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I definitely struggle with them too. I know my shoulder mobility is a big part of it as I have trouble keeping the weight directly overhead/slightly behind me. It's almost always forward. I try to stretch my shoulders out af much as I can and at my box I take a PVC pipe, stand with my back aganst the pull up rack, then put…
This kinda happened to me today. I am just recently getting pretty comfortable with doing normal kipping pull-ups, but I wasn't sure if I could do C2B, and was figuring I would get a lot not counted. But once I started them, I cranked out several unbroken and was feeling pretty amazed by it!
I did 14.2 this morning. I got 38 reps. The OHS went pretty well for me, and I was going good on the C2B, eventually just doing them one at a time, but I got no-rep'ed on one and I didn't have enough to make it up and get into the 12's. Was a good burner, but those C2B are just murder if you don't know how to butterfly!…
Like most of you, I needed to change things up. I had done several Beachbody workouts and had some success with thme, but I ultimately became bored by them. I had done some Crossfit Football while I was at my work academy and really loved it. Once I found out there was a box 5 minutes from my house I immediately started…
That sounds pretty fun actually! Killer, but fun. Good job!
Strength/Skill: 8x1 Clean and Jerk Lighter weight to focus on form (95#, 95#, 115#, 115#, 135#, 135#, 155#, 155#) Wrist is not quite back, so it was still sore while doing this, or I would have gone a little heavier WOD: EMOTM 12 Min: Clean and Jerk - @135# I then did 10 situps after each lift during the rest time to get a…
Strength/Skill: Gymnastics Work 4 rounds: Strict HSPU work (Did 2 rounds strict with 2 ab mats, then 2 rounds off of a 24" box) Toes to Bar (10 reps each round) Hollow Rocks for 30 seconds WOD: Tabatas: Tabata Battle Ropes (score is lowest round reps - 25) Tabata rowing (total cals - 60) Tabata burpees (total reps - 31)…
Damn! Killer WOD's back to back! Great job!
Warm up: 2x: 250m row & 10 Jumping Air Squats Alt. Tabata: Snatch Balance & Muscle Snatches 30 Sec each leg Figure Four Stretch 30 Sec each leg Couch Stretch 60 Seconds Spread Eagle Stretch Strength/Skill: 7x1 complex of: 1 Squat Snatch from High Hang & 1 Squat Snatch from Low Hang Focusing on form over weight, I stayed at…
Warm up: 500m row 10 PVC Passthroughs Alt Tabata: Kip Swings & Static Ring Holds (modified to HRPU's because of my hurt wrist) 30 Second Spread Eagle Stretch 30 Seconds each leg Figure Four Stretch 2x: 10 HRPU & 10 OHS w/PVC Strength/Skill: 1x3 OHS @60% 1RM 4x3 @70% (I did back squats because of my wrist) WOD: For Time: 10…
Warm up: 500m row Alt Tabata: Handstand Holds & Arm Circles Side to Side Hamstring Stretch Inchworms 2x: 5 Box Jumps @24" & 7 KB SDHP @35# & 9 HRPU Strength/Skill: Find 5RM Strict Press I worked up to my current PR of 155# then 1 ME 500m Row - 1:34 WOD: 15 min AMRAP: 9 Deadlifts @155# 12 HRPUs 15 Box jumps @24" Finished 5…
In it for the first time. Ready to see how I officially stack up.
Welcome to the family!
Looking good! Great job! Keep it up!
