on your goals. Connie Lynn
  • Hi Lynne, Amen to that. $5 a week is greedy. I am all for not giving them any more of our money to play with. I love your comparison to the paycheck. That is how i feel about doing this site and I've been doing it for two months and have lost my goal amount of 8 lbs. I still have 29 lbs. to go, but I am doing it at 1 pound…
    in Hi Comment by ConnieLynn February 2008
  • Good points Cowboy. I will do further research. I love our Canola Margarine and it tastes great. It tastes better than butter. I believe in getting to the truth. I still am more likely to trust a Mayo Clinic Cardiologist, but I know Doctors have varying opinions. When it comes to my husband and his life, I take this very…
  • The margarine we use is: Canola Harvest which is Non Hydrogenated margarine enriched with calcium. It contains 0 trans fats. Once again, you have to pick the correct margarine. To quote the Mayo clinic cardiologist: "Margarine is made from vegetable oils, so it contains no cholesterol. Margarine is also higher in "good"…
  • Thank you mydogmesa2. Your info. was very helpful. I was always confused over the butter vs. margarine and that is when I checked it out at the Mayo Clinic as a source on the subject. Margarine has changed over the years and each margarine is different, so you have to pick the right one. We all need some truth about this…
  • This margarine vs. butter controversy continues. I would go with what the Mayo Clinic has to say and that is margarine is better for your heart. We use Canola Harvest Non Hydrogenated margarine enriched with calcium. It contains 0 trans fats. I also feel better when I use margarine then when I eat butter. I am not buying…