

  • Don't you think if some has put a message on " motivation and support " that they did so because they might not be feeling particularly positive and in need of some support. Some times you can't see the wood for the trees and we might become selfish in our thinking . I don't know what particular post has prompted your…
  • Lol thank you , I've just comforted my self with a cup of coffee and weight watchers cherry bake well tart, but I still want the bacon and baked bean butty , can feel the sauce dribbling down my chin, followed by a gut full of guilt if I did :cry:
  • I absolutely hate water couldn't agree with you more, but I am quite addicted to soda water , ( no cals in it ) I buy the cheapest one 70cents from Coles ( I live in Australia ) Some places charge $2 or more it's a rip off. Sorry digressing , so I have gone from never drinking water to drinking about 8 glasses a day , try…
  • Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • :drinker: I am no authority on weight loss honest , but just had a nosey at your diet diary , and noticed you under your caleries and didn't have much water , yesterday, both things can effect not losing weight, not eating enough and not drinking enough. Also do you like Green Tea try it with tea spoon of honey and slice…
  • I feel like that as well . To be truthful I have a piece 85% cocoa chocolate and cup of coffee and it helps, glass of red with my chocolate , I'm not one who eats chocolate , but at " lady time" it helps :drinker: and because of all the anti oxidants I don't feel guilty :smile:
  • Hi , wouldn't it be great if there was a motivation pill lol, I don't know what methods of weight loss you may have tried in the past , but I know keeping my MFP diary has made all the difference to my weight loss . My consumption of Alcholol alone was vastly reduced once I saw how all those caleries added up. I would be…
  • Hi Kelsey I was just looking at some inspirational quotes ( god ive got far to much time on my hands lol) I found this one and thougt of your : ) . To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first. William Shakespeare
  • Hi Kelsey Oh god I wasn't trying to insinuate you starve your self , what I was trying to say is that I once would of considered doing this ! Sorry for any miss understanding. All I know I guess is that I make my self eat something in the morning that will kick start my metabolism if I m hungry or not, weather it's a…
  • Hi don't lose heart. I've done every diet under the sun, we have a mini gym that I used it 40 to 60 mins aday every day , but the change was always minimal. Then I had an accident in March which stoped all exercise for 3 months or so. I then joined MTP end of May after putting more weight on ! By this time was able to get…
  • Hi WOW that's fantastic go girl go xx