bkknights Member


  • Holy Moses this is hilarious. Green and Gold all day and day......Even if you aint from here you've got to respect the tradition that is Green Bay. It's like not acknowledging the Yankees or Muhammad Ali. Love em or hate em you've got to give em props. And I would call Clay Matthews something entirely different while…
  • Cards. Our friends were dating and he was the third wheel one night. They needed a 4th to play spades.
  • You look like you've lost weight...your face was much rounder. Really??
  • This. Aaahhh I saw this earlier in a coworkers cubicle. I wanted to rip it down!!
  • Awesome success so far 35!! Thank you for sharing. I started when I saw my pic at my son's 3 year this May. I lost 14 at first, but gained 2 back. I am now sitting with no loss, but I haven't been making the best food choices. Your are an inspiration to get me motivated! You look great and kudos to your running success!!…
  • Pump it- Black Eyed Peas Boiler-Limp Bizket TNT or Back in Black-AC/DC In da Club-Lil Jon, Ludacris, R Kelly
  • I think this is well said. I used to be anti-gun, but then I realized that these things are going to keep happening. Now people are calling for a new ban on assult weapons. The ban was lifted in 2004, but if you recall, some of the most gruesome gang violence in the US was at an all time high in the 80s and 90s. I don't…
  • Yep, yesterday. Work function. I went in saying I was only going it eat certain things and ate waaaayyyy to much. Trying to get back on track. Have a gathering with friends in a week and I would like to at least not be bloated :)
  • Against all odds anyone?
  • George Kennedy
  • I've just begun my journey and a co-worker said "you look different". Then she stares me down and says "your face is not as full. It was very round and now it looks thinner". Ok thanks?
  • I don't know if anyone has reccomended this but I love Zumba. I have been doing the Exilarate DVDs at home but have also looked at utube. Some are cheesy but others are great. I don't enjoy push ups, jumping jacks or planks so dancing is a great alternative for me!!
  • I think this is a great place. I'm 45 days in and I am really responding to being accountable for my calories. Not to mention I've never worked out for so long consecutively! Its great motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend for support and motivation. I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old. I can't believe how much my…
  • Kellymom.com has great resources. I suggest LOTS of water, oatmeal (old fashioned) and supplements. I used More Milk Plus. Its expensive but I saw a difference. I'm nursing my second now and have noticed a dip so I need to follow my own advice :)
  • Oh and congrats on your new addition :)
  • Welcome! I have a 3 year old and a seven month old (ok almost 8 but its going too fast). I am nursing too. It seems people add breastfeeding as an exercise and add 500 calories so they know how much they need to consume to keep supply up. I would search breastfeeding in the forums. There are lots of topics and you can get…
  • Hi and welcome! I have been on here a month and I am releasing weight from two pregnancies. I am nursing an almost 8 month old. From what I gather, people on here go into their food log and add breastfeeding. Most add 500 calories (there are a few selections). Others add breastfeeding as an exercise to show the amount…
  • Hi, I have about 60 to lose as well. I also need help with accountability. I've only been on here a month and it has helped me so far. I do have a trigger...my work. It's full of snacks and treats and I can easily lose control. I have "started over" every week for who knows how long. I am determined for this to work! I am…
  • Hi, I'm a mom of two looking to lose from 2 pregnanices. I did not lose after my first. I am looking to get fit and healthy for my lil' ones :) Add me for support!
  • Hi, I'm 31 with two kiddos. They are 2 1/2 years apart and I never lost weight between them. I am on a mission to lose weight and be healthy for them. Add me if you like :)
  • Hi and welcome. I have been here for about a month and the site is great for logging your food and getting motivation. I can imagine that it is so hard for you to find any time for yourself. Good job with getting the 30DS. I just started Zumba in my basement. Good luck. Add me for a friend for support. I was 4 months along…
  • Hi Nikki, I'm Brook from Wisconsin USA. I have two little ones too that I am trying to get in shape for. I've been on here about a month. Add me as a friend if you'd like. I'll try not to let you hear crickets :)
    in hiya Comment by bkknights June 2012
  • Me too. One month ago. My son's birthday. No official family pictures taken and I have two kids now. I'm ready. Add me as a friend for support!
  • Welcome, I'm pretty new too. Please feel free to add me. Those breakdowns can be hard but we all need to support and motivate each other!!
  • Hi, My name is Brook and you can add me if you'd like. Welcome again....I've been here about 4 weeks now. I really like it and hope I can stick with it. I've already said I've never been this accountable before in terms of logging my food. I will be here to provide motivation and support and will NEVER judge binges. Not…
  • I should also add tha I did do the Step by Step about 4 times when I first got it. Then my excuses got in the way. I work the PM shift and think I might try doing it when I get home. I know its late but there are no other distractions then :)
  • I bought it from Ebay about two months ago and have been sitting on it. I just started saturday night. Did Activate last night, I liked it!! I hope I can stick with it. I want a flat belly like those gals!!
  • Welcome!! I was debating on joinin weight watchers and turned to MFP first. Its only been two weeks but I'm really glad I joined. I have weight from two pregnanices to lose. My youngest is 7 months and I really want to get moving. I want to have a 3rd child some day and would like to be in tip top shape for that!! I had…
  • I've got two pregnanices to try and loose :) It can be tough. I just joined the post partumn group-you should check it out! Add me as a friend if you'd like.