flimflamfloz Member


  • Jacques Brel - Ne me quitte pas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za_6A0XnMyw
  • In the actual world yes, but not when people are partaking in "online shopping-dating".
  • I find these "one word descriptions" fishy. I never believe them. Any idiot with a dictionary can list words, but I often find that these words will have a different meaning in someone else's mouth (most women "described as crazy and fun by their friends" are just utterly conventional and boring - can't imagine what their…
  • These days I prefer self-teaching to formal education. That said I have a specialized degree already, plus I'm managing my own business so I need to learn stuff on the fly, all the time - formal education would be too slow and costly for the breadth of topic I'm covering. I've also always preferred looking at stuff on my…
  • $50,000 for education? Only thing I'm thinking is: I'm glad I grew up in a place where education is still considered a public service and is "free" for everyone. It's already hard enough to compete with the rich kid in life without this. Good for the match kids, though.
  • One thing I'm pretty sure of is that none of the models used in the video has trouble finding a date (they are all "beautiful" by Western standards, and it's still the #1 factor). Aside from this, the study matches what I have observed (and probably think myself). A bit more on this: The thing is that "race" means "skin…
  • Can't quite put my finger on why you would hate him. He seems to be such a nice person.
  • As a general rule, one should avoid: - Coffee, - Dairy products (cheese, milk and sweets made from milk) - Excess of red meats, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower - Garlic and onions They all make your semen taste salty/bitter... That's a nice and subtle way of showing respect to the lucky lady!
  • Someone posted that on my Facebook feed. The British version. Just freakin' hilarious... (And yes, probably more what it is in reality.) http://www.vice.com/en_uk/shorties/we-got-twenty-british-strangers-who-arent-models-to-kiss-each-other?utm_source=vicfbuk
  • Quite fun actually! Funny how we are drawn to "kissing".
  • Win8 is frankly limiting and frustrating, even more so for "power users". The only positive things you will hear about it are: "It's OK now that they have the start to desktop option" or "Hey, I can swap to the desktop by clicking here you see...". Which makes you wonder what the point of having the "app view" thing in the…
  • I'm a late person, only befriends/dates late people because others get pissed off. I'm rushing all week long at work, so I'm not going to rush for my leisure time. :happy: Late in life, late in bed. That's not all bad you see.
    in POF Comment by flimflamfloz March 2014
  • That was humour by the way... :)
  • Frankly, I'd watch "My little Pony" over reality TV, the Kardashian, Jersey Shore and "X factor" bullsheet any day. And it would take less time too. People who waste their lives on these TV shows should be sterilised - because unfortunately *they* still can secure a mate, as stigmatising crap-TV viewers still isn't the…
  • It's funny actually you are saying that, when I remember that 10 years ago people were praising online dating for this very same reason ("you get to know people... so you know there is a degree of compatibility before you meet them"). Now I'd generally agree with you there, that dating/finding a partner is a lot more than…
  • Those who say this kind of crap deserve to die alone or with the worst partner - they called it upon themselves. There are people out there with who spending my (precious) time is infinitely more rewarding than spending time with "difficult people". In the end however, people who can say this have got something else,…
  • Motorbike riders > all. I'm biased.
  • "Relationships" is one of these things were (theoretically) you only need to hit the jackpot once, so there is technically no need for "everyone" to be interested in you (or anyone). Sure it helps, but it's more a case of trial and error (and rejections, especially from a male point of view). All in all, your experience is…
  • Lemme tell ya, the squid in your plate might not be to the taste of everyone if you are simultaneously watching some squid porn.
  • There are two sides to each coin. Being single is great, so focus on yourself. Think about your previous relationship... What are all the things you felt you couldn't do? (like watching porn on your 50 inch TV at dinner - which you should absolutely do now) Now that you have nobody to worry about, just enjoy life as much…
  • Good stuff... It would be funny to take a look at this topic back next year, and flail/humiliate the losers publicly. For me: - Try to work more efficiently That should free some time to: - Get more sleep (it's 2:43 am and I'm not sleeping as I'm writing that), - Start my own blog (or website), - Release 4 "finished" music…
  • Isn't 7 months a bit early to get married though? Well... They're past the 6 months mark at least.
  • Just booked my ticket! Thanks for reminding me. :laugh: Plenty of cinemas showing it here in London of course.
  • Starship Trooper 2 - it's so bad that you wish you could unwatch it. How someone could make such a bad movie with millions in budget is beyond me. Even my holiday videos would be more interesting to watch. That tells a lot.
  • Women are just uncool versions of men. But in a pure spirit of "fairness", let's see if women will be doing the exact same thing as these dudes then (same clothes and all): :tongue:
  • I take she wasn't black then if he was arrested so quickly. And yes, some people are attracted to problems like flies to *kitten* and then wonder why their life is a mess.
  • I will make sure in the future I date the most horrible women so that I know I am definitely not enjoying (selfishly) spending time with them, and so that I feel I am truly doing this not for me but for them! How about everyone enjoys the other's company?
  • Story of my life - work, work, work... though I'm using my own bones now instead of a candle that burnt long ago for me. :laugh: At least I've started running again to "get the pressure out" a bit. Anyway, be strong!
  • :laugh: You're right. Still, this story made me realise that there is generally a reasonable expectation from people for their children to look like them or their significant other. Could there be "deceit" if it ended up not being the case? This story could actually happen... I'm wondering what the ruling of the tribunal…