amypyr Member


  • Cathy(chipper).............................SW 248.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 252.2 lbs / PROGRESS +3.8 lbs Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 162.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 160.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs Datenshi.......................................SW 258.0 lbs / GW 250.0 lbs / CW 250.8 lbs / PROGRESS -7.2 lbs…
  • Good morning! I did so great on my exercise last week, but then the weekend came. I didn't exercise like I should (although I did walk home from church Sunday 1.5 miles), and I ate WAY too many Girl Scout cookies. So I ended up gaining some of the weight back that I lost by Friday. At least I'm not quite back to where I…
  • Cat - I hope you recover quickly! :flowerforyou: I got my hair cut today! I love it! :happy: A new hairstyle can make me feel like a new person. Now if only I can recreate it tomorrow morning! :laugh:
  • Hello ladies! I walked home from work and then immediately walked to pick up the kids from school again yesterday. And I still got on the Wii Fit last night too. I actually broke even on my cals yesterday for the first time in ... I don't remember when! I'm not walking today since I have a hair appointment right after…
  • Katie - I'm so sorry to hear about the problems with your MIL. I'd be scared for her life too! I'll definitely keep all of you in my prayers! Barb - I'm glad to hear you'll be able to move out soon! It would be stressful enough to live with the parents/in-laws when the relationship is really good. I walked home from work…
  • Well, I left work in time to get back to the house and drop my backpack and purse off before heading to the school. I barely had time for that. I ended up walking 3.2 miles in 54 minutes and burning 289 calories!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow, so I'm going to do this…
  • Loved the results of all the walking yesterday so much that I had my hubby drop me off at work before he left for work. I left in time to get back to the house and drop my backpack and purse off before heading to the school. I barely had time for that. I ended up walking 3.2 miles in 54 minutes and burning 289 calories!!!!…
  • Hello ladies! Wow! I wasn't on here over the weekend and Valentine's day and I miss a lot! I'm proud of myself right now. My parents were here for my daughter's birthday. They left yesterday morning, so I had them drop me off at work before they left. I then walked from work to the school to pick up the kids. Then walked…
  • Whoo hoo!!!! I actually lost!! Since my daughter's birthday party was Saturday, and I didn't eat as well as I should have last week, I was sure I was going to gain. In fact, I weighed in yesterday morning at 163.1. But I decided to wait a day since we had sushi for Valentine's Dinner. And I was right about that part, it…
  • Maria(irishgal44)........................SW 181.4 lbs / GW 172.0 lbs / CW 179.8 lbs / PROGRESS -3.4 lbs Datenshi.......................................SW 258.0 lbs / GW 250.0 lbs / CW 255.4 lbs / PROGRESS -2.6 lbs Cathy(chipper).............................SW 248.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 250.2 lbs / PROGRESS +1.8 lbs…
  • I think we could just switch the photo for mine and the message could stay the same. :laugh: I can't eat just one of them either. And Reese's pb cups are my favorite. In October we tried putting the Halloween candy up in the cabinet over the fridge. That worked for a while. Then I remembered them and climbed up on the…
  • Cool!!! Great job!!! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • I'm jealous too! Sounds like fun! Have a great time!
