richardheath Member


  • There are lots of possible causes of diabetes, and being obese is just one risk factor (not necessarily a cause). I was "only" about 210 at my heaviest (male, 5'11") and had just lost 40 lbs when diagnosed pre-diabetic. There are lots of skinny diabetics out there! Although, for people who are obese when diagnosed, losing…
  • Never tried them, but they sound good! I made an IPA recently with Calypso, Citra and Cascade. Called it Islands IPA as it was very tropical.
  • Ooooh - now that does sound good... probably with Calypso hops...
  • I beer. My least favourite category to judge in competitions is #21, the Spice/Herb/Vegetable beers. There is rarely anything there I'd chose to make or drink. I've never had a Pumpkin beer I like. Oh, and if you make a barrel aged beer, that doesn't mean it should be overpoweringly flavoured with whiskey. Keep it subtle,…
  • I try to weed out the things that will have a measurable impact on my actual life/health. People are, in general, very poor at figuring out the statistical impact of many things, so we hear (e.g) "aspartame is bad" and figure it is going to kill us immediately. But we might carry on smoking, or driving without a seat belt,…
  • Processed white sugar is not artificial. You can chose to put it in your body or not, but at least don't it for a false reason. So if you can't prove it has bad effects, this'll be the end of your post, right? Oh... wrong :-( Compounds such as that have effects on the body whether they are refined or not. Humans have a…
  • Red Text No - no color option :sad:
  • I've been in maintenance for about 2 years, and don't log. But then, I lost 50 lb without logging too. For me, I was never hugely overweight, so I didn't need to adjust too much to lose/maintain. I AM much more conscious of what (and how much) I eat though than I was before. I think some people will be able to do it and…
  • Where do you get your GMO flour from? There is no GMO wheat currently commercially available. Not even sure how one would become addicted to GMO and not non-GMO wheat even if it was available. I think you are just addicted to confirmation bias...
  • Because Paleo is a magic eating style where you will miraculously become healthy and be at your ideal weight regardless of calorie intake. True story*. *The data presented in this post have not been verified by science, logic or the FDA.
  • Just a word of caution based on this post... If he feels like you are trying to get him to use this so you can prove yourself right, he may not want to use it.
  • Well, it has only been a month. So tell him not to get discouraged yet. Finding the right calorie level can be a bit of trial and error. Plus, if he is new to working out, then the body tends to hold on to extra fluid to help the muscles repair, which can mask an initial loss. What changes are you seeing in him? Is he…
  • Don't know about impatient ones. Breaking sugar addiction takes a while. You have to be very patient.
  • LOL! Awesome. But this is a topic that is never going to die...
  • What they said. You can't out-train a poor diet. Depending on how much time you actually have in the gym, consider maybe some heavy lifting followed by a short, hard HIIT on the elliptical.
  • An "Olympic" bar has 2" diameter ends for plates with 2" holes and will generally weigh 45 lb. A "Standard" bar has 1" diameter ends for plates with 1" holes. These types of bars will generally weigh in at around 15-18 lbs I believe. Because they are skinnier, they can hold less weight than an Olympic bar. I would actually…
  • I don't really know the answer to your Q. But I do know that you will NOT be able to go as low with your knees together because, basically, your bones get in the way. Rippetoe had something on this in the SS book. Is there another more common version you could do - say front squats - that don't hurt?
  • Ow! Hopefully you saw a physiotherapist who could give you recommendations on appropriate exercises?
  • When you say HIIT, do you mean HIGH INTENSITY interval training, or do you just mean you are switching between walking and running? True HIIT means going all out, balls to the wall, about to die for a short period, then gentle to rest, then repeat. If you are simply running a bit and walking a bit, it is probably not HIIT.…
  • From the OP's profile: "Now the hubs and I started a great gym routine. 6 days a week : 4-5 weight training and 3-4 cardio. I'm really enjoying it as I used to be a gym rat back in the day. " So yeah she has a busy job, kids, still manages to make it to the gym 3 x per week. But, without knowing anymore backstory than…
  • I did use it as a "blueprint" for my gym workout before I got a barbell at home. It seemed like a pretty good, well balanced program. I didn't follow the nutrition portion - I was just on a mild deficit at the time from here. Can't say I lost x% body fat or put on y lb of muscle though (as I didn't track any of that).
  • First off, the fact that Mom is not open for any discussion at all. That in itself is 100% wrong when co-parenting. She might end up being correct, but to state outright there will be no debate whatsoever on this issue is pig-headed and stubborn. Which is what makes me think that this is her issue, needing to sleep with…
  • So not read the rest of the comments yet... But Mom is wrong. SHE needs to be working on getting the child into her own bed, not co-sleeping. That is her (i.e. Mom's) need, not the child's. Yeah, I've been that Dad.
  • I got this cook book on the recommendation of another poster here. It's specifically designed for families and bulk buying at warehouse clubs (and not all the recipes are brilliant), but the basic principles can be adapted.
  • Seriously? I mean, I knew Livestrong was just a click farm, but I thought they had some shred of integrity left...
  • Totally. I hate lice. But the party didn't need to be cancelled, and mom B didn't need to overreact. First rule about lice: don't talk about lice.
  • Have they done a Glucose Tolerance test yet? I wasn't aware that insulin resistance was usually diagnosed through insulin levels. Metformin CAN lead to weight loss, but it is usually not very much and the weight loss effect wears off after a while as you get used to the drug. Exercise and diet are the best treatments for…
  • I've been maintaining for 2 years. I eat food and I exercise. There is going to be nothing magic about Paleo. Some of the claims about it are that you can eat whatever and it basically impossible for you to gain weight. Well, that's bull****. Eat too many calories, you'll gain. If you like pretending you are a paleolithic…
  • I don't get how it can be lower glycemic than regular bread. The sprouting activates the amylases in the grain which start to break down complex carbohydrates (starches) into simpler carbohydrates (the sugars maltose and glucose). How is having more simple sugar lower GI? May taste good, but very dubious about any magic…