eversosquidly Member


  • I was stuck at a plateau for a while. The scale didn't budge in either direction. My dad even replaced the batteries in the hope that maybe something was wrong with it. Then I realized I'd stopped taking my vitamins. Less than two days after taking my vitamins again, I dropped a pound. In rapid succession, I dropped five…
  • You could also be holding water. Because of the diarrhea, your body needs to be rehydrated. I had several days of being violently ill thanks to the adjustments of my eating habits and some multivitamins. After about three days, I thought 'Boy! I guess I'll be losing some weight!' But I didn't. The more water you purge out…
  • I got my Luna bars from Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, even my local Shop n Save had a type of Luna bar. At Sam's Club, they had a box of them with the coconut and the lemon, but I don't know the price. I'm sure google would be much more helpful than I ever could be. Good luck!
  • I had my Flex for a month before I got my Polar FT7. I thought, for whatever reason, that my Polar would track my HR from my wrist. But it tracks from my chest, so if I'd want to know my HR all day, I'd have to run the battery down to keep it on all day. I love my Flex. The bracelet is cool: no one ever thinks anything of…
  • I take a probiotic, but I also eat chia seeds. I might add them to an almond butter sandwich or something. I was not feeling well this morning and had about a tablespoon with my breakfast. The rest of the day, I've felt tons better. They don't taste like much and they go down easily if you allow them to gel. :) Just a…
  • I hope to be down more than that. But I'm in, too! :)
  • I made a list of things that I wanted. A goal list. And I made a bunch of weight goals to hit. I posted it on my fridge. And every time I walk past it--I see the list of things. At 250, I get an elliptical (a friend is giving us theirs) and my car detailed (my mom sells cars). At 230, I get to go to an amusement park I've…
  • I get worried, but not grossed out. My cousin is five and can put away three pink icing donuts from DD. But I'm not in a position to say anything. I think I relate it back to myself. If someone had kept ME from eating a box of donuts by myself, would I be fat? Yes. I'd still be fat. But should I be helping other people? I…
  • Any sugar that you get naturally is not something you need to cut out of your diet. You need fruit to survive! The sugar you get from fruit is beneficial. :) Now, I'm not telling you to turn into a fruit basket and eat fruit all day, but fruit isn't something you should feel compelled to give up. I don't know about refined…
  • What surprised me was the type of fruit you're eating. There's NOTHING wrong with eating fruit, but grapes and bananas are two that have the most sugar content. What I would suggest, in my personal opinion (and with a lot of research via Pinterest articles hahahaha), is substituting out the TYPE of fruit you eat. Instead…
    in Fruit Comment by eversosquidly July 2013
  • My mom makes turkey burgers with the 99% fat free turkey meat. She adds a little light mayo to the whole package and then divides the meat to make the burgers. They taste delicious, but I recommend pan frying and not grilling. When we grilled our burgers, they tasted like sawdust. My mom also made turkey meatloaf and they…
  • When I think about hooping, my brain won't let the hoop go around. So I'll try to count instead. The necklace analogy makes a lot of sense. I'll do my best to figure out how to integrate the two. I really just have a terrible time getting it to stay up. My sister can keep it up all day, but my hoop falls off almost…
  • Hula hooping is an excellent workout. I'll tell you why. For me, since I drop the hoop so much, I have to bend over to pick it up every five seconds. So I'm getting in cardio and some core ..stretching or whatever you'd call it. Either way, hooping is definitely cardio and is GREAT for doing while you're watching TV or…
  • You look absolutely incredible. Thank you for being an inspiration to all of the aspiring. You are a bright, shining beacon of hope. :)
  • I started the 30 day shred yesterday and couldn't get all the way through it. When you started, did you wake up the next morning in a lot of pain? Because it's all I can do to get myself going in the upper leg area after the squat things. Just curious. :(
  • Every time I 'dieted', I would find myself making exceptions for sweets because 'they were low-calorie, so that makes it okay to eat more than one, right?' This time, I made a change in my thinking. And I got rid of the sugary snacks until I can better handle myself. When I can go out and have ONE thing of something, and…
  • Thanks, guys! I find that if I try anything with sugar, it leads to a binge. So I'm avoiding it until I can handle having just one of something. I explained it to my family as if it were an addiction. And they not only understood, but they've been incredibly supportive. With the exception of my sister, who can sit on the…
  • I used to hate water. HATE IT. I had a personal trainer for about a month and a half in 2011. I started drinking out of those 16oz water bottles. The Dasani ones? I thought, ~Hey, drink one during exercise and I'm all set!' I found out pretty quickly that I needed to drink more water. I struggled to meet the requirements…
  • I've done this yo-yo dieting thing since I was a little kid. When I was really young, like..second grade, my kidneys started to fail. So they put me on steroids. And I never lost the weight. Every year I weigh a little bit more. Between 2012 and 2013, I've gained 30lbs. I finally said 'enough is enough' after family…
  • I'm under the belief that when something changes the composition of the water (i.e. coffee, tea, crystal light, etc), it's no longer water. But everyone is going to believe whatever they want to. :)
  • I fill up on things that don't have a lot of calories. Like broccoli. :) And I do my best to drink as much water as I can. At least 8 cups a day.