fromfattytohealthy Member


  • JALAPENO POPPERS! Even though I make them with turkey bacon and low fat cream cheese, I can still easily go over my calorie limit for the day with them. I can eat a bazillion at a time :laugh:
  • When I get my net calories up to 1200 (after eating 1400+ calories, and burning off the rest), I find that I don't lose weight. It was back when my net calories were 800-1000 that I was losing a healthy 1-2 pounds a week. I was drilled with the 1200 net calories thing, and I finally did it, and stopped losing weight.…
  • You're having a shake, so that's good enough. A fruit and yogurt smoothie covers your fruit serving, your dairy and your protein. It's a pretty balanced breakfast, actually. As for not eating in the morning, I'm just not hungry right away. I can be up for an hour or two before I go, "Oh yeah, I'm hungry and should eat…
  • Yes! Bigger breakfast. Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dinner like a Pauper. Your breakfast should have a protein, a carb, a dairy, and a fruit. A fruit salad with Greek yogurt and a slice of whole wheat toast would be a good start to the morning. Make sure it's a big salad! Or simply add some granola to…
  • I get a cup size smaller than I actually am :ohwell: It's a little tight, but the girls don't move, so it pays off. I usually wear it under a sports top with the "built-in bra", which, as big girls know, is a lie and never good enough.
  • Genius.
  • Depends on the fast food. I don't do it often, but, when I do go out, it's usually to Dunkin Donuts for a raspberry coffee (black) with a Veggie Egg White Flat Bread. Or a 6-inch wheat sub from Subway with chicken and extra veggies. I wouldn't touch anything at McDonald's or Burger King or Wendy's. I can understand not…
  • I started doing that :laugh: It's Summer time, so we have burgers and hot dogs a lot. I go with the hamburger, and half of the bun. I started this Summer, and now everyone things I'm strange :smile:
  • About the chocolate milk, you should get him plain milk and add Ovaltine because it does have all those nutrients and vitamins, which is an added bonus to his chocolate milk addiction :laugh:
  • MFP can either over or under shoot the calories you actually burn. The best thing you can do is just get a heart rate monitor and manually put in the calories you've burned.
  • Sent you a request! :D
  • The oldest is the pickiest eater I've ever met. Chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, and pizza. Yogurt, milk, and juice. Sometimes apples or bananas. Then junk food. I've tried every trick in the book to get her to try something new, but I'm just waiting for her to grow out of it, I guess :ohwell: Carma, on the other hand,…
  • Those are really, really good ideas that I didn't think of ::laugh::
  • I use them as weights ::laugh:: Logan is about 18 pounds, so I do overhead presses with him. Harley is 35 pounds, and Carma is 25, so I alternate between them on my back when doing squats. I count out loud, mostly for Carma, to help teach her how to count ::smile:: Two birds with one stone! They also love to dance, so we…
  • My name is Amanda, and I'm a mother of 3 great kids. Harley's 4 years old, and she's taking tumbling classes starting today! Carmella (Carma for short) is 2, and she's currently in love with Tinkerbell. Logan is 10 months old and it popping teeth like popcorn! I'm engaged to a wonderful guy, who just recently was told by…
  • I buy things in bulk at BJs, and that is usually about 200 dollars once a month, minus the 30 bucks throughout the month to get milk. Then, about 100-150 weekly at the grocery store for produce and other odds and ends.
  • I had a friend on here who had Dunkin Donuts every single day, another fast food place 3 times a week, yet her calories were almost always under 1100 a day.
  • I want to lose weight to be healthier. I eat (or will eat, restarting my healthy habits ::laugh::) a balanced diet, get physical activity in everyday, and let the weight take care of itself.
  • Or complete ignorance. There are women out there who think you'll bulk up quickly. But, I'm going with trolling, cause, really? 45 pounds in a month? Doubt it.
  • Do cardio 4-6 times a week, weight training 3 or 4 days a week. It's a good balance and will be awesome for your body. The best cardio exercise is the one you love. Riding bikes are always great, swimming is way fun, and dancing is just awesome! Pick up some Zumba DVDs if you've always wanted to learn Latin dancing. If you…
  • Don't "cheat". Allow yourself a day where you can relax and take it easy, but not going overboard. Limit yourself to a drink or two, not a whole 6 pack. If you log in your "cheat" ahead of time, you can work your diet around it, and workout like normal. You don't have to be flawless every single day. Personally, I'll have…
  • This is sarcasm! Don't take it seriously! lol You won't get bulky from weight lifting. As a weight lifter friend of mine once said, "Getting bulky doesn't happen over night, don't flatter yourself." Meaning it takes a lot of work to get bulky! Lots of protein, lifting a lot of weight 3-5 times a week, etc. Using a 5 pound…
  • I usually crave anything sweet and salty. It used to be potato chips and chocolate, but I went with the much healthier apples and nuts ::smile::
  • This. Load up the sandwich with veggies, no cheese, and use avocado instead of traditional condiments. Have baked crisps instead of regular (or even sweet potato crisps ::drool::), and, yes yes yes! to the water. Just get a balanced diet of fruits, veggies, proteins, etc. Be physically active every day, and you'll be fine.