

  • I think a well-balanced diet is really the best way to go. And that can include a bit of junk food, as long as you limit yourself to only a small amount of it ,or just as an occasional treat. I do think that if we cut out our favorite foods completely, that's when we feel deprived and finally end up giving up on healthy…
  • We have a scale in the locker room at the gym I go to, and I usually hop on each morning I go, unless that corner of the locker room is crowded when I'm in, which it rarely is. I know that weight can fluctuate up to a few pounds during the day, so if my weight is up a little I'm not bothered and don't count that as weight…
  • I always find that I'm hungrier on the days that I've worked out, so I tend to need more calories on those days anyway. I'd say that it depends on you, eat more if you're hungry, try to get plenty of protein and some carbohydrates after a workout. For me it usually ends up that I eat back some of the calories that I've…
  • Strangely enough, since I'm not as much of a red meat eater anymore, I'd have to say that every now and then I get a mad craving for a burger, especially if it's a mexican style one, with pepper jack cheese and guacamole. I let myself have one the other night, but only because we were on holiday and were having our meals…
  • American expat living in Yorkshire, right here! :)
  • I always include drinks in my food diary, since you can certainly drink calories as well as eat them. It always makes me laugh to see people talk about being on a diet, then about how they go out drinking on the weekends. While they're drinking a bottle of pop. Both are some of the fastest ways to pack the extra calories…
  • Originally from the Philadelphia area, but I've moved permanantly to the UK now (Yorkshire)
  • Feel free to add me, whoever would like to be pals :) I'm Jen, 33 years old, 5"1 and currently 141 lbs, looking to get back into the low 120's. For the past 5 weeks or so I've completely changed my eating habits, with a goal to eat a balanced diet and to stay around 1400 cals per day, and have stuck to that well (even if…
  • Fatty meats. Bacon is alright if you cut the rind off, but still, for the most part I've lost my taste for it, that and other types of pork or red meat. I'll have a little now and then, depending on what it's cooked with, but I definitely tend to prefer chicken and fish now.
  • I like ricotta cheese with tomatoes or tomato sauce and spinach. Usually in a lasagna or some type of pasta dish... I made a spinach and ricotta ziti bake once, it was a bit more high-cal than I meant it to be, but if you don't have too much at once time it's ok. Cottage cheese I'm still trying out, but I've been…
  • I've noticed that once I have a yogurt and a piece of fruit (which I have just about every day) that takes me to my limit of sugars per day, so it's been pretty much impossible not to go over it.
  • I was going to say tortillas also. We often like to have fajitas or wraps with some meat and veggies, and if I eat more than two it drives the calories way up :(
  • Add me if you like, I can always use friends :)
  • Welcome Jolene! Add me if you like, I don't have many pals yet on here either and could always use some motivation :)
  • Myself, I can't get through a workout without feeling sick and shaky if I haven't had something to eat first. Even a cereal or protein bar at least a half hour before a workout should keep you going. Some days I don't feel like eating breakfast either, and just have an early lunch instead, but if I work that day I pretty…
  • Welcome, Boo! I've also been on MFP about a month, and I only just got to the message boards recently. I'm much the same, finally ready to make myself live a healthier life. If you'd like to be pals and help keep each other motivated, feel free to add me :)
  • MFP gave me a goal of 1270 cals per day, and I found I kept going over it just because it was so hard to stick to, even when I eat a reasonable diet. My dinners at night alone can be between 500-1000 cals total (usually in the 600-800 range) so the only way I can make that is to be really good all day, or if I started…
  • Welcome! I also found this site about a month ago, when I was looking through apps on my phone, and thought it would be useful to start tracking what I eat. I feel like my diet has been a lot more balanced since then, and I'm making a lot of healthy changes that hopefully will really help me. I wish I had your discipline…
  • I think for me I've really known for awhile that I just need to eat healthier and cut my weight back a bit, but I think what really motivated me the most this time was realizing that my mom, who's pre-diabetic, was never any heavier than I am at the weight I've gotten to now. She has to watch her diet and sugar intake, and…
  • It is crazy just how much the calories can add up, even from things you know are going to be high-cal, but you never guess just how much till you start paying attention. One night a few weeks ago, my husband ordered Dominos pizza, and just the half of one that I had was over 1000 calories. Once I realized that I was glad…
  • I love eggs :) I always worry that eating too many isn't good for you just because of the cholesterol and fat, but they're also a great source of protein and other nutrients. I'll have one or two for breakfast a couple times a week, and sometimes use them in recipes when cooking, especially when frying Asian-style noodles…
  • Welcome! I could always use some MFP pals if you'd like to add me :)
  • Cheese and pasta are my biggest weaknesses. With cheese, I try to limit myself to just grating a little bit onto what I'm eating, and pasta I'm trying to just limit to smaller portions at a time, but it's tough, I tend to crave both of these often.
  • Currently, mine is 1400 calories per day. I upped it a little from 1270 because I was struggling so much to make that a realistic goal. Even 1400 seems tough; some days I can make it, other days I end up eating anywhere from 1500-2000 per day. The past few days have been good though, and I've been under my goal. I'm just…
  • Hi, I'm pretty new at this too. Just wanted to wish you luck, I've only just started using the forums, but this site has been really helpful to me :)
  • I got the 1000 calorie estimate from looking around on the internet. I know you won't always get the most reliable info., but a few sites did estimate that if you're on your feet and moving around, you'll burn around 125 calories per hour. Times that by 8 or 9 for a full shift, and you'll get around 1000 or just over. I…
  • I suppose that anything other than an actual exercise routine wouldn't be counting towards the calories burned then, so I guess I should stop counting work as exercise and calories burned. I might just increase my activity level then so it "allows" me more calories. Good to be able to understand this a bit better! I admit…