sheltol Member


  • What is your current calorie level? You should expect to up your calories probably near the end of month 1 and definitely in month 2.
    in Insanity Comment by sheltol January 2015
  • L-citrulline helps reduce the ammonia pathway. A lot of preworkouts have l-citrulline but the amount isn't effective. You can buy l-citrulline in bulk and add it to your intraworkout drink or drink it day to day. IMO it reduces the cat pee smell but I still stink. ;)
  • I've been working out with a group of about 10 that just started month 2. You guys are going to love this program. Make sure you stick with it and give it all you have in month 1 because it's the only way you'll be ready for 2. Good luck everyone! Crush it.
  • sweating is just your body's way of regulating body temp. Some people sweat a ton and some people don't leak a drip. Sweating has very little to do with your exercise intensity or how many calories you are burning. For example, some people can sweat just sitting outside in the sun. No exercise or activity, but they sweat…
  • You can substitute a dumbbell.
  • ^^^ in addition to the other comments. How long are you exercising for? Do you sweat heavily? It could also be an electrolyte imbalance.
  • protein pellets = shrimp.
  • There was a study that showed the people who allowed their heart rate to recovery more showed better cardiovascular improvements over those who didn't. However, almost every study has some variables that makes it questionable. I believe the catch on this one was that the participants who were new to fitness improved but…
    in Insanity Comment by sheltol January 2015
  • You can order the container system separately from the workout programs now. Beachbody is starting to incorporate the containers with other workouts now. For example, Insanity Max:30. As long as your workouts are around the 30 min timeframe I think you can try it. However, if you workouts burn a lot more calories you will…
  • I've been there. Exercise and better nutrition. I'll send you a friend request.
  • Are you referring to metabolic increases from caffeine? Caffeine releases fatty acids for fuel during exercise however if you drink caffeinated beverages often you build a tolerance. The metabolic increases are virtually negligible for weight loss in comparison to exercise and better nutrition.
  • The estimate formula is 220 - age. Not 200. 170 is great. As long as you are pushing yourself and not reading a magazine or talking to everyone around you it looks as though you are working hard. I agree with the above that heart rate monitors on a machine or ones that do not use a chest strap are probably not accurate.
  • Yes. I would suggest you bump up at least to the higher range of your calorie range for a week and bump up your calorie level slowly say 150/day and see what happens after 2 weeks. You may gain at first but try to trust in the process. Also, buy some body fat calipers and start tracking body fat vs weight.
  • Why the semantics? Whether you say metabolic damage like Layne Norton, starvation mode/response or Leptin adaptation. It's all related to not eating enough. Just like the last sentence in that quote.
  • It sounds like with less sleep you will be more active on those days. If your activity level is increasing you do have room to up your calories with added activity. However, this is all dependent on if you are currently losing weight at your current calorie and activity level.
  • You mentioned toning. If you are working out and eating 1200-1500 calories you are not eating enough. Excessive calorie deficits work short term but when you plateau you plateau hard. Think about it. Do you really want to start eating less? Is that sustainable? Why are you seeing posts all the time where they are eating…
  • It's similar to insanity with a lot of cardio and body weight moves for strength. However in month 2 you add in some resistance training with bands or weights.
  • You are not eating nearly enough. I would suggest increasing your calorie intake by 100-200/day every week until you get up to around 2200 calories a day.
  • I use Bowflex SelectTech's (5-52 lbs). After going through the workouts it's pretty easy to make the weight adjustments as you go. I also like that I don't have a wall full of weights. The downside is that for a few moves they are bulky. For guys who are taller it's usually not much of an issue but I'm only 5'9". I can…
  • You will build muscle eating at a calorie deficit. There's a huge difference between a person who is brand new to a fitness regimen versus a person who is athletic and already has an established muscle base. Even at a calorie deficit your body will adapt pretty dramatically; losing fat, building muscle, improving your…
  • No you can use resistance bands rather than dumb bells.
  • In my opinion you'll do better if you do both. Can you eat doritos, twinkies, and krispy kreme doughnuts and lose weight? Yes. But seriously how many people are successful doing that outside of one guy who tried to show the world it could be done? Not many. Clean eating is pretty simple in my opinion. It's foods with one…
  • Great results! Be sure to enter the Beachbody Challenge each and every month. You only get a shirt for the first entry but I see $500 in your future.
  • It's almost garage sale season. Or scan craigslist in your area. It's pretty easy to find barely used exercise equipment.
  • Congrats on your lifestyle change! DO NOT get discouraged. You've lost five lbs and you admitted to feeling more muscular and cardio improvements. Those are both big pieces of the puzzle that SO many people ignore in comparison to the scale. When you first start exercising and eating healthy your body goes through a lot of…
  • BB has plenty of options to move on to after P90X. Depending on your goal you could continue on to P90X2 or P90X+. If you liked the kenpo workout you could try Les Mills Combat. Or move towards a more cardio based program like Insanity or Asylum (these programs skyrocketed my athletic ability). Or if you are looking to…
  • You have a realistic goal with your time frame. I would start at 1500 calories and exercise 5-6 days a week alternating resistance training and cardio workouts. Message me if you want some specific ideas.
  • Yep. What flavor do you want recipes for?
  • If you were pretty inactive until just recently you can have some pretty significant muscle gains initially. I think you just mentioned you only started a week ago? It's also not unusual to gain weight when first starting a new exercise regimen. If you've been sore you muscles may be holding onto a little bit more water to…
  • At 1400 calories and exercising you could potentially be near a 1000 calorie/day deficit. That might be too aggressive. However, how long have you been exercising? Would you say your fitness level has improved and or muscle tone?