MizzTatiana Member


  • O goodness. Um, I'm not sure if that's a compliment or... but thanks, that's EXACTLY what I needed... My husband ALREADY thinks there's to much cleavage and lingerie in my profile pic.... : / If that's the impression you guys got, maybe he's right??
  • Not Biblical.
  • Since we started dating, I haven't left the house without either a Sister, a relative or my husband. I don't go anywhere without both of my children. Husband doesnt want me to work, so I'm a stay at home mom. Cus apprently, working mothers (who don't HAVE to work to support the family, i.e husbands that make enough to…
  • Lol.... Yeah he read a few posts.... He couldn't be bothered to read the WHOLE thread... But no surprise.... He said you ALL are liars. BUT on a good note, he kinda agreed to marital couseling...
  • Chicken broth to coat the bottom of the pan Italian seasons, pepper with some garlic salt a touch of lemon juice Bake top with some parm cheese if you want
  • I think I've addressed this SVERAL times now. BUT just so we're SURE. NO I do NOT do anything to make him suspusious. BUT if you asked him, he might tell you something different. When we first started our relationship, I was very open with him. I admited that when I was (MUCH younger) I cheated on my boyfriend. Let me…
  • And it does periodically 'spiral'. Last week HIS father and I took our two kids to the town pool.... Let's just say that was an awsome day for everyone but mommy. Guess who called 10 times while I was there? complained about what I was wearing nonstop, (a bikini) and hung up on me soon as he heard the a neigboring guy tell…
  • I pointed out his rather untactful response to EVERY Victoria Secret commercial, and we havent had an issue with commercials ever since. But he still watches me as I'm watching TV when there's someone less dressed or better built than him.
  • So how do you suggest I make him change, cus short of a hypnotherapist, I just don't know how to make any one change...
  • I'm kinda hoping he DOES find it and read through it... But I'm not going anywhere. He's not abusive just frusterating among other things...
  • We do, see another Elderly couple in the church who conduct our weekly marital Bible study, but he down plays it so much, or makes mountians outta molehills its hard to deal with the issue so that he's less victim and more perp. Last night he rented American Pie Reunion.... (cute movie btw) and at the end of it, he asked…
  • Particular commerial for some body spray with a topless well built man... an issue because he was convinced I was 'staring at him'. so when this commerical came on, it was easier to get up to find something to do real quick instead of fighting about the guy in the commercial.
  • He's been cheated on by just about every ex. He thinks this is preventitive mantience...
  • I just thought, and he told me it would get better.
  • While I admire you're strength... I have to say before anyone else backs you on that... I'm a VERY tradtional Christian, where the man is the head of the household, women are in submission to their husbands kinda thing... so there aren't very many 'rules' I could apply in any circumstance. And I must say most of the…
  • I know because he finds the stupid things to nit pick on, and he's not good at hiding anything. Like when he went threw my MFP profile, he read which posts I replied to. Next morning he went on a rant about how I don't find him attractive (he's neither lean & cut nor big muscled)... (a user posted a question asking women…
  • This is something we've talked and fought and talked and talked and talked about... Sometimes I get an apology. Sometimes he admits he has a problem. Most of the time he promises it will get better.... Other times on the other hand, he says things like ALL husbands do/should check on their wives and vice versa... It hasn't…
  • LMAO! Would never work, cus I'd get a nasty phone call before I could ever leave the house... Then I'd be afriad he'd never believe me that it was just a set up!!!
  • That's a good point... Like most everyone said here, we have seperate laptops, though mine is the main one, and I pretty much stay logged into whatever all the time cus well he's my friend on facebook anyway and I have nothing to hide, but I mean he goes through everything. He has to know who each of my friends are, and…
  • I was wondering when someone would get to that!! Nope, never a reason. Just he's been like that since day one. Generally he's a pretty sicure guy, but he's had a rough past with some pretty sleazy ex's. I really thought he'd trust me by now, I mean we've been together for almost 3 years.... But he thinks it's perfectly…
  • It doesn't really matter as long as it's porportionate! But as a general note: some of the really bulky guys make you think "that's too much!" However I've never seen a lean n cut man and said, "he needs more!"
  • last 10 just hanging on....
  • What is being said about the Atkins things gets me wondering because when I first started this whole weight loss thing... I started with the HCG diet. I.E Little/no carbs, TONS of protein and non starchy fresh fruits and veggies... and a VERY LIMITED CALORIC intake. I long since ended that journey, which lead into working…
  • Bradley, Maine. Ummm... Give me a minute. There's an ice cream shop. Yup. You could tour the WHOLE town in a span of less than 5 minutes. BUT There's Bangor like 15 mins away where theres most anything you need. (But still nothing to exciting) It's Maine.
  • I don't care how old you are, at ANY age, that is DIFFICULT. To be 15 and take on such challange and kick some *kitten*, you are AMAZING!!!!! You look great! Congrats to you!
  • Same here... past week or so I come in at less than 1000 calories. I'm not hungry. It seems like I'm eating pretty balanced. But lately I'm seeing no results (down to my last 10 lbs) and I'm wondering if it's because I'm not eating enough? If I eat more calories though I notice the scale hates me the next day... So I got…
  • To keep it short, selfish people... I could elaborate and say smokers, overeaters, fruads, theives etc... in my OWN PERSONAL opinion, these kinds of people are ruled by their own selfish thoughts. Nothing is sweeter than a considerate person who puts a stranger before themselves.