starchile Member


  • Hey All! I'm still here! Friday did a "brick" workout which means you train for two events in one session. did some jogging/walking on the treadmill and a bike workout. Saturday we did an outdoor bike which was AWESOME!!! It was a GORGEOUS day and we rode along the Marina. Sunday I didn't go out and tonight I was supposed…
  • Thank you Skittles for bringing me over here!! I got stuck in March I guess! lol! Yes!!! Let's DO THIS GIRL!!!! I agree...the whole month of June is fair game to reach our goals!! I would LOVE to be under 300 by that day though....just the GIFT of being able to be at my lowest weight in YEARS would be so awesome. :o) BUT…
  • Sadie: Nice job with your walk time/distance!! YAY YOU! And yeah, living in California has some perks...that's why we pay a RIDICULOUS amount of money in ALL ways to live here! lol. But I'm soo happy with my garden! I'm beginning to branch out and get more comfortable. I started with the easy stuff tomatoes, basil, bell…
  • Hey Ladies! YAAAAYYY SADIE!!!! Glad you are back on the wagon!!! Sometimes we fall off and are running along side the wagon trying to get back on ....but it's HARD!!! Glad you made it up! LOL. Skittles: check your inbox! :o) So, I had a little run in with some shortbread cookies yesterday but I'm all good! LOL. Also...SO…
  • HI Nicole! Welcome!! My suggestion is just to make sure to LOG EVERYTHING!!! Sometimes it can be scary or intimidating to think that you have to come here and put every single thing that goes in your mouth down in your food diary but it helps SOOO much with accountability and just so you have an awareness of what/how/when…
    in Intro!! Comment by starchile March 2014
  • Congratulations on taking the first steps on this journey!! It can be truly difficult, painful and downright EXHAUSTING but the fact of the matter is that throughout the process we learn SO much about ourselves. I know that I have gained and lost and gained so many times over the years but I swear, with each "failure" I've…
  • @Skittles: Yah...and I DO feel proud! I don't know what the heck got into me!! I have NEVER run as fast as 3.6 and ESPECIALLY not with the incline at 3!!! That was HARD! I've done a "brisk walk" as fast as like 3.3 but I was actually picking up my legs and pumping my arms! hahahhaha! People were probably…
  • Quick post but .... I feel SO FRICKIN AWESOME!!!!!! I ROCKED the treadmill tonight...I had the incline on 3 and at times RAN (NOT WOGGED!!!) at almost 4...I think my highest was maybe 3.6 or so...but only for a minute or 2 but STILL!!! so I alternated jogging/running and walking for a little over 2 miles and then I did a…
  • Hello there! I've been Morbidly Obese (my highest was 372) and I've been considered "average" (I was actually 250lbs but because I'm tall some people even thought that I was TOO thin. Go figure)...and I have to say that even though it was mostly was DEFINITELY UNCOMFORTABLE at times! The first thing that was…
  • @skittles! What an awesome Daughter you are!! I think you are absolutely right about helping your mom to make a big deal out of her sounds like she just feels self conscious, but what little girl DIDN'T fantasize about a wedding day? I'm sure you will help her make it VERY special. :) And yayyy! to you being…
  • @skittles thanks lady! And you are already doing a LOT of exercise! Running can wait. Lol...but also I'm sure your body has gotten much stronger and more flexible with all that you are doing. Maybe better able to support your knees...might be time to try jogging slowly again? Also the SURFACE makes a HUGE difference. The…
  • My advice? DO NOT REPLACE THOSE ITEMS. I'm not sure how old your son is but it sounds like he may be old enough to have some empathy for his mother. I have definitely been where you are (and not very long ago...we're talking a few days ago) and I HAD to clear out everything horrible in my cabinets and go grocery shopping…
  • @Sadie: yes, a naturopath is my next step. I definitely feel like alternative doctors understand more about what's going on with me. Thank you for the hugs. :) Push through the down part lady!!! I'm right there with you! We can push through it together!! There are SOOO many days ahead of us where we are going to rock the…
  • Thank you so much for the support Skittles!! You are one awesome Chica!! This is a journey that has it's difficult moments and I have to realize that WE ALL HAVE THEM and it's long as I keep pushing. :) Sadie: I have systemic Candida which is wreaking HAVOC on my system. I'm tired all the time, I have candida…
  • Aye aye aye!!! Yeeaaahhhh sooooooo...I can't do the Candida Diet any longer. :( I can not survive off of meat and veggies only. I mean seriously, no dairy, no legumes, only leafy type veggies...come on man!!! HHAHAHAH. I also got to the point where I was sick of eggs and so was skipping bfast...that was a DISASTER! Caused…
  • Gosh girl! YOu are just SOO BEAUTIFUL!! And yes, you make a GREAT point! so many of us larger girls don't want to take before pics but we miss out on the opportunity to TRUST ourselves that we are actually going to lose weight and make a difference! Where you are now is no prediction for where you WILL be. <3
  • Thank you for the support ladies. I really do appreciate it and it's more comforting than you know. I've been having some health issues that are causing some mental/emotional issues, insomnia, etc. Like I said, I'm just all out of sorts right now. Trying to make appointments with dr's but no one seems to be able to find a…
  • What a HOTTIE MC HOTTERSON!!!! Great work Lady!!! You have come SUCH a long way and I wish you nothing but the absolute best!! YOU'VE EARNED IT!!! :)
  • Hey Ladies! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I haven't gotten my workouts in and I have not been eating enough calories lately. I feel all out of sorts right now!!! Hope all is well. Will check back in later. Hugs!!
