

  • Way back when in my grade 11 history class we had to do some projects on WWI and I drew the Schlieffen Plan. I had a good time doing the project, and enjoyed the name so I've been using it for screen names ever since.
  • Thanks for the spotlight :blushing: SW 182.4 LW 138.0 CW 138.8 I'm up 0.8 lbs. I should have expected that after the week of bad eating last week. Damn olympic parties! Hopefully getting back to a normal eating schedule and good choices will bring me back down.
  • Who doesn't love free stuff? Certainly not I! :laugh:
  • Though I also get a little blue in the winter like most people, I was actually really happy with the snow this morning! We haven't had snow here (more than flurries) in almost three months!! I think that's the depressing part about this winter for me! I grew up with 12-15ft high snow banks and always having fresh snow.…
  • SW 182.4 LW 139.4 CW 138.0 (-1.4!!) Hope everyone had a great weekend! Let's finish the month out strong girls! :flowerforyou:
  • My favourite are mini pizzas. You can buy bags of mini pitas (about 1.5" diameter), then just spoon on a bit of your favourite pizza/pasta sauce, and your favourite toppings. Top with a bit of mozarella cheese and put them in the oven until the cheese starts to bubble! I had a luau party a couple of months ago and got some…
  • Haha whooops! :embarassed: I must've started to write 'out of the 200's' then switched to 'in the 100's' and mixed up my numbers! I'm sorry! You'll definitely be in the 100's soon!!
  • Hey gals, sorry I've been awol this week so far! It was a long weekend up here in Ontario, and then there were two job postings whose applications were due last night so I was busy putting together resumes! Courtney - WOW! You look fantastic in that dress! And I agree with Kandy, your legs are killer! Kandy - you're so…
  • Mmm looks delicious! Bump!
  • Ugh... I've been making valentines cookies for my cookie-monster of a bf and have been licking off all the split icing and have had like 4 or 5 cookies so far (they're big)... needless to say, WAAAAAY over my cals for today. But they taste so good...
  • Don't hate the white stuff, I'd love to have it! I'm used to having lots and lots of snow every winter, but it hasn't snowed here (besides flurries) since Christmas. I'm used to a good snowfall (6+ inches) every week or two... so it's been a boring winter. I'm quite jealous of all the snow in the States!
  • SW 182.4 LW 139.4 TW 139.6 I had a terrible eating weekend, but I'm looking forward to a week of exercise and good eating before Valentine's.
  • Weigh it as you enter it. If you look in the database there will be Chicken Breast, cooked and Chicken Breast, raw. So if you're weighing your chicken after its cooked, make sure you log it as cooked chicken.
  • It HAS been quiet, what gives? Glad to hear that you're feeling better just in time for the weekend! As for me, its a friend's birthday tonight where we have an ice cream cake.. it just means that I have to eat a lot less during the day to make room for the calories. I would exercise to free up more cals but I went a…
  • My suggestion is to just try it! You can normally find quinoa in bulk food stores, so you can decide how much you want to buy. Its is a great way to buy just enough to try it.
  • The ad that got me was the ziploc bags. Wow, you can store stuff in them!!! :noway: I never would have thought of that, thanks Biggest Loser! /sarcasm
  • I have my cals set at 1600. I gradually went from 1200 to 1400, then 1500 and now 1600. I might put it up to 1650 or 1700 soon since I'm within 10 lbs of my goal. I'm also doing weight training, and so I can't build muscle if I'm in a calorie deficit. But of course I don't think I could go into strict maintenance (I'd be…
  • Any kind from Green and Blacks.. 70% cocoa, ginger, mint, mayan, etc... mmm yummy!
  • Yay!! Congrat's on the 140's! Don't worry about one night of giving in to the munchies, today's a new day!
  • Happy Groundhog Day everyone! :smile:
  • Good morning and happy February everyone! SW 182.4 LW 139.8 TW 139.4 (-0.4lbs) I'll take it! Starting tomorrow morning I'm getting back to the gym, I'm going to get back on my weight lifting schedule and a running schedule. There's a big "race weekend" in Ottawa in May where they have runners from all over the world coming…
  • My favourite is called Eating Well, Living Thin. She has amazing recipes!
  • Here are my progress pictures... the before picture was taken in the summer of 2007, the after was a couple of weeks ago. Still about 10lbs to get to my goal weight.
  • Courtney, love the dress and shoes! You'll have to post the pictures with you modelling them! Kandy, congrats on getting the jeans on. Soon they'll be a part of your wardrobe and it'll be like you got 5 new pair of pants! And for eating your calories, maybe just try adding some calorie-dense foods? Almonds and most nuts…
  • Whew, done my two long days of teaching! I've only got to put together a presentation and give it on Friday morning, so the week is definitely winding down work-wise! Now I can go back and read some posts that I missed! As for my weigh in... SW 182.4 LW 141.4 CW *drumroll please....* 139.8!! :bigsmile: :drinker: I can't…
  • Kandy, I know what you mean about feeling bloated! I was off visiting my boyfriend for the weekend, so it was 3 days of not eating my normal food and not getting anywhere near 8 glasses of water a day! So I'm going to wait a couple days to flush out some water weight before weighing in for this week. I've just got this…
  • It swells a lot! I think 1/4 cup dry quinoa makes about 1 cup of cooked quinoa.
  • Mmmm my favourite is goat cheese! It's strong so you don't tend to eat much of it, but it's so yummy!
  • Mmm this sounds yummy! Definitely bumping for supper tomorrow!
  • Close to 2lbs is still fantastic linnebooc! No pouting allowed! As for me, SW 182.4 LW 142.0 CW 141.4 Slow and steady wins the race, or so they say. I wanted to go to the gym on Saturday and had planned on it, but when I woke up I had bad dizzy spells for a while so I thought it was safer if I stayed home and rested. I…