wowie69 Member


  • Great job!! I was quite pleased to make it under calorie goal yesterday (Tues). I was upset because I didn't get my exercise in like I wanted, but hubby got the Wii working again, so am making a Zumba date with myself today! Onward and ... downward?... LOL! :laugh:
  • My brain and it's niggling voice telling me, "Hey! There's _____ in the fridge/pantry waiting...wouldn't that be YUMMY right now!?" and it's also the voice that tells me, "Ugh...exercise? Gross. You'll sweat and then be tired and your heart will be racing out of control, just sit and watch TV, oooooh...and there's _____ in…
  • Nothing like coming to the party late - I'm in on the challenge - good news is I did exercise yesterday and came in under caloric goal. PHEW! ;) This is fun! Great idea!!
  • AWESOME!!! WAY TO GO!!! :)
    in GIFT Comment by wowie69 January 2013
  • I look forward to completing 5Ks with my husband and starting this new chapter in our lives together. I look forward to finding ME again, under this extra person I've been carrying around. I look forward to SHOPPING for some fun and sexy clothes. I look forward to dancing again and not hobbling around the house because my…
  • Hi All! I'm Laura, from Iowa and I'm 43, a married mother of 2. This March we'll celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary. Our boys are 19 and 16. I've always been curvier than most because I'm short. At 5'2 and 130# in high school, I was always told I was too heavy for ____(fill in the blank). So I ate and ate and ate to…
  • I'll join the March goal group!! :) My anniversary is on the 19th, so will say I want to lose 20 pounds by then. (Hopefully more, setting a realistic goal.) And Julie, I too am 43 and ready! I think the difference is that this time I'm just DONE being fat. I have to stop cheating on myself (that's how I've decided to look…
  • I just get her recipes online. You can either print them or take your laptop/smart phone into the kitchen. I do love her recipes -always yummy, always a relief to know it's not "real" and therefore not as bad! :)