laursoar Member


  • I made chocolate chip "cookie dough" dip with PB2 and a can of chickpeas today that is delicious! Recipe from: with two servings of mini semi-sweet chocolate chips thrown in afterward. I also skipped the brown sugar and regular sugar in favor of stevia. I split mine into 8…
  • This! I gained just a little bit over Thanksgiving week, seeing how I was attending a few Thanksgiving celebrations where I didn't count, having two nights where I drank and ate copious amounts of fried chips and guac, and going to a fancy anniversary party. But since then, I got back on track and dropped extra weight than…
  • As many have said, Subway's about the choices you make. I like Jimmy John's better when given the choice for a fast food sub though! If you make healthier choices there, you can get double the size sub for almost the same calorie total. My favorite Jimmy John's order is a Turkey Tom without mayo/with avocado and provolone.…
  • I started 101 days ago. I've lost 21 lbs, which I think that roughly does come out to my goal of 1.5 lbs per week. I maintained over Thanksgiving week too. I weigh myself daily and also take averages per week to keep an eye on loss trends overall.
  • I love spinach smoothies! I think my favorites would have to be with banana, unsweetened coconut milk, strawberry, and vanilla extract or spinach, vanilla extract, a splash of peppermint extract, 1/2 avocado, unsweetened coconut milk, and 1/2 banana. I usually add sweetener too.
  • I fit in snacks all day long by planning my food for the day in advance. As others have said, protein and healthy fats fill you up the most. I do like carbs a lot though and tend to crave them the most, so I plan them in and measure everything. Fill in the gaps with drinking lots of water. Sometimes I feel like I eat more…
  • Working out will tone you up and overall increase your fitness and health. For losing weight though, diet's definitely the key. I now plan most if not all of my eating a day in advance. If I know I'm going out, I'll leave a bunch of calories in there to work around that as well. Planning ahead in MFP and then measuring the…
  • If I keep up at the same pace (which isn't always the case), I'll be on track to lost 40 lbs in six months. It's definitely possible. It is important to note though that weight loss can get slower as you get smaller. I'd try to take it one day at a time with a bunch of short-term goals at first.
  • I feel you. I have a couple of pairs of 14s that are now getting really baggy, but I don't fit 12s yet either. I've started to just accept that my clothes continuously are going to fit me weirdly for a while! When my family asked me my sizes for Christmas, I even told them a little smaller to aim for a month or two down…
  • I always have in my cabinets or fridge: oatmeal, 2% milk string cheese, Libby's pure pumpkin puree, spinach, unsweetened coconut milk, broccoli slaw, eggs, fish/chicken/deli turkey/meat of the week, PB2, some sort of Back to Nature snack, ultra thin Sargento provolone cheese, broccoli, and whole wheat bread. I bake a low…
  • I eat breakfast foods for random meals all of the time! I do make a lot of sweetener swaps, use coconut milk, etc... but I wouldn't say they're intrinsically unhealthy by any means. I make a lot of toppings using PB2. Sometimes, I'll simmer half a banana, 1/8th a cup of coconut milk, a tbsp of PB2, and some cinnamon on the…
  • Banana (usually I'll do half of one) sliced thinly with either cinnamon, vanilla extract, and honey or coconut milk, vanilla extract, and PB2 that you let sizzle on the stove for just a couple of minutes!
  • I like to freeze them in halves too. For a smoothie, that tends to be enough of a banana... and if I ever need a whole, that's still more versatile by grabbing to halves rather than thawing and cutting the whole.
