concerto3 Member


  • 52lbs gone is a success so far for me and my health has improved drastically, I have never felt better in my life. I don't eat grains at all anymore, except the very occasional white rice.
  • I started long before the wedding, or the ring, but it's been the same man seeing me through it all <3 6.5 years of love! He finally proposed back in March, and our wedding isn't until December of 2014, but I want to be at my goal for then, and forever. Another 50ish pounds to go! Already can't wait to go wedding dress…
  • I actually felt pretty awesome 90% of the time when I weighed 233lbs. Other than being unhealthy, and sick a lot of the time, I felt confident and happy. I actually feel much less confident, and more self-conscious now at my current weight, 52lbs lighter, than I ever did then from what I can remember. :(
  • Ordered mine today, here's hoping it looks good and fits when it comes in!!!
  • I have lost 52lbs doing a Paleo Keto 'diet' much more of a lifestyle now though. (Almost 2 years! But not always perfect!) I've been plateaued for almost 3 months now though. Any of you can Add me if you like :) Include a message!!
  • I haven't lost a pound since the middle of March right now :( :( :( It's really starting to get to me.
  • We usually do the Cauliflower pizza crust. By far my favorite so far. We have done the cheese crust, but we both found it to be cheese overkill, and I am a major cheese lover. I didn't think it was possible, but it was wayyyy too much cheese. Such high hopes too.... I like to fry cheese into smaller patties and eat them as…
  • Cute suits ladies!!!! My suit is yet to be purchased for this summer, I was hoping to be a few pounds lighter before buying one!! Luckily, I have til about mid July until I need one! Then it's ten days poolside!!! I'm hoping to find a cute monokini, if it works with my body by that time!! I do however, also have a hot pink…
  • Oh my goodness!!! How have I not heard of these sooner? I have been wanting a paleo tortilla for forever and especially lately!! Where can I find these??
  • There's mine :D A bit of everything on there!
  • Thanks for the replies so far ladies!!! There's definitely an Old Navy here, and a Target clothing store for sure. I have shopped in both at least once, but I'm pretty nervous about checking out new clothing stores, not used to my size, and feel awkward when it comes to checking out new places, especially boutiquey ones,…
  • I only wash my hair once a week, sometimes less, usually on Sunday, with 1 cup warm water, 1.5 tablespoon baking soda, and a good squirt of natural (sulphite/nitrite/perservative free) Lime juice. I've been doing this for two months now, and my hair has never looked or felt better and my scalp is 100% healthier. I rinse it…
  • I just plugged in the numbers for myself, knowing that 52lbs ago I had a BF% of around 44% Original: 27.9% Military: 41.2% (!!!!!!) Covert: 29.2% From these numbers, I can tell you right now, the Military one is obviously WAY off for what my actual BF% is, because I have trimmed off 52lbs, and it has definitely dropped…
  • *BUMP* ~~~~~~~tumbleweeds~~~~~~~
  • That's one of the first ways I noticed that I had lost weight, I went to rest my hand on my hip, and it actually went to my hip, not my love handles haha. Great job!
  • Your doctor is a **** and you need a new one. Simple as that. Any doctor that would tell a patient that he/she cannot lose weight and should get surgery is a fool and obviously not in it for the patients best interests or welfare. You CAN lose weight. You CAN get healthy, and you do NOT need surgery to do it. Keep at it…
  • Awesome!!! I really hope to get into running and this gives me hope!!!
  • The artificial sugar in Diet Coke does a whole lot of worse things for you than just screwing up your weight loss. Stick to natural drinks, water, coconut water, and green tea is always a good bet too. Make your own iced tea at home too!
    in diet coke Comment by concerto3 May 2012
  • I never would have guessed but I am totally going to go look for it!!! Reitmans is great for rare treasures! You look fabulous!!!
  • Congratulations!!! Love the dress!! Where did you buy it?!
  • We are Paleo. I have lost 52lbs and continue to lose consistently, Fiance has gained 25lbs of muscle. I would highly recommend "low" carb to anyone and everyone. I have never felt better in my life, but you have to be prepared to make a full lifestyle change, but trust me that it is most definitely for the better, and will…
  • I wasn't much of a vegetable fan either, but as you cut out all the other fake processed crap food, you will find your taste for things like fruit and veggies far improves naturally! I love them now like I never thought I would before? Once you adjust to not having unhealthy fats, sugars and additives your palette will…
    in I'm new! Comment by concerto3 May 2012
  • I was never a skinny girl when we met, but I put on 60lbs over the course of our relationship. He claims he didn't notice, but it was so gradual, that maybe he didn't? When I weighed 233lbs, I showed him a picture of me at 170. I was like "Look how good I looked!!" and he said he didn't realize how big I had gotten. He…
  • Cute dress!!! Keep it!!! Great work!! and keep in mind lol the tightness in the chest was probably caused by puberty haha, you were in 8th grade and now you clearly aren't!!!
  • I was: 233lbs Size 20 jeans Size 1x or 2x top I am now: 181lbs Size 12 jeans Size M or L shirts I am roughly 5'2
  • Me too! I want to just look better by the end of May because it's impossible to reach my goal in a month!! My Engagement photos are booked for June Third, and my arms need major toning and my tummy needs some flattening!!! I am going to the gym far more often as of this week, and pushing myself far harder, really need help…
  • That is the sweetest thing! Who needs a lower number on the scale after that?! Congrats and keep it up!
  • Thanks again everyone! I'm feeling super frustrated tonight, but I did well today food-wise, just down on myself. I think my plateau problem is that I haven't been strict on my exercising, I feel lazy, how do you get the motivation to get off the couch and get to the gym or even do a work out at home??
  • When I hit my 75% goal, which will be about 150lbs, I plan to get a few small pieces done. Patience with 7 & 6 done under it in roman numerals, for the baby I couldn't keep... (Not sure of the positioning for this one yet...) Always - Likely on my left wrist (A nod to my favorite books) Make Them Nervous - on my right…
  • Thanks again everyone!!! <3 It feels great to be an inspiration! I aim to be a Personal Fitness Trainer, and start school in September for it! I hope I can inspire my clients with my story and help others achieve great results!!