  • @Megan: Yaayyy!!! WELCOME!!! We are happy you are here!!! ohhhhh...I looovveee swimming! I can't wait to get back into the pool! sooooon....soooonnn! lol. Do you swim laps or do you walk or do drills or what? @Jem: Nice job getting the weights in! That definitely counts! @Skittles: Ack! Sorry to hear that you have to have…
  • Thanks Ladies!! The triathlon is in less than six weeks so I gotta REALLY kick it into gear now! Decided to take my free day instead of doing the 30DS workout...but I have a DOUBLE workout tomorrow and Im sure it's going to kick my butt! Going from a bike workout to jogging on the trreadmill in one workout takes a little…
  • Woo! Ya'll ROCK!!!! Like others have mentioned, I'm SURPRISED and very COMFORTED to know that others have chosen 250 as their goal weight. I too, thought it sounded high but at 5'10 it is what is right for me. I actually lost weight and got down to 266 (14/16 on top and 18 on bottom) and because I have a smaller upper body…
  • @jemethyst: Ok, obviously I'm no expert but I HAVE dealt with diet and weight loss most of my adult life. I have read and researched and communed with others on just about everything diet related!!! LOL. Here is some food for thought....take what you find useful and throw the rest out. :o) If you are not losing weight and…
  • @skittles, don't worry about the ate nearly nothing for the past few days...there's NO WAY it's 3lbs of fat. LOL. About the 30DS...well at least you tried!!!'ll be back in Beast Mode soon! @Jemethyst: Great job getting it in! Hmmm...when you look back at your food diary are you consistently eating…
  • Hey All! LOL...noooo, my bike and swim are in the gym! Although I COULD do an outdoor bike (I don't mind biking in the rain)...but yeah, inside for me! Did my C25K workout yesterday and YYYYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Can't believe I did the 20 minute run!!!! SOOOO happy with myself!!!! I started out with my friend but what…
  • yaayyy!!! Glad to see a new face! Welcome Jemethyst!! You'll find that we are a pretty mellow and supportive group. Nice ladies all around! And GREAT job getting your workouts in!! Glad you started this thread Sadie!! Hopefully the other ladies from the 30DS will join here as well. :) Ok, I'm going to FULLY COMMIT this…
  • Woot wooot!!!!! W5D2 of C25K is done!! NOW I just have to get past the DREADED 20 minute run of W5D3 coming up on Sunday!!! I'm nervous but hopeful. After today's successful workout I'm feeling a LOT more positive towards it!! Welp, we start a new month in a couple of days (I think this challenge is supposed to go until…
  • Hey Everyone! Yes, we are definitely slowing down...BUT WE ARE STILL HERE!!! And that's a HUGE accomplishment! I was looking at my friends list the other day and was noticing how many of them have that "hasn't logged in in 20 days" type of notice in RED under their pix! Let's give ourselves some LOVE for still being here…
  • Hey everyone! How are things??? @Zombie: you know what? you ARE improving every single time you do a workout...whether you can tell or not. One thing I found is sometimes it SEEMS like Im not doing as well, but the fact is that the reason it seems that way is because I'm actually doing the exercise with better form and…