MeanSophieCat Member


  • I've seen races where they give you a beer at the end. If they changed that to a beer and a BURGER, I'd run as many races as possible!
  • Definitely talk to your doctor. My understanding is that calorie burns from weight lifting continue long after your session ends and are much harder to accurately track than cardio. Weight training is awesome. I wouldn't stop - I would just get medical advice on the best way to do it.
  • I thought this was going to be a lot more fun. Like mixing pickle juice, pepper, Hi-C Ecto Cooler, and croutons for a dare in the 1st grade.
  • Attraction is also a very basic thing. You find someone attractive or you don't. The good news is that there is a wide-range of what people find attractive. I think where confidence comes in is that someone who is not comfortable with themselves is going to be less attractive than they normally would be. Be the best you -…
  • The experience that I've had with hormonal birth control is the bad side effect you have from one type of hormonal birth control will be the same across any. For me it isn't serious weight gain (maybe 5lbs of water) - no increased hunger - but I get a lot of other nasty side effects including insomnia and acne. I was told…
  • I once had a woman argue with me that I was previously pregnant and had a baby. Not sure if it was fat related (I needed to lose 10lbs) or if she just had a really bad memory. Conversation went like this... Woman: Oh, you presented to us last Fall right? How old is your baby now? Me: Uhh...I'm currently 5 months pregnant…
  • Juniors (odd sizes) are cut with smaller hips and bust - which would typically be for teenagers. Because of that, juniors also tend to be in styles that appeal to teens. No matter the size, you may find one a better fit than the other because of your body type. My friend (a girl) with the body of a 13 year old boy still…
  • 10 months. Honestly I think it was the last selfie I took and it was as a joke to text to my husband. I'm not much for pics.
  • I don't do weightloss goals. I do have goals but they are things like doing 5 workouts a week, drinking enough water, hitting certain calories goals. Stuff that will change my habits.
  • Whenever my husband works nights. He does it extremely infrequently so I don't have a good routine worked out. I usually end up taking the kids out to dinner. Plus I can't get in the same workouts I would normally do.
  • Neither. Fage all the way. I can't do it totally plain but I like to control my sugar - so I get the Fage with fruit on the side. I can do little dips for flavor.
  • If you still fancy him and want to still be in the relationship, I think it is time for a tough talk. Everyone has brought up a lot of great questions. I would get together a list (mental or paper) of questions you think are important. For me, it would be things like: 1. When you told me you didn't fancy me anymore, were…
  • Not sure if you are looking for sides and all that stuff - but I have a good quick rub/marinade for chops. Equal amounts Garlic powder (fresh garlic ok too if you have it) Chili powder Cumin Half the amount of Ginger (fresh or ground) Coat each chop. Put them in a bag or glass bowl. Squeeze the juice of one lime over all…
  • I have a Sole. I don't know the features - hubby did all the research - but it is still is top condition after 2 years. We use it more in the winter and less in the summer - but some weeks it was being used twice a day for 45-60 minutes 5-6 days a week. We both use it for sprint interval runs and it has great cushioning…
  • Agree with this. My husband is 6'5" and 225lbs. That is very different from 5'0" and 225lbs.
  • I love Mad Libs. You didn't specify but I'm going to fill in with a Noun. Garden Hose
  • We struggle with this in my husband's family. His sister and brother have dairy allergies. His mother and grandmother have gluten allergies. His aunt can't eat onions. His cousin is allergic to soy. His other cousin is allergic to eggs and chicken. He has aunts and uncles with nut allergies. You can see how hard it would…
  • I have a 2 year old boy and a 1 year old girl. About halfway to goal - 18lbs to go!
  • Absolutely. We're all going to have strengths and weaknesses. I have a harder time building cardio endurance than most people but I'm a natural weight lifter. I very quickly increase the amount of weight I can lift. I've really worked on my endurance lately though and I've made big improvements for me. Will I ever run a…
  • Just do it. Starting is the hardest part. I'm fighting a very minor cold and while I'd like to lie down right now, I will be finishing work and hoping on the treadmill. Honestly, it will probably be the only time all day when I won't feel sick.
  • As the wife of a 6'5" man, it IS hard being that tall. Shopping at specialty stores not only for clothes but for things like treadmills. My husband's stride was too long for a regular length treadmill. Everyone else, including me, looks like children on our tall man sized furniture. Also in the US, if you are tall the…
  • Gained weight due to unhealthy habits around 2009. Got pregnant in early 2010. Gained very little weight during my pregnancy and ended up a little lighter. Got within 15lbs of my goal weight while on maternity leave. Went back to work gained 15lbs in 3 months. Got pregnant again. Same as with my first pregnancy - ended up…
  • Not a true ex - but one of my many motivations is to look good when I see a particular ex group of friends. A few years after I got "dumped" I am so glad I'm not dealing with them anymore but I can't help but feel good when I'm looking sexy and they aren't :)
  • I'm coming down with a cold and waiting to see what happens. I'm not concerned about actually gaining weight because I know I'll still eat fine but my guess is that I will retain some water. Retaining water seems to be the body's defense mechanism in my cases (against dehydration, to prevent injury) and I would think when…
  • You can add breastfeeding as a (negative) food item - just do a search for it. Typically the number of calories is in how old your baby is - but do what makes sense for how frequently your baby eats or you pump. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, 500 is a good place to start. It will subtract that number of calories…
  • Finding another home for your cat may not be as easy as you think. I'll share my story in case it helps you make a decision. We had three cats. All were very mild mannered and, although we took careful steps to introduce our babies to them, we didn't have any concerns about them hurting the kids. Everything went great…
  • I'm 31 with a 1 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I work full-time. It is always a balancing act but has been a little easier because my husband has been a part-time student/full-time stay at home dad since our kids were born. He will finish school the end of April and start working full-time in May. It will…
  • If the question is whether to leave my husband, the answer will almost always be no. Unless he becomes dangerous to me or my kids, there isn't anything that will end my marriage. He has seen me through two pregnancies and about three different clothes sizes. We've gained and lost weight in the 8 years we've been together…
  • The good news is that the 2nd is always easier than the 1st. Your milk will come in faster and 2nd babies tend to be better nursers. My son was a nightmare. My second baby - a girl - was a dream. I just stopped breastfeeding my daughter who turned 1 earlier this month. I had planned to continue longer but had a severe drop…
  • I won't take out the trash either. Haha! I don't mind taking the cans to the curb but I won't take the trash bag from the trash can. I guess I did it when I lived alone but if there's someone else to do it, that is the one thing I pass on. My husband won't sort the mail. If he takes it out of the mailbox, it just sits near…