kshama2001 Member


  • Here's a reputable protein calculator: https://examine.com/nutrition/protein-intake-calculator/ I shoot for 500 calories of exercise per day, and when I achieve that, using the MFP default of 20% protein aligns with the protein grams recommendation from Examine. If I were completely sedentary, I'd need to bump it up.…
  • With only 11-16 pounds left to lose, your rate of loss is right on track. What do YOU think of the changes in your body? This is often hard for our own eyes to see. Have you taken measurements or progress pictures? How do your jeans fit? You could certainly boost calories with protein.
  • Yup, like Ann said, likely water weight. So many things that can cause water retention...
  • I find the "You can't have a healthy relationship with food if you count calories" school of thought annoying. Does this make any sense: "You can't have a healthy relationship with your budget if you count money?" Now, I don't currently have to track my spending closely. (I'm frugal and comfortable.) Likewise, when I had…
  • This was like my experience with Contrave. I could not tolerate the side effects. While it works for some people, I was not one of them.
    in Qsymia Comment by kshama2001 April 2
  • When you're done for the day, please let us know the total calories and what the macros came to.
  • I get that you're in pain and frustrated. You may have been typing a little fast and I don't understand everything you said. Maybe retype the first sentence? If you're trying to workout through the pain, don't. Let yourself heal. Find something gentle to do so you can still be somewhat active while your legs are…
  • There are mistakes that people commonly make that cause them to not lose weight that we might be able to spot if you change your Diary Sharing settings to Public. In the app, go to Settings > Diary Setting > Diary Sharing > and check Public. Desktop: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings
  • Not that you owe anyone an explanation, but next time you can always say that you are on antibiotics and your doctor told you not to drink.
  • Welcome! I think the most important thing to do for peri / menopause is to track, exercise, and not buy into all the messaging about how this time makes it so hard to lose weight :smiley: My 86 yo mother has a hard time staying above Underweight because she is so active and eats so much nutrient-dense food. (Similar to the…
  • I've occasionally felt the same when looking at 30-something women's posts ;)
  • OP in this case mean's Original Poster (you.) It can also mean Original Post. I think what Pav means is that he'd be happy if his body looked like yours. Pav, I think you've got a year or two on the OP, yes?
  • @PAV8888 Hmm, since the calories from MFP database are so much lower than MapMyFitness and other places, I assumed the difference was because MFP was using net and the others gross. Also, why would MFP use gross calories since that's already included in the given calorie goal? I can't find anything definitive and have been…
  • I think this is a fascinating topic. I agree with you 100% intellectually, but it is so hard to put into practice. I want to shove those negative emotions away. But you're right, what's repressed will eventually come bubbling back up.
  • You already figured it out but I am going to post a graphical reference for reinforcement and for others who might be reading: https://www.aworkoutroutine.com/1200-calorie-diet/ Re protein, I shoot for 500 calories of exercise per day, and when I achieve that, using the MFP default of 20% protein aligns with the protein…
  • Yes, do up your calories. If you get the calories from the MFP exercise database you will be getting NET calories, which is what you want. Other places give you GROSS calories, which are already included in the calculation so you'd be double dipping to eat those as well. Your trainer was probably using the TDEE method to…
  • Whenever I hear something like this I wonder if the calorie goal is too low. Here are some indicators that might be the case for you: https://www.aworkoutroutine.com/1200-calorie-diet/ That said, also see Ann's post above about whether 200 calories really matters in the long run. It might have more of a mental detrimental…
  • I have large calves (and feet and wrists and wide shoulders.) I have a large frame. This used to bother me in high school, but for whatever reason, I got over it when I went into the military. Perhaps because after boot camp I was mostly around men who were larger than me and I no longer felt overly large compared to high…
  • I remember you :smiley: I never thought about your screenname before, but now I live near a herring run and am wondering about the origin of your name. Thanks for the update! Keep up the good work :smiley:
  • Go here: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change-goals-guided or More > Goals in app.* Put in your stats. * normal daily activities refers to your job. * Ignore How many times a week do you plan on exercising? - that does not get included in the equation. Log your exercise separately. * Select a rate of loss in line…
  • You're probably getting mixed answers because people are thinking of the TDEE method, in which exercise is already included, and/or not understanding that MFP uses the NEAT method. Unlike other sites which use TDEE calculators, MFP uses the NEAT method (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), and as such this system is…
  • Yeah, my metabolism starting slowing down around age 39. Oh, wait, that's when I started a series of desk jobs - prior to that I was a full time yoga teacher, also worked out regularly, walked a lot during the course of my volunteer job, and did not eat a lot of calorie-dense foods. :lol: Here's my favorite article about…
  • I take Wellbutrin for depression myself. I must have tried over a dozen other ADs in the past, and it's the only one that works for me. I hope you are getting other treatment for your depression as well. I'm currently doing DBT and I love it. Others speak highly of CBT. Your doctor's change of direction was not BS. There…
  • So many people come here with food myths. Heck, I participated in the VA MOVE program and our facilitator, a nurse, spouted a lot of food myths. I don't find questions like in the OP odd at all. (There were red flags, which is different from being odd.) At least the OP realizes they don't have to be keto in order to loose…
  • I had the same thoughts about the OP and assumed neanderthin did as well, which informed his response, which I thought was fine.
  • I have some social anxiety, so I empathize. I agree with the posters who said nobody actually cares about you. That said, I did feel somewhat awkward when I belonged to a gym where all the other members seemed to be college-aged, so, considerably younger than me. I coped by going at off-peak times and using ear buds. If…
    in Gym Fear Comment by kshama2001 March 27
  • Lifting weights is the most efficient way to build muscle and going to the gym gives you instant access to weights. Gyms also have personal trainers. Every gym I've ever joined has included 1-3 sessions with a PT for free. Many also had small group classes for free or very cheap. The easiest way to learn is working…
  • When has any thread longer than a page ever stayed on topic? :D