tanyaslosingit Member


  • Name: Tanya Age: 47 Height: 5' 5" Starting Weight: 130 lbs Current Weight: 129 lbs I weighed in Sunday through Tuesday morning and came in at 129 lbs three days in a row, so I'm calling it for the week! Happy New Year, everyone! :smile:
  • It's the middle of a bad winter here (e.g. conditions that erode soil on hiking trails, and cold that dehydrates quickly) and I'm working from home, so right now my change-up is to make sure I get my overall activity levels up and drink my eight glasses of water a day. I'm hewing pretty close to my calorie quota; but I…
  • I'm going to enjoy my favorite things, just in smaller portions! It's been pretty hard with all of the fattening foods coming into the house since Thanksgiving; and I won't claim that I've been 100% disciplined about it all for the past week-and-a half; but I do think I'll manage to stay within 100 cals this week. Plus,…
  • 12/12/2012 :tongue:
  • Hi! Good morning form Southern Oregon! I'm going to have to dig out the exercise bike from storage this week-end! I had foregone workout sessions in favor of increasing my overall activity levels throughout the day. The weather in the valley is usually mild, but this winter brought in unexpectedly freezing temperatures,…
  • Hi! Yes, 1 lb a week is a reasonable goal :-)
  • I'm in the same boat! I'm glad to see there is someone else in "the final stages"!
  • Starting Weight: 130.00 lbs Goal Weight: 125 lbs I know, I know! Only 5 lbs! But these last 5 are taking forever to pack up and leave!
  • I can completely relate to this! I am the same age and also experienced that horrible experience of not recognizing myself in the mirror. Always thin (to the point of looking sick or anorexic) I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time and started getting sick. This was the year I seized The Stranger (me) by the…
  • Sometimes its jealousy, sometimes its genuine concern, whatever... Whenever family or friends go on the offensive, I turn right it around. When my own mother made noises about my losing "too much,*" I asked her point blank how her own weight loss efforts were going, how her cardiac evaluation went, how well her diabetes…
  • Is this still the SOP?
  • When is the discussion going to start and who is leading?
  • I started on November 1 and will finish it tomorrow. I have to say it's a very meta experience, reading about how you're reading! :-D
  • My original goal was to be 140 and by Halloween I had managed to make it all the way down to 137lbs! I went from thinking that I would go as Jabba the Hut, to not dressing up at all, to answering the door as Other Mother (from Coraline.) In this picture, I'm in the outfit and makeup (but I haven't done my hair.) So yeah,…
  • I picked up a copy from the library yesterday and am just getting the feel if it before we start. I know this sounds weird, but before I read a book, I always look at how it's laid out, the number of chapters, about how many pages per chapter... I read the jacket, the blurbs, the bio and sometimes even the Library of…
  • LAST WEIGH-IN! Current Weight: 140 lbs (I lost 2 lbs since last week!) Goal Weight: 138 lbs YAY! BONUS ROUND! I LOST AN ADDITIONAL 2 LBS I HADN'T COUNTED ON! (Of course, we'll see *after* Halloween, after all the tempting snack-sized goodies have made their appearance, if the stats will stick! :laugh: ) Congratualtions to…
  • Nov 1 is good for me too :-)
  • Ooh! For me, it's a toss-up between The Shallows and Hallucinations! Argh! [TOSSES COIN] I'll say Hallucinations! LOL, I'll probably buy them both anyway!
  • LOL, Just the other day I mentioned that I felt really cold and my 9yo came back with "Well, that's because you don't have blubber like a seal any more!" I closely monitor my iodized sodium and iron content, so I know it's not a matter of a thyroid or an anemia issue (been there, done that!); I'm fairly active - 5…
  • I post every ten pounds lost; but I have a lot of friends and family members who are genuinely interested in weight-loss campaigns and we cheer each other on whether it's about weight loss or marathons run or WODs completed :-)
  • GW: (Goal weight for the month): 140 lbs Weigh in Dates: 10/01: 145 lbs 10/08: 144 lbs 10/15: 142 lbs 10/22: 140 lbs 10/31... Total weight lost: 5.00 lbs YAY! I did it! I lost 5 lbs in October! :-)
  • 01) Oatmeal 02) Bananas 03) Apples 04) Carrots 05) Broccoli 06) Spinach 07) Smoked oysters 08) Lean ground beef 09) Pork 10) Dark chocolate
  • LOL, I'm such a pack rat that I never got rid of the clothes I had outgrown! So now as I downsize, I have clothes standing by. Of course, I'm now donating my larger clothes so I have no safety sizes :-)
  • Average (based on last week's FitBit numbers) 7.05 hours sleeping 0.39 being very active 1.44 hours being fairly active 3.26 hours being lightly active 9.20 hours being sedentary - which corresponds roughly to my work hours 2.66 hours (?) - FitBit's numbers came up short! Maybe my car commutes? I fall asleep very quickly…
  • I'm weighing in a day early as I'm going on a business trip for a few days. I'm superstitious enough to not want to move the scale I have set up at home; and I want to remain consistent by using the same scale throughout the journey! Anyway, I felt something change in me on Sunday, so I've been doing sneak previews since…
  • This might actually make you laugh: Five years ago, I got a job opportunity that took me across the country. I had very little time to move, so some of my stuff was stored at my parent's home. A couple of years ago, I came back home for a visit and my mother made a batch of my favorite fudge. Mmmmm. After dinner on the…
  • I generally stop eating and drinking about 2 hours before I go to bed. If I eat/drink in that time frame, I find my sleep interrupted, even if I "go" before bed! I find getting a good night's sleep very helpful ergo, no eating before bedtime :-)
  • GW: (Goal weight for the month): 140 lbs Weigh in Dates: 10/01: 145 lbs 10/08: 144 lbs 10/15: 142 lbs 10/22 10/31 Total weight lost: 3.00 lbs YAY! The reading of 142 lbs that I actually took last Monday *wasn't* an anomalous reading! The number stuck and I'm on track to lose two more pounds by Halloween :-)
  • I know exactly what you mean! Not only do a number of my friends like to drink and get stoned, an unusually high number of them are also foodies who like to hold dinners and go to restaurants. Then there's a few who hold the whole healthier and fitter lifestyle thing in contempt or, somehow worse, indifference. I've found…
  • I've only unfriended one person: S/he was very funny and posted often, just not about health/fitness. It turns out this person wasn't really into weight-loss, kept saying s/he was going to start next Monday, next month, next whatever. I realized that this person was all talk and no action.