  • I'm allergic to tree nuts, with particularly extreme reactions to cashews and walnuts. I'm just glad I can eat peanuts (they're not true nuts, but rather legumes) because I find ways to incorporate PB2 into everything! I also have a mild mango allergy. I hate even thinking about roasted red peppers, sweet pickled anything…
  • I eat breakfast for dinner all of the time! Some of my favorites are: Pumpkin or banana french toast with a homemade simple pb2 topping Two pieces of whole wheat toast, an egg, a slice of ultra thin provolone, and two pieces of turkey bacon Van's wholegrain waffles, turkey bacon, and the same banana or pumpkin pb topping…
  • I think so, at the very least for a year or so at maintenance. Eventually, I might try to transition to continuing to weigh daily to track the need, but mainly deciding by portions at that point and using MFP as a reference. I won't be at that point for awhile though.
  • I'm 5'8" as well. I'm looking at a GW of somewhere between 150 lbs and 160 lbs. I've never been that thin at this height, so it's hard to say exactly where I want to be until I get there!
  • I weigh myself every morning. This is a controversial strategy as many struggle with feeling discouraged on the weeks when weight doesn't dip down or due to the small day-to-day fluctuations. For me though, it helps me see the bigger picture. Even when I have a hard time noticing aspects of my weight loss, I can see the…
  • There's no need to take diet pills. Just be patient, track your food, and try to find healthier substitutions that allow you to eat more. Exercising is absolutely a plus as well for overall health and for toning. Generally though, if you eat at a caloric deficit, you'll lose weight. It just might not be as fast as you'd…
  • I don't eat perfectly by any means as long as it fits in my daily calories. I quickly have realized though that making healthier choices tends to fill me up longer and allow me to eat more around the clock. I'm a lot less inclined to spend 210 calories on a measly candy bar when I realize I could eat homemade pumpkin…
  • I don't ever have "cheat days". I accept that some days I'm going to eat over but still try to keep it more reasonable than I did prior to losing weight. Most of the time, I just eat really well the rest of the day or week to equalize it all out. For Thanksgiving, I'm planning to go like 500 to 600 calories above my normal…
  • As a lot of my clothes get baggier, I've been buying a few new things here and there. I tend to buy clothes that are a little tighter or even an extra size down since I know I'll be there in a month or so. It isn't really for motivation's sake, even though I do love the feeling when clothes that were too tight start…
  • I would stay clear of the fried rice or egg noodles if you're trying to keep it lower calorie. Streamed brown rice would be your best bet if you need a noodle/rice base. You'd probably be best off with something meat based with a vegetable or a bean without the noodles or rice though. Even then, you'll probably only want…
  • I either get the healthier option or I eat half of something high calorie while eating healthier the rest of the day. I usually will try to eat filling but low calorie foods prior to eating out as well to be less tempted to overindulge.
  • Make lists of things you use in meals you like too so you can be sure to buy replacement ingredients. Find your staples as others have mentioned. Also, look at healthy recipe sites for delicious meal ideas and put the ingredients that you need on your lists. You could try planning ahead in MFP a couple of days as well to…
  • Lots of great advice in here. I would never recommend not going to the dinners at all. If you want your new eating habits to stick, you need to be able to adjust them to all settings and circumstances. I know that going into settings where you aren't preparing the food can be intimidating. I think that's true for a lot of…
  • Unfortunately, you can't really specifically direct weight loss in target areas. It is true that working out more might help tone your body overall. What if your son and you started taking more walks together? Eventually, maybe you could make this more into a walking/jogging combination too. I'd also suggest that maybe you…
  • I do the exact same! If I'm running a tight calorie day, I might grab an unsweetened iced green tea though and sweeten it myself.
  • I plan many snacks all throughout the day, which has made that part a lot easier. At night, I generally limit myself to one snack after dinner on most regular nights. I mostly chose to do this due to my own habits of tending to overeat at night in the past. Once I eat that snack, it's a lot of water. I also sometimes find…
  • Cook broccoli slaw! From there, I usually throw in a vegetable (broccoli is my favorite) and a meat or meat substitute. I usually use a sauce of a tbsp and a half of PB2, three tbsp of water, a tbsp of low sodium soy sauce, and a smidgen of hot sauce, but you could use whatever sauce you'd like. I cook the meat first, then…