

  • Hi all, I'm new to the group. Have been on MFP since June 2012, lost 70, then gained back 30, now back at it since my hubby finally wants to do something about his weight. He's lost 14 and I've lost 23 since he/we started. I have only gotten him on the bike a couple times, and he moans and groans about it...sure makes me…
  • Deedee, I've been making out-loud comments like "holy cow, do you see how many fat grams are in this?" and he mutters something in the way of acknowledgement. He just doesn't pay attention to it. He often will eat a bowl of cereal for a snack, or ice cream (we both come from families in which ice cream is a food group all…
  • OK, I fell in the cracks between the old September stuff and the new one. And the long note I just typed is totally gone. Grrrr. Where DO they go, anyway??? I'll try to remember what I said. Surely it was brilliant.:laugh: Steve and the ice cream/dry cleaners/etc. I am concerned for him because he works with his head all…
  • Hi ladies - Finally past the 20 pounds lost mark...hooray! I think I've lost that one pound about 6 times now. Hopefully it's gone for good. I took measurements over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised. No wonder the jeans are feeling loose! I miss my bike! I love to ride, but now that work is back to the normal…
  • Lynn, Yes, Skinny Pop is a regular item at Costco - I LOVE IT! I keep a bag at the office for that 2:30 pm craving...and I eat it one piece at a time. I'm fighting that pound on/pound off thing too...frustrating. I need to watch my fat grams more closely. Hovering around the 20 pounds lost mark and happy about that. I will…
  • Ginib - nice to meet another quilter here. Where do you live? Where do you go for retreats? I'm near Chicago, and go to Shipshewana IN several times a year...great shopping, good friends, and too much carb-rich food, but it's the food of my childhood and I love it.
  • Hi everyone! This has been a crazy busy week...most of 'em are, but this week I feel like I just haven't stopped. Lots of running around (which is good) but not much time to cook healthy meals, and that's a problem. Brown's Chicken one night...leftover Brown's the next night. Why does stuff that's not good for you have to…
  • Hello ladies - I keep disappearing...sorry! Just scrolling through the August posts to catch up, and was struck by the numbers, big and small, of what everyone's lost. That is so encouraging! I've struggled this week...some stress at home and I was not being as careful as I need to be, and it showed up in my weigh-ins.…
  • Hello ladies - I keep disappearing...sorry! Just scrolling through the August posts to catch up, and was struck by the numbers, big and small, of what everyone's lost. That is so encouraging! I've struggled this week...some stress at home and I was not being as careful as I need to be, and it showed up in my weigh-ins.…
  • Hi all...Making progress...it's been hot but I've been riding my bike. My son is home on leave from the Air Force and he is a slave-driver on the bike! We rode an hour and went 15 miles the other night, and surprisingly, it didn't feel all that bad. Finally over the "lose that first 10 pounds" hump and that feels good. The…
  • Welcome, Linda! This is a great encouraging, supportive group! I'm glad you've joined. Having done the "yo-yo" routine several times, I can tell you DO NOT slack off on watching what you eat and exercising! Five years ago I lost 60 pounds. Looked great!!! But I got sloppy and put 95% of it back on...and here I am, five…
  • Hi everyone from hot, steamy Chicago! It was 100 degrees when I left work at 5:15pm. Yikes. Then I went home and cooked on the grill. 8^) I'm doing pretty well with the recording and checking and weighing and exercising. I do love riding my bike, it's just hard to find the time some days. Starting to make it up the hills…
  • Hi all! I found you!!! I'm really pleased...after the frustration of being ever so careful on our trip to Mississippi last week, and GAINING half a pound, it's starting to come off. Yippee!!! I was mildly out of control at the "welcome home" cookout for our son on Saturday, but pretty restrained compared to old habits.…
  • So, the vacation is almost over...we drove 12 hours today, from Gulfport MS to Paducah KY. Tomorrow the rest of the way to Chicago and home. Hopefully that's only 6-7 hours. I have knit a complete pair of socks on this trip...I'll finish the last few rows and bind off tomorrow morning. Then I have a sweater to work on.…
  • Still on the road...tonight in Gulfport MS. Finally saw our younger son today (the older one is here too, but he got here Saturday), and he looks great! It was awesome to see him run across the parking lot...that run in a gigantic hug on Mom! One more exam for him in the morning...then graduation in the afternoon. We'll…
  • Hello from the road - Day 2 of our trip to Gulfport MS, and I'm doing ok. The MFP app on my Android phone is amazing and so helpful! We've been discussing it a lot at mealtimes. So far, I've been able to stay below recommended calorie intake. No exercise yesterday (unless you count knitting in the car!) but today when we…
  • Meg, what looks like a critter is actually a lady's head! The pic was taken at a local quilt show. So, I'm all packed for our trip to Allen's graduation. Projects to knit in the car are ready and all necessary supplies and accessories are in the appropriate bags. I cannot sit still in the car and not do anything for 900+…
  • Jen, will be thinking of you and your son. Hard to see them leave. What branch is he in? Are there other military moms in the group?
  • Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm in the Chicago suburbs, and it's been hot and dry for weeks now. You would think I could just SWEAT it off! I teach quiltmaking classes on Wednesday mornings, then go to my office at church and work all afternoon, then home and chase the little grandson (he's 5) for a while. After dinner,…
  • I'm Cj and I'm new here...just found myfitnesspal over the weekend. I've gained and lost and gained and lost and gained...need to do something for me, something permanent. I know from past experience that I can lose by simply keeping track of what I put in my mouth. The problem for me is cultivating the habits of staying…