susan2396 Member


  • Monday Check-In: I saw HumbleHeart’s post right after mine on 4/15 and I could copy it word for word. “I am happy (and a bit embarassed) to say "here I am again". I have been so lax with MFP for a while......I come back a while and poof I get lazy. I love this thread..... so many inspiring people here!” My Thursday Truth…
  • @Goinstd12 - No, Cyrus is that tall. He's 6' right now and wears a size 15 shoe. He's projected to be at least 6'5" we're hearing. Plus, Rylee is pretty short too. Yes, keep me posted. It would be great to meet.
  • While I read through the posts, I still cringe when I misspell or don't use the proper word. I swear I have a learning disability of some kind that was never corrected. At least I got personals done - right??!! :)
  • Whew. . . I’m finally caught up with 350+ posts. Super long post as I wanted to reply to some of your posts. Happy Hump Day!!! Well, this week is just slammed. With the e-mails from being away and some new projects on my plate, I’m barely keeping my head above water. BUT, I’m loving my new job and I’ve already been here 4…
  • Bump - Yes, I'm still alive!! The week before Easter was crazy at work plus trying to wrap things up before Spring Break. We were gone Friday, 4/3 thru Saturday, 4/11. Between the unpacking and coming back to work e-mails I'm so behind. I'll read through the post and be back soon. Missed you guys!!
  • Where did the weekend go? I need another one already. I knew I had a long week, but the weekend was jammed pack getting caught up after being gone the previous weekend. On Saturday, four hours was tied up at the ball field for pictures and a game. Luckily, the weather was awesome - finally! Always great watching Cyrus, but…
  • TGIF!!! I’m so glad this week is over. It’s been good, but just busy trying to get caught up after the long weekend away. Of course, I was NOT a happy camper last night. Yesterday was drizzling all day with temps in the 40’s. I thought for sure Cyrus’ baseball game would be cancelled. Of course not. I froze my patootie…
  • Last weekend Cyrus and I flew to Columbus, OH for a long weekend. My BFF since the 3rd grade lives there. We had a great time, BUT this week is draining me. I just cannot catch up. Plus, I have about 5 extra loads of laundry of my spring/summer clothes. Everything was in totes and clean, but after sitting in the garage and…
  • I know I sound like a broken record, but once again I’m in a funk. I can’t say that I don’t care because deep down I know I do care and tired of being fat. I just keep making excuses and just don’t want to tackle this issue of my weight. I know what I need to do, but why can’t I just find that deep down inner drive to just…
  • Thursday Truth: Eating hasn’t been the best choices this week, but at least I’m logging it. I haven’t done that in a while so one thing at a time. Right??!! Of course, the other reason for the non-stop munchies and scale not moving is Aunt Flo showed up. I’ll be so glad when she never visits again!!! Also, thanks for all…
  • Wednesday Wish: Weight related I’m sure I could list a LOT of things. Right now, I just wish Cyrus would quit making excuses and get his butt in gear with his school work. I gave him a “little” leeway with our move and making a change in the middle of 7th grade was not the easiest, BUT this Mama Bear is about to GROWL!!! I…
  • Monday Check-In: Good weekend overall. Busy, but that’s what happens when we work 5 days and only have 2 days for house stuff. I got quite a bit accomplished so that feels good. I do need to quit reading before bed. I just can’t put it down than realize it’s almost midnight. I normally get up about 5:30 so that’s just not…
  • Overall, it’s been a good weekend. Saturday was errands (Michael’s, Trader Joe’s, Home Depot, Target, and Bed, Bath & Beyond) and than a final splurge meal at La Cazuela (Mango Margarita, Chips & Salsa, Refried Beans, Enchilada, and Chili Releno. Calories galore, but it was so good. Today starts clean eating and I’m…
  • TGIF!!!! We had a great time at Wicked last night, but I'm exhausted. The show is 2 hours 48 minutes and while the theater is nice the seats haven't been updated in years. The upholestry/padding is useless and it felt like sitting on metals chairs. So uncomfortable!! And it wasn't even me the big girl complaining, but the…
  • Happy Thursday!!! Well, Atlanta didn’t get the BIG winter storm 2015 as they predicted, but we did get a light dusting, freezing temps, etc. . . Roads are clear so work was no problem. Kids are out again. Go figure. As we were on lock down last night, what better way to pass the time than 6 months of Pay Day with Cyrus.…
