shinisize Member


  • So, I just make more of what I'm eating than I need and let my 2yo share my plate. It gets him to eat way more veggies (because no cookie can beat Mom's broccoli), wastes less food since he is determined to eat like Mom, and it keeps me from eating 3/4 of what I would have made for him because it was going to go to waste.…
  • You mention you have PCOS, which is notorious for making weight loss really difficult. I highly recommend finding one of the PCOS groups on here, or even elsewhere on the Internet. You would be amazed how many young women in the groups have very similar accompanying health concerns, and they will have a lot of great advice…
  • The UP3 doesn't tell you your HR during activity yet. :( My BF has one and is anxiously awaiting when they do the firmware update and start using all the fancy sensors.
  • If you have been drinking that much Mt Dew, your body is used to a pretty high, steady intake of caffeine. Quitting the all-day caffeine habit is tricky, and it takes months for all of the pitfalls to show themselves. My guess is that you were sleeping really well for the first time in a long time when you were first…
  • Do what you will really dedicate yourself to, that is what will give you the best results. Since you already own her program, you certainly can consider seeing what you can add to your gym routine that she does, but keep in mind that results are going to be more about eating at a deficit and challenging your muscles. I…
  • Take pictures. Seriously. Like every week or two, in several different poses, preferably in your underwear (so you can see your shape without clothes squishing anything around), full body shots, and using the same mirror in the same room. When you see yourself every day you just don't see how much you are changing over…
  • I definitely get them, usually not on the first day of eating too little, but for sure by the second night. I also get the same exact headache any time I have a morning blood sugar crash after eating too many simple carbs before bed. I am so not a dessert person because of this.
  • Does it have calories? If it does I would log it as a snack. Sparkling waters like the ones from Talking Rain that are literally water, bubbles, and a dash of flavor, without any kind of sweeteners or any calories should be fine just counted as water since they don't have anything you might want to track later besides the…
  • I actually learned to do something like this when I was younger and my friends were much worse about putting on pressure to drink. I would sip a beer in a bottle or can until someone accused me of nursing it, then I would take a bathroom break, dump my beer while I peed, and then fill it with water to about the same level…
    in Alcohol Comment by shinisize May 2015
  • Your breast tissue is actually largely made up of lymphatic tissue, and is one of the more noticeable areas when your lymphatic system is carrying more fluid (which is normal during weight loss). This is especially true if you are wearing bras to bed, or are large chested so your daytime bra band has to hold more tightly…
  • Most of the shift workers I know are big fans of meal prepping, regardless if they are trying to lose weight. Making a bunch of crock pot ready meals that you can pull out of the freezer and putting on low before you go to work can be really helpful for curbing the urge to grab junk on your way home, and having your…
  • I had my c-section 2yrs ago, and I'm sloooooowly losing the baby weight (I got the kid who thinks sleep is the enemy, and I do poorly without it). I'm so tired of this flub! I'm hoping to lose the last 25lbs of "baby" by this time next year, then to continue working towards being in the best shape of my life.
  • It doesn't matter what size or shape you are, there is someone out there who is going to say something that just isn't really a compliment (on purpose or not).
  • Count it! Just because you aren't building new muscle, being as it is an activity level your body is accustomed to, doesn't mean you aren't burning a ton of calories still. It sounds like you are counting it for the cardio, just like a runner, rower, etc would, which you absolutely should. Many people on here are very…
  • Last year, when I was first being really good about logging and was trying to be super good/drinking a lot more MFP Kool aid, I started writing down my weight and what MFP claimed I would weigh in five weeks. After eight weeks I stopped hitting the complete button because there was no point. Since weight loss isn't linear,…
  • It takes a few years for skin to fully tighten on most people. Things like exfoliating and moisturizing can help speed up the process for many people, but not dramatically. If you have a lot of stretch marks it will take a lot longer and is less likely to ever go back to what you are hoping for. Also, the surgery is going…
  • Don't deprive yourself of protien. Your body will strip it's own muscle off to make your milk nutritious enough, and the more muscle lost the harder it will be to shed the baby weight (every pound of muscle burns something like 50cals/day just to maintain itself, so losing muscle literally slows your metabolism down).
  • It could just be that having cut a lot of that food out of your diet, and now being accustomed to filtering them out of what your conscious brain is focused on during the day, your subconscious is unloading what it is still collecting data on. My toddler has been watching a lot of nature documentaries lately, which means…
  • I track my weight every day I weigh, up or down. MFP will give you a nice graph which will give you an idea of how the fluctuations make a trend. After a few months it even makes it easy to tell when TOM is approaching. I try not to think about the number, just log it and see how it fits on my graph. I also track…
  • Ariya jeans are cut with a lot more hip curve than most jeans, enough so they look kinda funny on the hanger but fit awesome if you have some booty. I buy them at Ross for cheap and just try to buy the least ridiculous looking pairs I can find. They tend to have lots of extras on the back pockets and always seem to come in…
  • -Set yourself up for motivation, measure progress in as many ways as you can keep up with so you can see progress in some way even when your weight has stalled (I do weight, measurements, weekly photos, and fitness improvements). -Muscle is going to make your progress so much easier. The more lean mass you have, the more…
  • I used to weigh once a week, but since I'm usually only losing half a pound a week it could be really hard to measure that small of a loss with normal daily weight fluctuations/monthly cycle stuff. I went five weeks without seeing a loss one time, then suddenly had 8lbs read as having come off, and probably would have…
  • I couldn't lose more than two pounds without my supply going from 'feed the village' to nearly completely dried up, and as soon as I gained the couple of pounds back my supply returned. I gained quite a bit pregnant, and definitely had a bf% in the 'overweight' range because of it, but my body was not going to accept…
  • Calorie counting in the long term helps relearn portion sizes and and helping make balanced choices, essentially relearning to eat more intuitively. Many of us have become accustomed to eating far more than we should, and calorie counting is a very factual way to keep track and help moderate that. Yes, you'll probably…
  • My knees are in pretty sad shape, so I really have to work up to exercises and ranges of motion. Walking is good as a starter, and the elliptical is great for going faster without the impact (I will never be able to run on a treadmill). When it comes to lunges and squats, I take it easy. I don't try to make the full range…
  • You are going to have to seriously work your butt/legs. I'm also 5'5", and tend to be bottom heavy. No matter how 'skinny' or not I have been in life, my legs look terrible if I'm not seriously working my legs several days a week. Using weights will make your workouts less lengthy and help get results faster, and don't…
  • There was a lot of truth in the facts, but not in how it was presented, and it was pretty clear that they were so dead set on attacking the food industry and their lobbyists that they blatantly misdirected and cherry-picked information to support their message. Yeah, eating a diet high in simple sugars can lead a 'skinny'…
  • So, fibromyalgia is a symptom of a variety of issues that are often difficult to impossible to diagnose the underlying cause. Because of this, different people can react in wildly different ways to a particular treatment, despite having what seems like the same condition. I worked as a licensed massage practitioner in…
  • Okay, I'm really excited to hear how well it tracks the true calorie burn (and anxiously hoping it will eventually track active heart rate).
  • How often do you eat gluten-free carbs? I have issues with some of the grains they use where I end up bloated for several days (and the kind of gassy that drives the dog from the room), and definitely hold on to a few extra pounds until it passes.