TiredMom12 Member


  • I completed the program at the end of the year. Started in Sept., but b/c of life as a working mom and other family issues, took longer than 8 weeks. Now I'm running regularly and running my first official 5k on Sunday. It definately gets easier and take your time with it. Repeat day 1 if you need. I repeated a lot of…
  • I'm in the same boat as you, but I know it is my diet, not my exercise that is making the scale not move. I really try to eat less and focus on portions and protein/veggies, but some days it is hard. But I do notice a slight change in my body and I feel like my stomach is a tad bit slimmer and my legs and but are stronger.…
  • I did the C25k program and completed it the end of December. I'm running regularly now and have my first 5k on the 9th. I haven't lost any weight as I haven't stuck to my counting calories. But I know if I did the combination of regular runs and keeping my calorie intake to under 1400, I would be losing. Good luck.
  • Yes, that does make sense. I know even though I feel ok and strong, I don't want to tire myself out and then stop running all together. I think I'll follow this program this week: Sunday - ran 3.1 miles outside = did it Monday - ran 2 miles on treadmill = did it Tuesday - cycle 2 miles = will do it Wednesday - run 3.1…
  • Thanks. The half marathon is much longer than my 5k so I give you lots of credit. I know how important rest is to your body when training for a race. Probably best if I take a break from running today since I did it 2 days in a row and do the elliptical and some weight machines. I'll focus on running tomorrow when…
  • I do try and run outside as much as possible, but during the week it is impossible. I have 3 small children and work part-time in the city. The weekends is much more flexible where I run as my husband is home too. I am a totaly newbie to all this and just trying to get my feet wet. My husband suggested I go run outside on…
  • Thanks. I do feel good and I know 2-3 miles a day isn't a lot when it comes to running. I"m just very new at all this training and consistent running program and now that you can easily overtrain in the beginning. I'm really just focusing right now on my running till I complete my first official 5k. Then I hope to continue…
  • I just signed up for my first 5k in Feb and can't wait. I haven't completed the program b/c I went back to week 7 day 3 a few times b/c I wasn't able to get to the gym or run. But I am running 3 miles and now that I can do the 5k in February. I have 2 more days to complete the program and then will try to do a training…
  • I was having the same problem trying to juggle my 3 kids, working and exercising. I finally just joined the gym in the building where I work and go during lunch and take them with me on the days I'm home. On the weekends, I leave the kids with my husband and go for an hour. I don't go as regularly as I should, but getting…
  • Thanks. I don't plan on just sitting during my lunch hour and eating. I will be active whether it be outside for a long walk or at the gym. Wasn't going to run either way today. My legs are tired. I think I'll opt for the walk. It is a nice day in NYC and I could use the sunshine.
  • Definately feeling it all over now so think I will skip the gym during lunch. My head is killing me and I don't kow how I could run feeling like this.
  • I'm feeling the same way and would love some tips on how to detox my body for a few days.
  • I'm in the same boat. I have 3 children (8, 1 and 3) and just turned 42. I am about 20 lbs. heavier than I should be, but only lookiing to loose 15 b/c I think that is where my body is most comfortable. I started up at the gym and doing the c25k program. I'm up to week 8, day 1 and running 28 minutes straight, but not a 5k…
  • I'm looking for the answers to these questions too? I just completed week 3 day 2 and people claim that they see a difference, but the scale hasn't moved. I haven't been tracking my calories, which I know would help, but just wondering what other things people did to complete this program??
  • Thanks and you look great. I'm glad to hear that for you, focusing on cardio is working for the mid-section issues. I plan to do at least 45 minutes of cardio 5x a week too, in additional to my usual running with the kids and household stuff. I really want to start running 3 miles a day and lose a few inches of this flab.…
  • I have my fitbit and really love it. I've been wearing a pedometer off and on for years. It does motivate you to keep moving. My girlfriend was sure she was walking at least 10,000 steps a day so I gave her my old one and she realized she was barely getting 5000 a day. Now she is walking more and making changes. I did 30…
  • What is everyone's typical diet plan? I have such a hard time planning my meals and either eat too much or not enough. I was debating going back on Jenny Craig again b/c at least all the meals are prepared and planned for. With 3 little ones, time is so limited so I need something easy.
  • I'm not as tall as you, I'm 5'2, but also have a goal of 125 (presently 138) and just keep gaining and loosing the same 5 lbs. I think b/c it isn't that much weight it is hard to loose. I just recently started the couch to 5k program and really hoping that makes a difference. I'm not that dedicated to logging in everything…
  • bump b/c I would like to know the answer to this too.
  • This is my main problem. I work part-time and up at 5:15 am and don't stop till 9:30 pm. at night. I try and get a 30 minute walk in during lunch, but sometimes work doesn't permit. The days I'm off, I have 2 toddlers to take care of and a 7 year old. Only one of them nap and when that happens, I need to shower, do laundry…
  • Great post. I need to lose 15 lbs., but would love to loose 20. I'll be watching for some replies as I have the same questions!!
  • I totally agree. I have a very busy life with 3 small children, work part-time with a long commute and a needy DH. I really want to lose 15 lbs. and start exercising regularly. But by the end of the day, I'm exhausted, look forward to a few glasses of wine and don't have the energy to put in an exercise DVD or get on the…
  • I really think I'm going to give this a shot. I have tons of workout DVDs and such at home, but iwth 3 small kids, work and a needy husband, that leaves very little time for myself. I need to do something where I'm out of the house to give me a mental break from everyone. I also want to drop 15 lbs. by my bday in October…