ellew70 Member


  • I actually have the full set.. I've done two rounds and never did the bonus discs. If you go to the beachbody website, I think you can print out the schedule and the fit test card
  • I've done two rounds of insanity. I used the method in the Insanity diet book, but that came out to 1800 for me... I'm 5 2 and was 160 lbs (now 130 yay) and that seemed like a lot. I dropped it to 1500 and that worked like a charm. I'd see what the book calculation is (by the way, I think its a TDEE calculation) and then…
  • Of course I cook for myself. That's the whole idea. Maybe you missed my point - its impossible to be truly clean as in truly unprocessed, so use foods in the least process form in which you can get them practically and cook. I can practically get pasteurized milk and eggs... so I cook with them. If I can get fresh carrots,…
  • It was always my understanding that "clean" meant minimally processed. That's virtually impossible for most of us that don't live on or near a farm, as the unpasteurized milk discussion highlights. By that definition, I think that the regular cheese would be "more clean" than the nonfat cheese as its less processed, but…
  • I whirl it in the food processor with parsley, scallion tops or chives and some salt and pepper. You could also add a little bit of cream cheese or feta cheese. Makes a great dip or spread.
  • Totally normal - lots of people gain water weight during the first few weeks of insanity. It's water retention as your body is trying to repair and protect the muscles that you are stressing. Give it a little bit of time... don't give up!
  • Of course when you finish - you aren't done.... you don't get to got sit on the couch and figure you've gotten your exercise in for your life. For me, it was a good kickstart to getting back into a routine of exercising. For someone who really doesn't know much about it, it was nice to have some structure and just do the…
  • If I understand your issue.... 1. A lot of people don't see loss on the scale during the beginning of insanity - some actually gain weight due to water retention. Your body retains water to repair the muscles and to cushion the shock of your body, which is trying to figure out what you are doing to it. 2. Much of the scale…
  • Can your body go into true starvation mode - yes, but only at a far more severe, more prolonged calorie deficit. Think about people, you know... starving. Your metabolism can slow down some if your regularly eat too few calories, but that isn't starvation mode.
  • One thing I've found is that since turkey is leaner, it dries out more easily when you bake it or use it in burgers. You might find that adding an egg white or a little skim milk helps in that department - obviously not as much of an issue with a chili!
  • check out myyogaonline.com They have a whole library of videos that you can use any time. There is a monthly fee, but they are being bought by Gaiam and so it will be $10.00 a month for access to the whole library. Right now I think its $14.99. If you don't want that, try any Rodney Yee video (Gaiam videos again) - he's…
  • This is why you shouldn't weigh yourself daily. You can do everything right and gain a pound just because you had something with some salt in it. Also, when you work out hard, your body retains water to heal the muscles. Heck, you just might have to have a BM for heaven's sake! Weight will fluctuate up and down, as long as…
  • You could try to have breakfast or lunch at home, and save the eating out for the evening. When you do.... You could try Devon or McCormick and Schmidt in River Northish - both will do seafood grilled for you. And M&S is a chain so you can get nutritional info online, I bet. In addition, a high quality steak house will…
  • So... insanity is usually 60 days. The length of the work outs vary from about 35-40 min in the first month to about an hour the second month. Insanity is heavy on the cardio and has a great deal of body weight exercises, but uses no dumbells or other equipment. It's just you and Shaun T. I've not P90x but I understand…
  • I have done and am doing a number of beach body programs. I've had bad coaches and now I have a really good coach. A good coach sets an atmosphere of accountability for the group, answers questions, and provides motivation. A bad coach Is constantly selling. I don't use shakeology. When I did decide to go from insanity to…
  • This. Overeating does not equal binging.
  • If you are in a super poor area, then you may not have reliable electricity and refrigeration. Therefore, even if you have access to food, you may not be able to store it or prepare it. For these folks, the problem is far more systemic than food. For people who at least have utilities, then it is possible, although time is…
  • If this is his level of emotional maturity, that he had to text you with emoticons, then you are way way too good for him. Consider it a blessing in disguise, although it is hard to see that right now. Be kind to and take care of yourself and someone who deserves you will show up when you least expect it.
  • no embarrassment - if it gets you up and moving its all good... even better that you spend time with your son!
  • Its pretty common to gain weight at the beginning of insanity, especially if you are going from having not much of an exercise program. You'll retain a lot of water to protect your muscles and your body is figuring out what the heck is happening. It will come off. Most of the results come in month 2. You've lost 1 inch on…
  • I generally followed the nutrition guide - not the recipes but the 40/40/20 and the 5 small meals thing. The book calculated 1800 for me but I thought it was a huge amount, so I dropped it to 1500. I found that 1500 gave me enough energy to do the work outs but enough to maintain a deficit. My suggestion is to play with it…
  • I don't vary... that being said, I was doing Insanity 6 of 7 days, so Shaun T was always there. That's the beauty of keeping level - I'm sure there were days that I was under, and some I was over, but it felt like it averaged out and I wasn't constantly guessing how much did I burn on my HRM (as if that's accurate).…
  • So when I did the calculation in the book it set me at 1800 - I'm 5 2, 42, started at 160 (now 135 insanity x2 later, just started Les Mills Combat on Monday!) 1800 seemed like a lot to me, so I went to a flat 1500 (no eat back or anything, just a flat 1500 incoming) and it worked well for me. I had been on the MPF 1200…
  • Good for you! Insanity vet x2 here! One thing I will tell you is to NOT go by the scale. The first week you may gain weight... water mostly. Take pictures and take your measurements. Hide the scale. You will lose inches before you lose pounds. Just stay off the scale and go by how your clothes fit. A lot of times the…
  • I had the best luck when I had something small in the morning. Maybe a 1.2 banana, or a rice cake with peanut butter, or a protein shake. Then I 'd do my workout, and eat something more substantial afterwards (oatmeal, or a yogurt with granola) afterwards
  • I'm going to disagree with this as well, ESPECIALLY if you are doing the MFP numbers and eating back your calories. The numbers on MFP are really off and if you try to use them, then you're number are going to be off. Even if you are doing a flat rate, I fine my HRM useful to keep track of relative calories burned and…
    in Tools Comment by ellew70 October 2013
  • I've had a PT on and off. I found that mine was most useful toward the end of my goal, when I was really working on that last 5 lbs and getting my fat% down. I did about an hour of lifting with her and did my cardio on my own.
  • I burn 800 to 1000 calories in a second month Insanity workout. I don't think there is any way your calorie burn is that high. Do you wear an HRM?
  • The problem is your heart rate will go down as you switch machines, I think. I'd say do one piece of equipment each day, or two, for 30 min each. Then vary the equipment to keep muscle confusion. Oh, and lift! but I'm no expert, I'm just a person on the interwebz