

  • I saw your photos! Good job! I am trying to lose weight also. Seeing these photos are very inspirational. Thank you! :)
  • If you have comcast under sports and fitness there are fitness workouts and there's a great variety of aerobics videos ranging from 8 mins to 45 or longer. I have combined those with long jogs long walks, and stationary cycling and lost 30 pounds. I weighed myself yesterday and total I have lost almost 30 pounds. I started…
  • Go Girl! I just weighed myself today and I am 160.3 and it feels so good to see that zero. I started at 189 and it feels even better to be out of the 170's because I was stuck there for so long! and now I'm only a couple days of exercising from being in the 150's!! I'm so excited. Keep up the good work and remember to…
  • 4'11.75" LOL! You look great in your photo! I am 160.3 as of today and I want to get down to 135 and then I'll decide if I want to lose more. This website is so motivational and the photos that other people post are so motivating. In the after photos people always look so happy and they almost glow. :) 30 down 25 or so to…
  • Wow! You look great! I was in the same boat at 4' 11.75" (I guess that's right) I weighed in at an unhealthy weight of 189 at one point, and I still have a little ways to go. Congrats on your wight loss and keep up the good work! Please post photos when you reach your goal. It is so great to see photos of others that are…