

  • Im sorry, it all just came out at once. I do think we need help, and i do want for my marriage to work. I just think he is unhappy right now, sad maybe, even depressed. He was very sad over the m/c. I know most of you say go, but Im not quit ready to just give up. I will do lots of reading. And i will go to my school and…
  • Thank you all. These posts have pretty much confirmed what Ive been pushing under the rug. I will do a lot of thinking and searching. pisst* I dont like harsh things. But it is what it is, right?
  • I know your right, my mom was a single parent. I can remember how hard it was for her. I def dont want to go through that. It sounds like its decision time for me.........
  • Thank you, I know you guys are right, I am just not ready to admit it. If that makes any sense at all. I hate drama, I cant stand it. I know that is exactly what he is going to be. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into. What a freakin mess!
  • Oh WOW that is awesome! Great job!! I also want to get below 200! Keep up the good work!
  • I want to thank everyone for your honest opinions, to be frank it feels good to talk to other people. Obviously I have a lot to think about. I think we are past the point of talking. My words tend to fall on deaf ears. I know I want children, more than anything. Now if I answer honestly, no i do not want him to be the…
  • :smile: What a great guy to always say your beautiful, where did you find him? lol Does he have a brother LOL jk
  • If only I had the guts for that. to say bye after dropping the weight. i did erase the desktop pic. A random nude shot. "now thats hot"......... Oh my. Now with all of you commenting, I feel even more lost. I didnt want to get married again, it just kind of happened. He does not make me happy anymore. And for the first…
  • I daydream about my life before my husband. The friends I had on outings with friends. I got asked out all the time. My guy friends always wanted to take me. They would say "your the most fun ever" "this was a great date" etc. I was the outgoing one. The fun one. Now, my friends dont even call me anymore. I have moved, a…
  • I have asked about counseling, he is not interested in spending the money. i have also told him several times that his comments sometimes hurt my feelings. He says im just a sensitive person and I should take his comments as positive. "telling you your fat should not hurt you, it should help you!!"
  • Im not going to lie, it does hurt sometimes. I have excused myself to cry quietly in the bathromm. I really want to believe that loves me for me. I have never had a personal problem with my weight. But husband has for several months now. Then the whold pregnancy thing. Im not using the pregnacy as an excuse for the weight…
  • You look great, good job!!
  • Congratulations!! you look so amazing, but more important, You look HAPPY!!!!