GrammaBonnie Member


  • Bumping, because I was really hoping for more information! Thank you!
  • You keep working so you don't end up like me. Someone who WANTS -- quite desperately -- to be able to work out. But my body won't let me. Since March, I've had a stress fracture, a DVT (deep vein thrombosis/blood clot) in my leg, IT Band Syndrome and pinched nerves in my back, which causes shooting pain down the same leg…
  • I can't do weights at the moment, but I'm bumping this for future reference.
  • No matter how ugly the numbers could be, you want to take measurements at the beginning of your journey -- or as early into the journey as possible. I measure as many parts of my body as I can: my neck, chest, buts, waist, belly, butt, hips, thighs, above knees, below knees, calves, ankles, upper arm, wrist. I even make…
  • I don't think about it any more. I just weigh. There is very little that I don't weigh, and most of what I don't weigh I do measure. I found that measuring cups are better than guessing, but a scale is better than measuring cups. (Especially when weighing in grams). You can have a measured "cup" that is overflowing or is…
  • I'm doing good on the water. Haven't recorded it all yet, but I haven't missed a day yet. It's a little struggle, but I've made it. Most nights at bedtime I find I still have a cup left to pound down ... and I usually have to wake up to pee it off! I'm trying to plan it better! I've had some more leg pain in the last few…
  • Awesome ... and, I think many will agree: Inspirational! Thanks for sharing! {Hugs!}
  • I have a Polar FT80, and I love it! I wrote a fairly extensive review, which would give you an idea of some of the features of a better model. I like it much better than the FT40, which I had for a short time. I wear it in the water with minimal problem -- if the pool is too heavily clorinated, it does loose signal…
  • Jewelry (if she wears it). Mikimoto pearls would be a great gift -- a decent strand of pearls is timeless. You can find Sea Magic Pearls by Mikimoto at chains like Kay Jewelers for about $400; or you can spend thousands for the higher end Mikimoto pearls. A get-away to a B&B. Tickets to a nice show in the city. LIVE show.…
  • Today I'll stay on track because: I've been slacking, and I need to get going. I made a Labor Day Commitment. And I'm going to do it.
  • Bump -- I'd like to do this, if it's still going, in a little while. Not quite strong enough to commit ... but strong enough to commit to commit!! Now this topic won't fall off my list. :)
  • Bump so I don't loose this thread ... I'm working on mine, but they aren't ready to show to the world yet! :)
  • Our city water doesn't taste good, so I buy bottled water. (I know, I know.) I use bottles that hold 16.9 oz. When I wake up, take one out, and gulp it down. Then I set 3 bottles in a special section of the fridge, and label the caps: 2, 3 and 4. Everyone knows to not touch my bottles! If I do that, I have no problem…
  • I did terrible in August and the first day this month. I WILL do better in September. 10K Average per day. I have some catching up to do, but today's count will help This is doable!!! 9/1: 4685 9/2: 9029 This Month's Goal: 30,000 Total / 10,000 average per day This Month's Total: 13,714 This Month's Average: 6,857
  • I have been doing a dance ... Two steps forward, one step backward for a while, but more and more steps backward lately. I've been SAYING I'm going to workout but then making excuses. Yes, I've had some health injuries that do slow me down. But I could do upper body workouts. I could do bike time. I could do pool time. And…
  • I use a Mac. I am unable to get to the spreadsheet using Safari ... I can see it, but it won't respond. I have no problems accessing it with Firefox ... For those who are having problems, if you are using a Mac, just try another web browser!
  • I got off the soda many years ago, but still had the same issues of withdrawal. I had stomach/bladder problems with coffee and tea. Eventually I switched my fake sugar to real sugar ... and found that my stomach/bladder problems went away. (And felt even better when I stopped drinking them, too.) Switching to diet/decaf…
  • I kinda wish I hadn't read this ... it left a poor taste in my mouth for their marketing policy. GMO is NOT "natural." Thanks, jodilo88 (I guess!)
  • After a while of not eating sweets, I found the bars too sweet! I finished the box, but didn't really enjoy it. (Guess that's a NSV!) I do eat the 7-Grain Nugget cereal on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes I'll put milk or almond milk on them, and sometimes I'll add 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce to soften them up. I used…
  • If I'm going to do a big burst of heavy cleaning, I'll strap on the heart rate monitor. Sometimes I'll pause it, if the heart rate isn't there for the activity I'm doing. If it's enough of an effort, then I'll log it.
  • Congratulations! You have obviously worked hard, and have done a tremendous job in rebuilding your body! But even more, I love the "pay it forward" idea! Brilliant and generous! I am impressed, and hope I can do the same thing for someone else some day. :)
  • My IT Band is acting up again ... hurts to walk ... I am soooooo far off from my goal, that its too embarrassing to post my numbers. I'd like to try again in September ...
  • We are about half way through this challenge! 6/27: 158.2 7/2: 157.6 < Down 0.6 7/9: 158.2 < Up 0.6 7/1: 155.4 < Down 2.8 8/3: 155.4 < One month, no progress??? 8/14: 154.4 < Down 1 pound 8/20: 153.2 < Down 1.2 pounds 8/29: 151.4 < Down 1.8 pounds Total: 6.8 pounds lost since we started the challenge. Measurements: Neck:…
  • Well, loosing 30 pounds during this challenge was unrealistic for me. A month ago I revised my goal, and then stalled. I'm back on track, and once again it looks like I can make that revised goal before we finish. I know I'm going to try! Good luck to all of you in the next five weeks or so, as well! SW: 175 (March 27)…
  • Brunagota; You are fantastic! I'm so proud of you for your persistence and dedication … And I'm so impressed that you agreed to arm wrestle your brother, let alone that you beat him! Donna: Form is important. (see below!) But 17 to 21? … great improvement already! In and out Kelsey: I love your story! From 0 to 97! Way to…
  • This might help:
  • I wrote about this 10 days ago! Maybe some of you have seen this kind of post before, but this is the first time that I've seen someone else write about it, and I spend a lot of time on MFP!
  • We have a group for learning to do push-ups, and increasing our arm, core and back strength through our pushups. It's been going on for about six weeks, but people are still joining us. Check us out at: The program we're using is:…
  • Here's my advice, for what it's worth: 1. Go get a physical, and have your blood and hormone levels checked. 2. Purchase a kitchen scale, and weigh EVERYTHING. (I found that weighing gave me much different proportions than measuring cups, and measuring cups were far more accurate than my eye.) 3. Purchase a good heart rate…
  • Today I will stay on track because it is my granddaughter's fifth birthday! I want to set a good example for her (and her mother), and, not only do I want to attend her wedding ... and graduation, and 21st birthday, and 30th birthday ... I want to DANCE at these occasions!