  • So Atlanta is about to go on lock down with the potential white stuff coming. After last years ordeal, everyone is taking extra precautions. Schools already cancelled. My office is closing at Noon today so everyone can get home before it starts. I still have to chuckle just because of my years growing up in the snow belt…
  • My first time posting a picture without having to use Photobucket - thank goddness. Hope it works!!! So as many of you know I work in the foodservice industry and my job is to source products. Well, HoneyBaked Ham doesn't have a chocolate dessert. Shame on us!! So I'm sourcing a new product we can offer this holiday…
  • Happy Tuesday!! So Atlanta got a dusting of the white stuff. While it’s pretty, I don’t care to see even one snowflake. It’s so funny my office made an announcement with the pending snow tomorrow we can wear jeans. Seriously? I’m not complaining one bit I’ll take jeans over business casual any day, but it’s just funny to…
  • Quick question – do we post pictures still the same way? I’ve got one from a cutting last week I just have to share with you guys. @ cblue315/Lori – I just read your post about your brother seeing you. Good for you!!! Those jaw drops are worth every second of the hard work you’ve been putting into changing your life. So…
  • I'm so behind once again. 382 new posts. Sigh. I guess after being so busy at work the last thing I've been wanting to do is get on a computer for fun or not!! I've got to catch up though because I miss you guys. Even if I check in for 5 minutes, I need to do it daily!! All is well with us. It's been cold though in…
  • Wednesday Wish: I know I shouldn’t wish this, but some days I wish there were more hours in my day especially around sleep. I know I’m not getting enough that’s for sure. I need to start planning better and really try to sleep more. I know how important rest is for our bodies. Toxic relationships seem to definitely hit all…
  • You've hit me on both ends. I'm originally from Pennsylvania and thought Punxsutawney Phil WAS the only rodent. Perhaps Morgori/Tom will educate us on this Groundhog Day tradition and find out who was really first. Phil or Lee? Inquiring minds want to know. LOL!!!
  • 8 pages later and I’m caught up again. This sinus infection/cold kicked my butt BIG time, but I think I’m finally on the mend. I’ve got to start checking in daily. Even if it’s just a quick jump, but I do miss you guys. You’re my friends and I want to keep up with you too through the good and bad food or non-food related.…
  • TGIF!!! I've got one more meeting and after that I'm out of here. I just want to sleep. The body is aching now so the cold may be turning into the flu. I took some Mucinex DM, but think some Advil is needed too for the aches and pains. I've been filling up on hot tea and water too. Just a few more hours to push through. I…
  • Thursday Truth: After I wrote my sick post, I did want to elaborate a little. Just another one of those funks I seem to go through periodically, which I guess is called life. I just don’t care to log, exercise, and get in the right mindset. It’s probably getting adjusted to the relocation, moving 2,000 miles across country…
  • SICK!!!! It started with a sinus infection last weekend and has gone into a full blown cold. I'm so NOT happy. I never get sick. I know I should never say never, but it's really true. I'm so healthy just plumpy as Cyrus tells me. I've been pushing through my days and going to work, but so exhausted. I'm so glad the weekend…
  • I'm been MIA once again. I think the relocation, new job, new house, BF's husband's passing, Cyrus, etc. . . has caught up with me and I'm just plain exhausted. I can't get enough sleep and now I've come down with a nasty sinus infection/cold and sound like a bull frog. It's just lovely. I think this is the first weekend…
  • LOVE!!!! You go girl and run through that gate!!
  • Nothing earth shattering to share. I did log yesterday for the first time in a very long time. Not too many veggies or fruits and some oatmeal cookie dough in there, but was just a little over the calorie intake. Baby steps right? @ Tanya – Thanks!! I think you’re right. I need to focus on one thing at a time. I have a…
  • Anyone else having a hard time getting back into the swing of things? With the move, holidays, etc. . . I was trying to give myself a “little” leeway, but I know it’s time to get right back on track. I know when I was doing the boot camp and eating high protein the weight was coming off. I may not go so hard core this…