lindasain Member


  • I eat when i feel anything happy or sad or mad and glad. I went to store and did not buy anything sweet that was hard. My problem is I love sugar and I have to control how much i eat this week is only one sweet this week. thanks Linda
  • Let me tell you about me. I live in Wichita Ks and i am 59 years old and single. I had two children but both died years ago so i am without children. I work with special needs adults and work 80 hours in 7 days then off a week. I need to lose a lot now is the time i am sick and tired of being so fat. help
  • HI I am new my name is LInda you are doing great. I really need friends like you.
  • feel free to add me.. i am 58 single and always working.. from ks
  • saw a friend on facebook using it
  • I am 58 yr young and I never could wear heels I am almost 5'8" . I had a boyfriend once who always got me heels and I tried so hard to wear them and did it make sores on my feet they got infected and I was down for almost a month.. now I don't bother but maybe some of these heels that are better might work.. :)
  • how old is bugtrain is i would guess 25 year young.. am I close?
  • you did right but the beeping would of drove me nuts..
  • I do not like to eat this here but I think about posting about eating healthy as a role model. I think i would protest if it was an open group doing this.. I have seen pictures of profiles here that was so thin it was very sad.. I don't have friends you eat to less I have had an eating disorder so I do know about it.. I am…
  • I have ate it many ways as a topper and such but I still very much love to cook it and put butter and salt and pepper.. mmmmm Linda
  • i eat mostly when i feel mad or angry and just want to do something so i eat.. not so much when i am happy anymore.. bored big time eater. Linda from Ks:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:…
  • Oh I am so sorry to hear your granma dying..
  • good choice
  • MY MY MY.. we got some ver smart people here. I think carbs are not all bad in fact I believe in balance but I do tend to eat more protein than carbs cause i like it.. It is amazing and so very interesting what everyone had to say... its nice the world is still thinking not so worried about the future now! Linda:drinker:…
  • Florida if you are going to Miami the public transport is great.. i won't ever drive in that city for its easy by bus, metro and tri rail but if you go to ft lauderdale it horrid .. so if you stay in miami you are fine.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:…
  • I use to have one but it wore out.. I love it. for the man who suggested to cal your self is not a sure thing... for it depends how hard i work or how little and it helps me to speed it or slow it down. Linda:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: current weight 234 starting weight 275 goal weight 165 AGE 57.8 really needing a TWIN HELP NEED MORE FRIENDS:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:…
  • i need a TWIn starting weight 275
  • OMG you are doing Great I just had back surgery and quit smoking and I have gained.. but you give me courage to keep reading and do what I know to do!! I can't wait till i am no longer overweight Linda Two weeks, one day, 17 hours, 34 minutes and 6 seconds. 629 cigarettes not smoked, saving $165.19. Life saved: 2 days, 4…
  • oh how gross.. i never liked twinkes even before i begain my weight loss.. they are so gross and they will last forever that worries me.. who would want that much sugar.. i knows its about calores and such but i vote for some protein and veggies
  • I think it is something to really think about.. I think you can lose some now so you can have the surgery. I chose not to have the surgery my insurane was a big drawn back for me then i have a cousin who had it done and had major problem.. from what i heard it is not so easy as it sounds there is a lot of work to lose it…
  • hi everyone I am missing you guys so much and I have been hiding well its time to time and no more secret eating.. off to the gm tomorrow just two more weeks till surgery:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:…
    in Hello Comment by lindasain November 2011
  • Welcome to our group.. you are in the right place:smile:
    in hello Comment by lindasain November 2011
  • Hi I love it .. Love to be apart of the group.. I need some encouragement Linda
  • now that is no fun.. wait 30 days i will forget where to post
  • I wish I had a wedding coming but not yet i think it is from friends and family seeing my weight loss and my work in doing it one step at a time. most of all mfp
  • I think it is up to each person how much is too much. I think resting a day would be good and don't feel guity for its ok not to be perfect at this.. relax.. It sounds like maybe you need to give yourself permission to rest up some.. linda
  • I just love that when it happens.. i went to work and had to do some training about a month ago but with this company a few years but the trainee didn't know who i was since i was fifty some pounds less.. it feels good congrats