CJisinShape Member


  • And..... I'd love to continue defending myself for asking how YOU react to people that verbally attack you BUT I have better things to do. http://nytimes.com/2015/08/09/fashion/im-too-old-for-this.html?referrer=&_r=0
  • It is not. About her. 5th time: The question was about: The article. Reminded me. Of an incident. The question was generally. How you react. When people. Verbally put you down. You do not know anything other than I said she was mean to me. Your judgement of our interaction reflects on you. Sounds like you had a rush to…
  • It's just the way I am. I can be more specific about myself, but when discussing others, I tend to be a lot more vague.
  • Yup!
  • Hug!
  • You don't know what or how she said what she did. Or how I reacted to her. You only know I've chosen to protect her through anonymity and lack of specificity. And that the question was not about her, but generally speaking, when you buck up into people that want to tear you down for no reason. Yet, in your estimation, that…
  • Yeah! Very well! I think this sums up your POV:
  • I did. Hence the "chalk it up to projecting." I appreciate your response! and you're right about the gender - mean comes in both.
  • Because it's not about her or the incident. It's about LIFE. About coming to a place of self-acceptance, then bucking up into those who want to tear down the confidence that took a lot to attain.
  • You say, ok, that's all, but what you said was incredibly profound. First, congratulations on your sobriety. That's a conversation in itself. Well done. Second, bravo for bravely admitting what you did, and better, for seeing the error of your ways and overcoming it. That's huge. Third, I wasn't mad at this woman, because…
  • Walking away does send a stronger statement.
  • It wasn't ever mentioned.
  • I just thought this article was really awesome and wanted to share. The mean girl comment was not the focus of the article, but it got me to thinking about an encounter I had recently. Like the quote said, I wasn't beating myself up about myself, and here came a perfect stranger who decided she'd start in on me. The…
  • I wasn't. It was actually an interesting thought mentioned in an article I read that I quoted above.
  • Interesting, since I did say I "chalked it up to projection." If I mentioned the conversation we had, you would clearly see SHE was judging ME. But I'm asking a more general question - mean girls - the kind who regularly speaks in put down language, or bully's other kids for their fashion, fat, nerdiness, etc., what's…
  • Fair enough. How about, I met a woman who was unneccesarily mean to me at one moment in her life, not judging at all, what say you? Better?
  • I don't like her mantra either, for the reasons you mentioned, but I like the sentiment behind it. I also look at photographs and saw, oh look, me at size 4, and remember how much I picked at my flaws back then (I had a 4 pack, not a six pack - soooo fat, lol). Now I look at those photos and say, why didn't I appreciate…
  • JSurita3 - What did you think of the part about encountering things that, in the past, would have had her unhinged, that she now shrugs off? That's very powerful, to not be easily bothered. Or, about accepting her youth and beauty, instead of upsetting over her weight, age, and wrinkles? That from experience, she knows she…
  • The article had some real gems. Must not be for you to know.
  • Did you read the article?
  • Also, your comment has given me more incentive to track my food. Thanks!
  • Well, you can always blame it on gluten. Husband always suggests I have PMS. Are you upset about anything at all? PMS. Stomach hurt? PMS. Don't like when people are rude? You must be getting ready to have your period. No need to apologize. You have a problem and want to troubleshoot it. Ignore the know-it-alls. :)
  • And when I read your post, about making notes in the food diary, I thought it was an excellent idea, btw.
  • Because gluten causes irritability.
  • I know two sisters. One is shy, one is very outgoing and gets lots of attention. The shy one is always told how pretty she is (gorgeous), and is pointed out in photos all the time. The shy one has plenty of self-esteem, so does the outgoing one. Shy is an issue of social reservedness, not beauty.
  • Sorry for being so snarky. It's just that it's like people forget: Sugar busters - sugar was the problem Low fat diets - fat was the problem Low carb diets - carbs were the problem Heart health diet - red meat was the problem Trans fat - trans fat was the problem Organic - human interventions was the problem And…