Warm up: 2x: 250m row & 20 DU's Alt Tabata: Handstand Holds & Static Dip Holds 2X: 10 HRPU's & 10 PCV Muscle Cleans & 10 V-ups Burgerner Warm up Strength/Skill: Gymnastic Work: 4 rounds of: Handstand Walk practice (I worked on holding a handstand without using the wall) Muscle Ups practice (10 ring dips & 10 ring rows) 30…
Warm up: 500m row Alt Tabata: Handstand Hold & PVC Thrusters Broad Jumps Samson Stretch Spidermans Strength/Skill: Strict Press 4x5 @90% of 5RM 90% for me should have been 185#, but wasn't feeling strong today and could only manage 155#...Hopefully it was just fatigue WOD: 4, 3 minute AMRAP of: 3 Thrusters @95# 6 Paralette…
Warm up: 2x: 250m Row & 20 DU's Alt. Tabata: Couch Stretch & Spidermans 10 Pause Air Squats 10 Wall Balls 10 Med Ball Weighted Sit Ups (Touch the ball behind you and in front of you each time) Strength/Skill: Pause Front Squats 5x3 @ 75-80% of 1RM - Pause for 2 seconds in the bottom of each rep 225#, 225#, 235#, 235#, 235#…
Warm up: 750m row Alt Tabata: Broad Jumps & PVC Muscle Cleans Inchworms Burgener Strength/Skill: Power Cleans Work up to heavy clean, and set new 1RM is possible I only got to my current PR of 220# WOD: Power Clean Ladder: Perform 1 rep every 1:30 (then rest the remaining time) for 10 rounds, increasing 10 lbs each round I…
Warm up: 500m row Alt Tabata: Couch Stretch & Figure Four Stretch Inchworms 30 Sec. Spread Eagle Stretch 2 rounds: 10 KBS @40# & 10 Air Squats Strength/Skill: Find new 1RM Overhead Squat Worked up to new PR of 175# WOD: Tabata Times: Tabata KBS @50# Rest one minute Tabata Pull Ups Rest one minute Tabata Row for calories -…
Warm up: 3 min DUs Alt Tabata: Handstand Holds & Hand Release Push Ups Shoulder Mobility work 2 Rounds: 10 PVC Passthroughs & 4 Broad Jumps Bergerner Warm up Strength/Skill: Find new 5 RM Strict Press 155# New PR! WOD: Open WOD 11.1 10 min AMRAP 30 DUs (scaled to 15 attempts), 15 Power Snatch @75# Completed 3 rounds 5 reps
I'm with Riven. I use Dymatize Iso-100 Whey Protein, and I take it post workout with water. Tastes fine enough for me that I don't need milk. If I'm at the end of the day and I have extra calories to use up, I will take come Caesin (sp) Protein too. That's supposed to help overnight with muscle building and recovery. The…
Warm up: 3x DU practice & 15 Mountain Climbers Walking Lunges 30 Sec. Handstand Hold 10 PVC Passthroughs Bergerner Warm Up Strength/Skill: Power Snatch Warm Up, then, 5 sets: 1 Snatch Grip DL +2 Snatch High Pulls +1 Power Snatch I worked at 95# since they wanted us to focus and work on proper technique, so I stayed light…
Warm up: 500m row Alt Tabata: Handstand Hold & Spread Eagle Stretch Spidermans Reverse Scorpians 10 PVC Pass Throughs 5 Burpees Strength/Skill - It's a de-load week at my box so lighter weights, higher reps - Push Press 4x10 @50-60% of 5RM (100#, 100#, 105#, 115#) WOD: Open Wod 11.3 5 min AMRAP of Squat Clan and Jerks…
Warm up: 500m row Alt Tabata: reverse spidermans & static ring dips 30 sec couch stretch each leg 2 rouunds: 10 PVC Overhead squats & duckwalks Bergener warm up Strength/Skill: Front Squat 4x4 @90% 1RM (265#) WOD: 4 min of ME HSPUs 1 min rest 4 min to find 1RM Power Snatch (only got to my PR of 155#) 1 min rest 4 min of ME…
Warm up: 500m row Alt Tabata: Spidermans & Junkyard Dogs w/partner 30 Second handstand hold Bergerner Warm up Strength/Skill: Squat Clean - Build up to a heavy single for the day Built up to a new PR of 240#! WOD: Perform 3 squat cleans every 1:30 for 7 rounds: Rounds 1-2 @ 75% (180#) Rounds 3-5 @ 80% (190#) Rounds 6-7 @…
Welcome to you all! You're going to love it. Feel free to add me if you're looking for CF friends!
^^^^ This. People can spin anything however they like to suit their agenda. Injuries happen no matter what you do. I don't pay these things no mind.
My current DL PR is 405#. We haven't had a workout where we test it lately, so I have to think I'm a little higher by now
Warm up: 500m row Alt Tabata: Handstand Hold and Spread Eagle Stretch Spidermans Side to Side Hamstring Stretch 20 PVC Passthroughs 20 Kip Swings Strength/Skill: Push Press 5x5 @90% 5RM Worked up to 185# WOD: CrossFit Open WOD 13.4: 7 min ascending ladder: 3 Clean and Jerks @135# 3 Toes to Bar 6 C&J 6 Toes to Bar 9 C&J 9…
Warm up: 400m row Alt Tabata: DU's & PVC Thrusters Broad Jumps down gym and back 20 PVC Passthroughs 30 second couch stretch each leg 30 sec side to side hamstring stretch Strength/Skill: 3 rounds 20 cal row 1 min rest 50 DUs (25 attempts) 1 min rest 10 burpee box jumps WOD: "Rahoi" 12 min amrap of: 12 box jumps @24" 6…