  • Hello ladies! Just checking in for the night. I did the Wii Fit again tonight. I also ran/walked to get the kids from school today. I did eat a little better than yesterday. I was ONLY over by 1150 instead of the 1530 from yesterday and the 1590 from the day before. :grumble: I've got to get better on my eating. Things…
  • Hello ladies! Just checking in for the night. I did the Wii Fit again tonight. I also ran/walked to get the kids from school today. I did eat a little better than yesterday. I was ONLY over by 1150 instead of the 1530 from yesterday. :grumble: I've got to get better on my eating. Things should get better once we get all…
  • Hello! Just a quick check in today before bed. I ate horribly again today, but I got a lot of exercise (for me) in. I ran 0.3 of a mile going to pick up the kids from school. I also got on the Wii Fit for the 2nd day in a row. DH found one on Craigslist, so it's the older Wii Fit instead of Wii Fit Plus. But it seems to…
  • Hello ladies! I didn't eat so well today. I realized while logging in my food that I ate 3 cupcakes! :noway: DH had his annual Superbowl party, so of course, there were cupcakes left over. On top of that, my daughter's birthday was yesterday, so between cupcakes for her class and then cupcakes for her Daisy Troop, we had a…
  • Katie, that's great! Gotta love the jobs that bring in money while allowing us to spend the quality time we need with our kids! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi! I've missed everyone SO much! I've been gone for about 2 months now. I did really well maintaining my weight up to Christmas day. Since then I've gone up to 162.3. That's the heaviest I've weighed since my daughter was born 7 years ago! I'm over a week late starting this challenge, but can I join back in now?…
  • Good morning! I have missed you all! And I'm noticing lots of new faces too! I've been gone for about 2 months. I did really well on maintaining through the holidays until Christmas day. Since then, I've ballooned up from 157 to 162.3. Doesn't sound like much, but when you're 5' 1" and have small bone structure, it makes a…
  • Clare (Finnhead)....................SW 165.4 lbs / GW 159.0lbs / CW 160.4 lbs/ PROGRESS - 5 lbs Susan (Suedre)......................SW 170.0 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 167.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.0 lbs Kristin (kistinbee)...................SW 164.5 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 167.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +2.5 lbs grumble Tiff…
  • Good morning! Nicole - good luck on singing tomorrow! I'm sure you'll do great! :flowerforyou: And I'm sure you'll have an easier time sewing this year too! I remember how frustrated you were last year. Well, Thanksgiving went somewhat like I thought it would. MIL served corn, green beans, lima beans, sweet potato…
  • Hello! I'm so happy! I lost weight 2 weeks in a row!! I also ran the furthest I've ever run this past Friday. I think I'm at a little over half a mile now! The phone GPS isn't completely reliable when running and making turns. It likes straight stretches. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what I'm doing to eat healthy on…
  • Clare (Finnhead)....................SW 165.4 lbs / GW 159.0lbs / CW 161.8 lbs/ PROGRESS - 3.6 lbs Susan (Suedre)......................SW 170.0 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 168.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.0 lbs Kristin (kistinbee)...................SW 164.5 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 164.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.5 lbs Vanessa…
  • I'm so happy!! The scale finally started moving in the right direction again! I lost half a pound from last week! I know it's not much, but when I've been seeing the scale not move or slowly creep up, that half a pound is great! Now once I can get down below 155, I'll be REALLY happy. Tony took Saturday off from the…
  • Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW 163.4 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 159.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.0 lbs Vanessa (vayax)......................SW 136.8 lbs/ GW 130.0 lbs./CW 136.8 lbs /PROGRESS 0.0 lbs Amy (amypyr)..........................SW 158.7 lbs/ GW 153.0 lbs/ CW 158.1 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.6 lbs Kristin (kistinbee)...................SW…
  • Hello! I'm so happy!! The scale finally started moving in the right direction again! I lost half a pound from last week! I know it's not much, but when I've been seeing the scale not move or slowly creep up, that half a pound is great! Now once I can get down below 155, I'll be really happy. That's another 3 pounds. Tony…
  • Kristin (kistinbee)...................SW 164.5 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 164.5 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs Susan (Suedre)......................SW 170.0 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.0 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW 163.4 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 163.4 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW…
  • Oops! I accidentally posted this on last week's thread. Good morning! Sorry I wasn't here last week. We went to Tweetsie Railroad on Oct. 29th with the kids (teacher work day), and then that Saturday drove part of the Blueridge Parkway back home. When I woke up Sunday (Halloween) I was SO congested. Thought it was…
  • Good morning! Sorry I wasn't here last week. We went to Tweetsie Railroad on Oct. 29th with the kids (teacher work day), and then that Saturday drove part of the Blueridge Parkway back home. When I woke up Sunday (Halloween) I was SO congested. Thought it was allergies after walking through the woods on Saturday. It turned…