Patwin55 Member


  • Love to see you are a cellist. Have you seen Pachebel Rant on You Tube?
  • I quit adding salt to home-cooked food about 20 years ago, and got to where I could taste the salt in a piece of bread or in chocolate pudding. I can't understand how people can salt their food before they even taste it. I would think their tongues would pickle! It I eat chips or anything with a lot of salt, the sides of…
  • Good tips! Thanx!
  • Glad you are here!
  • Glad to see you!
    in HI! Comment by Patwin55 January 2008
  • Paul Simon's The Obvious Child. Talk about a beat! The drum solo is incredible!
  • When I exercise, the calories burnt are so little! What is the point? I don't get a rush, I feel worse than before, and it takes time away from my family. Watching what I eat is stressful, but adding exercise just doesn't feel right!
  • You are awesome! I'm sorry Janet has passed, but now her spirit is free of all health issues and she can learn every thing she needs at the feet of the Savior. Saints and angels are all around us and you are definitely one of them. God bless you for your kindness.
  • Good for you! I'm 52 and it is hard, but each weigh-in is a little less and that makes it easier. I really pigged out on chocolate New Year's Day (I started dieting Jan. 2nd) and today I have calorie-space to have a piece and I don't even want any! So hang in there! Together, we can all get where we want to be!
  • I think I bought that same scale! White, and it beeps when you turn it on and stand on it? I really like it because it is accurate. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it is better to know than not know. Just remember, you are beautiful! It took guts to put your picture on; I haven't had the nerve to do that yet. But you are a…
    in UGH!!! Comment by Patwin55 January 2008
  • Good luck to everyone!
  • I heard that writing down everything you eat is the most lasting way to affect weight loss.
  • Anyone out there in Red hats? I am the vice president of Shaded Ladies of the Metro East in Alton, Illinois.
  • Thanx 4 the good wishes!
  • I love the support!
  • I started January 2nd, and today is the 5th. I have lost 2.4 pounds so far. I'm hoping I can keep going this time, but it is harder after 50! I'm so glad we have the support here at myfitnesspal. It does everything the high-priced sites do for free!
  • Yes, I truly do love them, too. And the Real Age stuff is from the other Dr.
  • It is hard and it takes a while. Just remember to love yourself. Beating yourself up doesn't help. Tomorrow is always another day. Remember, God don't make no junk!