kingscrown Member


  • Clean does mean something specific. It means real food from the source. As unprocessed as one can get it. Check out Tosca Reno for eating suggestions. I like her free menus. I use them to get ideas. Some are great as they are. Some I swap out something I don't like for something I do. Like Tuna fish sandwich for a chicken…
  • I prepare my meals at home because I hate eating out. Although Popeye's chicken strips have been calling for the past week and a half. Fortunately, I don't live any where near one and won't drive my gas hog over to get some.
  • Low carb doesn't mean low complex carbs. Fluff up every meal with a big ole salad, healthy fats and the weight will come off.
  • What I've learned is you can't help anyone buy yourself. That said. Taking care of myself has unknowingly made me a roll model. My brother lost 50 pounds, because he said he didn't want to be the fat sibling. I have one friend that has joined me and is truly making great strides. Along the way though I've had many family…
  • I had to lose 50 pounds before a significant change was noticeable. Until then I could basically wear the same clothes. Yeah they were baggy. BUT once I hit 50 they were so baggy I literally couldn't wear them anymore. Don't lose hope. 80 pounds lost and I look and feel fabulous!
  • I'm keeping my sugars at 10% of my calories consumed, which pretty much means no sweets. Hard to do.
  • I've had several. Boxer/Mastiff pound pup that was adorable. Poodle/Shih Tze pound pup that was my little lover. Childhood we had a toy poodle that was the coolest guy. I thought it was just him. My kids heard all the stories of that cool black poodle named Paco and wanted one of their own. So, we got one. She's a black…
  • Monitor your weight. After surgery for the first 30 days my body needed more calories for the healing. I lost about 6 pounds. After that it leveled off. I just made sure to eat good healthy meals like I always do and keep weighing myself on my usual schedule. Your body will tell you.
  • It depends on you. Me, I'm 5'3 and I've never been able to maintain lower than 145. My body really likes it in the 160's, but that's not healthy. So, I'm slowly learning to maintain increasingly lower weights until I reach 145. That's the weight my body fat will be in the normal range for me.
  • Several things come to mind. When I first began I watched my macros carefully. I lot of things I ate where high in fat and high in sodium. I learned to eliminate, replace or just eat less of those items. Try eating a healthy diet. I like Tosca Reno's Eat Clean books. She has menus. Though I may not follow them closely they…
  • Photo and fill out your profile and I'd be happy to be your friend.
  • I have a huge sweet monster I have to control. I found it's only half as big a monster if I don't consume any artificial sweeteners. When my craving get strong I start reading labels for ways it can sneak into my day. Latest culprit... vitamins.
  • Crockpot! Cook from scratch doubling tripling meals and freeze. Meal planning and prep on day off. Involve family with meal prep. Use frozen veggies lots cheaper. Buy fresh when on sale and in season.
  • My hubby was resistant to time spent away from home and away from him when I began exercising. It really was a lot of time. I just altered my time and work out in the morning when he's at work. Now if he's home on a workout day he's learned that he's dipping into my time and needs to be patient. Also the food thing. I eat…
  • No reason you have to have lettuce in a salad if you don't like. You said you like veggies. Chop them up. Add a pinch of cheese and a pinch of croutons and a splash of dressing. Tada! Southwest: black beans, corn, crumbled tortilla chips, salsa, over a bed of chopped veggies.
  • Lie. Lie your pants off. OK I'm sort of kidding. I tell the very insistent that I have digestive issues. If they really push me I might add some disgusting result of digestive issues if they keep pushing me. They don't. I'm not really lying. If I eat unhealthy food I break out in fat. People respect medical issues in this…
  • I have lost weight a zillion times. I've never kept it off until now. Difference exercise. It's non-negotiable for me. I have to do it. I really don't worry about what I eat. I do worry whether or not I've exercised at least 3-4 times a week.
  • My thoughts get over yourself. They are erring on the side of safety for you and for them. So what if you might not fit into that blanket coverage. Maybe you do and you'll be glad you're in the hospital with all the equipment necessary to keep you alive.
  • It can definitely be done with walking, but you have to get your heart rate up and sustain it at the cardio range. When you see people out with their dogs or out talking with a friends they are not walking in the cardio range. The walking needs to be at a pace where you wouldn't want to talk. You could if you need too, but…
  • Like the above poster said... I picked the part that bothered me the most. It was my tummy rolls. I exercise A LOT and in order to keep up to the level that I'm at I finally put my pride aside and grabbed hold of my stomach like a skirt and ran the stairs. I couldn't ever do a full sit up despite many ab exercises I do.…
  • Variety of exercise. I lift weights and do classes. I do what keeps me entertained. I hike, ski, kayak, bike, rock climb (in a gym) I do active things. Keeps me toned. I just spent a month recovering from surgery and thought I was a wobbly mess. I may have lost some muscle, but once back at the gym I found out I was still…
  • I stopped running as it over exercises some muscle that keeps my legs aligned. Anyhow I keep up with my cardio and strength training. I can't believe the difference its made in the shape of my body to the very much better side of things. Never one to look at myself much in the mirror now I give myself a "mmm, mmm" when I…
  • It gets easier the fitter you get. Keep working on it. Your confidence with grow and you'll take people like that with a grain of salt. I know fitness works for me. When the cashier at my local grocery store started calling me "that crazy exercising lady" I decided to take it like a compliment. BTW I'm half her size.
  • Great job to my fellow Sacramento MFPers. Keep on logging and exercising.
  • I saved my life 2 1/2 years ago with exercise. Decided to approach weight loss from the other direction. I thought I'd get exercise under my belt before I dieted. Exercise made me want to eat healthier and I never did diet. I do exercise regularly.
  • I didn't give up food. I just shifted my food to healthier items. Although yesterday was full on "4th of July" ahead.
  • You took the right step signing on here. Be honest with your tracking. It will help you fine tune your diet and exercise and get things moving. When I started I noticed that my sodium was way high and my protein was way low. Also I ate very few fruits and veggies. Start looking at your intact everyday. It's a big help with…
  • When something shows inaccurate info and I need it for my log I'll find something similar in it's place. Like pickles. I would think the highest thing in the peppers would be the sodium. Everything else should be next to nothing.
  • I know it feels like it, but I guarantee if you had photos your stomach IS a lot smaller. I'm in the same boat. Stomach still big and will never be small. I stretched it out too much from being over weight for years and waiting til I was over 50 to lose it. Great waited til I have practically no elasticity in my skin.…
  • Definitely makes sure you're comfortable with your docs permission. When I started with 83 pounds on my back my heart rate was pretty high and recovery pretty slow. Now that I've been exercising for 2 years, yah my heart rate gets up there, but it come swiftly back down. When I was super heavy I really worked on keeping my…