JENNY7634 Member


  • Excited to join the challenge! SW- 202.8 GW- 196.0
  • I added you : )
  • I love sandwiches : ) I make mine on Wasa Rye Crisps instead of bread. My fav is Applegate organic chicken breast, baby spinach, avocado, tomato and a slice of thin swiss cheese.
  • Good for you jumping back in! Sick is never fun : ( Im still doing week 2 as well but I finally got through every move when I did it last pumped! Planning on staying on week 2 a few more nights. Going to start week 3 on Friday....wish me luck!
  • Doing good...but i decided to stick out week 2 longer. I still cant do some of the moves so going to keep at it!
  • So happy to see this...ive been researching sugar and its making me nuts! Everything I have read contradicts another so I have not found a good answer. Ive decided to cut out all added sugars and limit my fruits to 1 serving per day until I lose a good portion of my weight then im going to slowly reintroduce fruit back…
  • Welcome! Im in the middle of week 2 and shes killing shoulders are on fire this week! I feel amazing after though:tongue:
  • Hi Raquel! Im Jen a mom of one seven year old. Definately some moves I havent seen from her before on week 2. I was a little frustrated with it cause i couldnt do half of it....but im giving it another go tonight. Even though I couldnt do half my shoulders are burning today so Im already feeling some results! Congrats on…
  • I hear ya! Im still pretty new to this too. You definately need to eat at least 1200 calories probably more with the workouts. What I am learning is too few calories will actually not help you lose weight because it confuses your system and your body will start storing food and it will really mess up your metabolism. I…
  • Welcome!! Ive only been on here for 2 weeks but its great....lots of support! Feel free to add me as a friend : ) Just click on peoples pictures and it will take you to their page and there is a add as a friend button !
  • Thats great! I am totally a beginner and shes kickin my butt!! But I feel a difference in my arms and legs already....its really amazing! I didnt even think to do measurments....on my way right now : )
  • Im still trying to work in a 30 minute treadmill session. I do that in the morning and Jillian at night.
  • My favorite is baby spinach with any veggies you like then I top it with fresh sliced strawberries and a few toasted pistachios or almonds. For dressing I use kens light options balsalmic vinegrette. I toss it in the dressing 15min before i eat so the spinach can absorb and get a little more tender. Its sooo good....i know…
  • Awesome...will have to try. I use the light creamy swiss wedges now on raw good!
  • New free or die!
  • Just finished todays workout/ week 1....feeling pretty damn good!! Its a pretty short workout but its tough! Makes me realize just how out of shape I truly am.
  • The meal plan is Im not doing the meal plan but have picked out some of the meals to work into my daily menu : )
  • Hi Everyone! Ive only been on MFP for a week and a half. I just started ripped in 30 Yesterday so was pretty excited to see this group! I can definately use all the extra motivation I can get! My goal is 5 workouts per week .
  • Would love to do this if you still have spots. Just started a week and a half ago and could use a challenge to give me that extra push! I would definately commit for the month of June :smile:
  • I just started on Monday but am loving this site....finding that tracking what I eat is really motivating for me. My son is 7 and I never lost baby weight....gained more actually. Feeling inspired and loving the support the site gives. Feel free to add me if your looking for friends to support certainly open to…
  • TRADER JOES fresh packed good. 45mg of sodium per serving and only 1 gram of sugar. I steam my broccoli with low sodium chicken stock instead of water.