pseel42 Member


  • Hi, The only exercise I can do right now is walk and even that can be challenging!! I hate walking alone but I'm all I have so I don't have any choice!! Paula
  • Hi, First of all I want to say that I give you a lot of credit to raise 3 kids and be a military wife!! My thanks go out to you and your husband for protecting this country. I would also love someone to chat with. I am an emotional eater and I do not have the support of friends and family around me!! I'm a good listener…
  • Massachusetts here!!
  • High-five to you!!! I wish you all the success in the world!! I'm looking to change my life for the better as well. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!! Paula
  • Hello, My name is Paula and I am new to this group!! I eat becaue I am bored, stressed, name it and that is my reason for overeating. I won't get into all the details but I am not living the life I want!! I'm hoping to change that but there is always some obstacle stopping me from getting me to where I want…
  • Hi, You will have an AMAZING time!! I went to WDW for the first time for my 40th birthday with just a friend from work. No kids, husband!!! It was the most enjoyable time I have ever had!! You will be doing a lot of walking so make sure to wear comfortable shoes!! I can't wait to go back, I don't know when that will be but…
  • I am looking for a judgement free friend. I have been judged my entire life by people who are supposed to be there for, spouses, loved ones!! I am 42 years old and I have been overweight for over 20 years. It is very hard for me to change. I need help and support and I need people around who actually/truly…
  • Kirsten, I wish you well, and I look forward to working with you to get healthy!! I could use some tips on making healthier dinners, not just for me but my kids as well. I live with picky eaters (myself included) so I need to find things that are healthy but cheap as I am currently unemployed due to an accident back in…
  • I too am looking for as much support as possible. I am having a really hard time with my eating habits. I find I overdue it in the evening. The worst time for me is during my time of the month. I am always hungry but this is ridiculous. I'm terrible with exercise, basically i'm lazy. I need motivation to get out. I've been…
  • I actualy don't know when I will be returning to Disney. I first need to secure a job, then start saving money. I would love to go sometime in May because I want to see the flower show at Epcot. When I do go back I will stay at an "All Star Resort" hotel. Most likely "All Star Movies". I've been to "All Star Music" and…
  • Hello, I am 42 yrs old and I am looking for a motivational friend!! Feel free to add me!! :) Paula
  • I too am looking for motivation and support. I have a lot to lose and I suffer from fibromyalgia as well as depression. Eating is my outlet and I'm addicted to it. I'm 42 years old and I need to lose at least 80 lbs. I am currently unemployed and really going through a very rough time-emotionaly, finacially...everything. I…
  • Hi, I have to say I'm not really thrilled on telling my weight but since this is a place for support and not judgement I figured it would be okay. I'm having a hard time with this but I'm still new. Height-5'2" Weight-203 Started 5/16/12 Goal weight-150 ( i should be at least 120 but I'll start here for now) Age-42 yrs old…