caribougal Member


  • OMG, Kerrek... you absolutely should NOT feel guilty for eating bananas. And you didn't lose weight because you're a lean mean WODing machine already! With the amount of exercise you do, you clearly can have more carbs because you're doing it and not gaining, and PRing like it's your job. Carry on, guilt-free. To the OP...…
  • We all have days where the stomach is a bottomless pit. Or we start out with great intentions and then eat crap all day. But I remind myself that the "old me" used to have those days almost every day. My "binge" today is what my normal eating used to be like. So... I still feel guilty over indulgences and binges, but I…
  • You look beautiful! Great job!
  • OMG, don't feed them to the dog! You have the heart, kidney, liver, and gizzards maybe? Boil the heart, kidney, and gizzards in water. Then chop into little bits and add to gravy. Saute the chicken liver in butter and devour. Or freeze it until you have a bunch and make chopped liver.
  • I get local organic cream-top milk delivered weekly. I scoop off the cream from the top of the bottle and add it to my coffee or berries. Heaven! I only get to do this once every few days when we open a new bottle. I'm sad the days I have to miss out on my cream.
  • Congrats, OP! Keep it up!
  • Use a cast iron pan regularly. Non-stick once it's seasoned and you get some iron with each meal. Some foods absorb a lot of iron while they cook, others not as much. But it's the last pan you'll ever buy.
  • This is life. That was 2 weeks out of it. No biggie. Just get back on the train.
  • Mine did. I got LOTs of marrow bones, and that was separate from bones they packaged for stew.
  • I bought a 1/4 grass-fed local cow, and it was about 100 lbs of beef. Plus a TON of bones. It came out to $5-6 per lb, which is a pretty great price considering all the various cuts of meat. I bought that in October, and I'm finally starting to see some space in my chest freezer. My "beef" with buying all that meat was…
  • Day 2 recipe idea: bacon and maple meatballs. I've never made these, but they sound damned good. I'm going to pick up some ground sausage and try these tomorrow, but if anyone makes them first, let us know. Lots of porky goodness, maple syrup, sweet potato... What could be better?…
  • It might not help with this challenge, but I must put a plug in for the best bacon in the world. If you can't get your pork from a reputable local farmer with happy pigs, you can order from this website. I LOVE their bacon ends. They are the meatiest bacon pieces I've ever had, and each "end" is pretty decent in size. And…
  • Beef! Happy 2 years. You are amazing. 95 lbs. You've lost 1/4 of a grass-fed cow! Well, not the hanging weight with the bones and all, but the packaged result of a 1/4 cow. You've lost a starving celebrity like one of those Olsen twins. You lost a 15 yr old me. Congrats!
  • I have 2 boys, 5 1/2 and almost 4. I don't force primal on them, but... - You can easily swap out gluten-free versions if you decided to continue to offer things like breads or pasta. - Engage them in cooking, especially picking what they want to eat. I bought the "Eat Like a Dinosaur" book. There are other Paleo kid books…
  • I already knew you were a rock star, Mike. But good to see some documentation on that. Congrats!!!!:drinker:
  • That's great news! I can certainly tell that over the past year I've become far-sighted, which is so crazy after a lifetime of being horribly near-sighted. My vision was so bad that my eye doctor said I was "functionally blind" sounds dramatic, but just meant that I couldn't function without my glasses/contacts. I waited…
  • I was wondering what was up with you. Thought it was just the new gig. Get that awesome out of yer butt and get back to bidness.
  • Paleo certainly isn't for everyone. I decided to try it because it just made a lot of sense to me. Paleo eliminates all grains, not just gluten-free. That was ok for me, because that meant I was eliminating lot of my triggers. It also made sense to me because I already knew that I do well on a lower-carb diet and can…
  • The reason you didn't get the debate you were after is because you didn't say you are following "X" diet. If you had said that you are eating Paleo, or Vegan, or Gluten Free, or Low Carb, or Keto or any of those "fad" diets, then you would have seen the "moderation is everything" crowd jumping in. Because.... because....…
  • Thanks for sharing and congrats to you and all the other survivors who posted. I had my first mammogram this month and was called back for a recheck. With every picture, the mammo tech showed me the very obvious blip on the scan. "Yup, there it is.". "There it is again". My knees were rattling. Then the radiologist sent me…
  • You can do both if your box offers Crossfit Endurance. It's specially designed to help people doing endurance races to get stronger and faster.
  • Hi. I've been eating Paleo/Primal for 10 months and it's no longer a diet, it's just how I eat. I don't think it will make a difference for your lymphedema, but it could very well help your fibromyalgia, since that's an auto-immune related condition. Actually, you don't need to go Paleo for that, just try eating…
  • I did a daily deficit for 10 months and lost 23 lbs. I decided to try out 5:2 just to change things up, and it got me the last 3 lbs to goal. It's just another approach to eating at a deficit but focusing on a weekly goal rather than daily goal. And as a poster above says, the science is not conclusive yet about the…
  • Sigh. Posting again, since the stupid orange example came up twice. When people talk about processed foods in this context, they're talking about the additives used in processed foods, they're not talking about the chemical composition of the foods themselves, butchering the food, heating the food, or packaging the food.…
  • As someone who's bills are paid in large part thanks to the pharma industry, I agree with this. Anyone who works in a large publicly-traded corporation is potentially working for an organization that cares more about share price and profit than anything else. In every industry. Believe me... I've lived through a massive…
  • I whole-heartedly agree with every thing you posted. The intent of my post was to list some ways to obtain nutritious whole foods even when you're on a budget. Doesn't mean each one of these things is available to everyone. Each person makes their choices based on their budget, access, and priorities.
  • Another misleading comment about processing. Of course, people don't mean that processing includes sorting, washing, or packaging. By your definition, nothing is not processed because we chew our food, thus "processing it" in our mouths. And no, most people would not consider freezing whole meat or fish or veg to be…
  • That's awful. All of the CSAs that I've ever belonged to are from organic farms. You can visit the farm and talk to them about their techniques for staying pesticide free. I also see signs by the farms warning not to spray pesticides near their farm in order to maintain their organic integrity. Our local farmer's market…
  • I didn't watch the Ted Talk. I trusted the people above who said it wasn't great. But I think your post is pretty misleading. When people talk about chemicals used in processed foods, they're not talking about the chemical composition of the foods themselves. They're talking about additives and preservatives used to change…
  • I know, right? Sheesh. Maybe the OP just got a big bill or something. It is cheaper to buy a case of Ramen then to buy a week's worth of fresh fruit and veg. No doubt about that. There are also ways to eat nutritious whole foods on the cheap. Buy from local farmer's markets. Join a CSA. My CSA asks members to help…