kathleennf Member


  • Keep it up! It becomes addictive after a while. Though- I will say- sometimes I still have to go when I don't really feel like it!
  • Yes!!! Me!!!! So - briefly, I have been in maintenance for 10 years this month - total lost before that was roughly 40 lbs. I was up and down about 10-15 pounds a few times before I found MFP, and have been totally stable on MFP now for more than 5 years. I am at my college weight at age 53 and I feel great!!
  • I read this article and was looking on here to see who had commented!! Yes, at first glance the article is kind of depressing- but as a physician and as someone who has lost weight and kept it off for right at 10 years now, with a few minor ups and downs, I tended to doubt it. There are two main caveats. The first one, as…
  • I track saturated fat because it affects cholesterol levels.
  • Hello I will add my own experience for you. I managed to get down to my goal weight with diet and only walking for exercise- so I have already gone where you are headed. I did not eat enough protein and I lost a LOT of muscle. I am finally succeeding in putting it back by lifting weights and eating protein. I hear you- I…
  • Haha yeah it totally depends on your goals and how much you weigh! I only get 1620 for maintenance!
  • I get that a lot. You are right, it is kind of frustrating. I tell them some combination of the following things: 1> My weight is normal. Sometimes I add to that the comment that so many people now are overweight that overweight seems normal, but it's not. 2> I tell them that I feel well and I am strong and healthy. 3> I…
  • Here's my 2 cents. I have been on MFP for 4 years. I eat back all my exercise calories. I use the estimates from the machines at the gym when I use the machines at the gym. For dog walking, weight lifting, and yoga I use whatever MFP estimates. They have all been right on target for me. I either lost weight at an…
  • Plasma (and platelets suspended in plasma) are mostly "salt water" with protein. There is a significant amount of protein in it - albumen (like egg whites) and other proteins. It's completely reasonable to replace it IMO, and logging it and replacing it makes more sense than a lot of things a lot of us log on here. I think…
  • I do something similar to what sushi said but with less math. I try to stay within my limit (almost) every day except Sunday. I "save" calories for Sunday and then pretty much eat what I want on Sunday, trying not to go over what I saved. It's been working :)
  • I've had to "push" the trainer to show me exercises with free weights, and when I told him I wanted to do bench press with the barbell he asked why LOL. Respect the trainer, but get him/her to challenge you. That's my suggestion.
  • I do!! I used to take imitrex but my doctor switched me to Maxalt and it has worked better. I have also been taking daily magnesium which was recommended by two medical friends and is subsequently starting to be shown in the medical literature to be helpful. Also there is an iPhone app called iHeadache which helps you to…
  • I second the Pure Protein recommendation. It's a good amount of protein for not too many calories, I can usually get them at a good price and they taste good. I am particular partial to the Chocolate Peanut Butter and the Peanut Caramel Surprise (or whatever it's called).
  • Great article! Thanks for going to the effort to copy and paste! I am bookmarking it for later reference. I particularly like the part about breakfast (which I normally eat- but not until close to 3 hours after I get up) and the part about the number of meals. I have never been much of a "snack" person.
  • I like Body Fortress.
  • MrsRatfire- I read your post :) Here is a good reference: http://www.libraryindex.com/pages/2712/Weight-Physical-Health-GENETICS-BODY-WEIGHT-OBESITY.html Bottom lines: 1> Genetics plays a role. 2> There are some (relatively small number of) people with serious metabolic disorders. 3> #1 and #2 are beyond our control. We…
  • ice in bottom of blender- about 1 cup 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1/8 cup powdered skim milk leftover cold coffee to fill above ice- again, about 1 cup Blend and enjoy! Better frozen mocha than you can buy almost anywhere! (Also works with vanilla protein powder or cookies-n-cream)
  • I check if it seems weird, or "too good to be true" especially. Or sometimes I look at several different entries of the same thing and pick one of the ones that seems to fit in with the others. I am actually mostly eating at places that don't have nutrition info (outside the US).
  • For me it's been very close.
  • Love it! Thanks for the morning laugh - and the idea!
  • I totally agree!! I vary it every year, but I often try to do something specifically spiritual and something more charitable. The "traditional" Lent practices are three: prayer, giving alms and fasting. Since I have been on MFP so long I have decided recently to not add another type of "giving up food" other than trying to…
  • I divide it by how much I am actually going to eat. Works for me. I this case I would divide by 5, assuming that I am going to eat one chicken breast.
  • Great article! And I just thought they were overpriced haha.
  • Any idea how much you were eating before? Do you feel full? I can't tell from your pic how big you are- but unless you're a small man, yes you might need to eat more. On the other hand, if you really can't stop losing weight, you need to see a doctor, get a checkup and make sure there is not some other problem.
  • I did it, it worked. It fit into my lifestyle at the time. In fact, I didn't even gain most of the weight back- I just gained a little of it back when I was trying to figure out how to put on muscle. Which is how I ended up here. Do it if you want to for a while- it's OK.
  • @ironanimal- thanks for the link! "Comparable" (as opposed to a lot better) is also kind of what I remember but I am no expert on this topic. I have a cousin who is a nurse and a vegan (I am a doctor and a non-vegan fairly health eater) - and we have had this conversation as well. I think the data will come out later and…
  • MMMMMKay. Well this is only partly true. Vegetarian (and even more so Vegan) diets have been shown, in good studies, to be superior to the average American diet - ie what most people eat. I have never seen any good data comparing vegetarian or vegan diets to other types of "healthy" or "clean" eating. If anyone has, please…