FP4HSharon Member


  • Correct, you only have to return it if you want to.
  • One thing I recently learned to stop snack cravings and the cycle of...eat something sweet, want something salty, eat something salty, want something sweet...is vinegar. Visited one of those great stores that sell flavor infused vinegars & the owner said when she gets snack cravings, she'll drink 1-2 Tblspoons of one of…
  • Use to do shift work & my grown son also does it, so familiar w/the issues. Just a question, do you try to shift your sleeping pattern as well as the eating pattern when you are working nights? I find if I stay up too late, that's when I'm most like to get my 2nd wind appetite-wise & start eating again. If you're up, when…
  • That's ridiculous! The biggest weight loss study done, I think it's called the Weight Loss Registry or something & is maintained by a govt. agency, only allow people to be part of the study results if they have lost more than 30 lbs and kept it off for 1-2 year. And the study asks the people what they did to lose the…
  • You should not lose any more weight, in fact, if you continue w/the strength training, you may find that you gain in muscle but it'll look like you are leaner. You should do cardio, strength training, and flexibility (stretching). On your stomach, I've had great success in a very short time just pulling it in as hard as…
  • Sounds like you're doing well, I wouldn't mess w/something that's working.
  • I've been rear-ended 3x, and used to work for a neurosurgeon who saw a LOT of cases like that as well. Definitely see a good doctor, a neurosurgeon, not an orthopedic doctor (when you're dealing w/the head, neck, & back you want a specialist FOR THOSE AREAS). Once they make sure w/x-rays that there is no skeletal damage…
  • Anytime you start a new program, you're on a learning curve. I'd just talk to the CrossFit gyms in the area by phone first & tell them you're out of shape, but interested in giving it a try. Don't even bother to visit the ones that aren't positive w/you on the phone. If they're positive about it, then go visit & ask if…
  • I thought from your co-workers comments that you'd be in your 50's or older...lol. Ernestine Shepherd didn't start working out until she was 56, now she's 77 & in the Guiness Records as the oldest competitive female body builder. She looks fantastic, like a model. I hope I look like THAT when I'm her age....or even at my…
  • Put your workout clothes out the night before (although I know some people who even sleep in them...lol), and in the morning, before you do anything else, before you have time to think of excuses, get sidetracked, or get phone calls....do it.
  • Love all the advice to drink lots of water or tea, try to figure out why it happened to avoid it in the future, to move on, & forgive yourself. Only thing to add, is that I will also often food fast the next day. I usually still feel full & a little ill the next day if I go way over, so it's not hard to fast. I just drink…
  • Yes, the database can be frustrating at times. Sometimes it's because people enter it wrong, but I know from experience that sometimes it's because the manufacturer changes the formula. I wish they would synch w/Calorie King's website...it's much easier to sort through.
  • I was shoveling 10" in each shovel load...Chesapeake, VA.
  • ...says the self described (Profile) "forum troll."
  • If you do not have the self control to eat something in moderation, then it's better not to have it in the house. Even if it's healthy, but especially if it's not. I LOVE mandarin oranges, which are very healthy, & I would try to buy the little 4 packs (each pack is 80 calories), w/the intent of eating maybe 1/day. BUT it…
  • Due to being very active in sports starting young (running, martial arts, etc), I developed osteoarthritis in my joints in my 30's. I was eating Tylenol (most recommended at the time) by the handfuls, & some mornings when I went to get out of bed my legs would actually collapse under me from the pain. Then I heard about…
  • Usually I struggle to get all the protein I'm supposed to, but can zero out fats & carbs.
  • You should be getting at least 1200, but here's what I'd suggest. Enter in the info on MFP about your weight, etc. On Activity Level, no matter what you actually do, I'd set it to the Sedentary Level. On the exercise, I'd put in that you'll do a minimum of 30 minutes/day. Then I'd eat whatever MFP recommends, but only eat…
  • On the "Bored Eating"...make a list of things you want to do each day & try to go from one to the next without a break, except for regular meal breaks of course. When you start reaching for the food when you know you shouldn't, reach for the list instead, maybe even tape it to the fridge. If you don't have enough things to…
  • Agree w/the last poster. I supplement about 1000 of C/day usually. But when I start getting sick, I take 500 mg every 3 hrs, but ONLY for the first 3 days. After that, I go back to the normal range. I'd also read that too much can lead to kidney stones & gout in particular.
  • BMI is just based on height & weight, doesn't matter what your age or gender is. You can look at this chart, which will show you a little better than a calculator, what weight they consider healthy for different heights. If you click on the chart at this link, it'll enlarge it to make it easier to read.…
  • When you say "calculations"...do you mean BMI recommendations? Because the more muscular you are, the less accurate BMI is. BMI is just an average calculation for the body fat percentage of the average person, based only on height & weight.
  • To really know what your goal should be, would need to know your height (weight would help too) for a ballpark. To be even more accurate, if you provide your current body fat % & weight, that could also work. And let us know if you have a goal body fat percentage. You can look at this photos to see what appeals to you, but…
  • Whether you call it Direct Sales or MLM, the best advice I heard was from a Christian financial expert Larry Burkett. He said that there wasn't anything wrong w/Direct Sales or MLM in themselves, as long as you followed 2 rules: 1. Only sell a product that you truly believe wholeheartedly in. AND 2. Do NOT look at EVERY…
  • I'm the same height as you. I'm also hypothyroid, but controlled w/meds. If your levels are in a good range, then having or not having hypothyroid shouldn't make a difference. I agree w/the previous poster that your calories are too low & your body is probably trying to slow its metabolism to hang onto the calories. I have…
  • Normally if you are sore the day after a workout, even very sore, that's normal. But if you're very sore, not slightly, 2 days after the workout, then that's an indication that your workout was more challenging for your level than it should have been and you should give yourself another day to recover (see how to recover…
  • All the advice given was good. I'd just add to remember that you did it once, you can do it again. As long as you did it a healthy way before, I'd do it the same way.
  • Most experts (good plastic surgeons) will tell you that you should wait until 2 yrs after a weight loss, before you consider skin removal surgery. If the skin hasn't tightened up by then, then it's not going to. It is NOT a simple little surgery & the less you have removed, the better it would be. So you should wait for 2…