chellec23 Member


  • Good deal! Thank you!
  • Well, I usually end up with something a little higher in carbs so I won't give you exactly what I eat... Have you thought about soup? Make it the night before so it's ready to grab in the morning. Here's an idea for you..... chicken broth, veggies (however much you want to fill you up), lentils (for SOME carbs and extra…
  • I heard that fried fish ends up tasting fishier than grilled or baked. How did you fix your tilapia?
  • Maybe it's just too few calories for you. When I started out I was eating under 1500 calories every day and NOTHING was changing. Didn't lose an ounce. Raised my calories to eat the 1700 in my goal, and started seeing results.
  • Holy crap, have you been spying on my apartment? Except it's not just his hobbies, it's just him lol 2/3 of the couch, 2/3 to 3/4 of the bed, 2/3 of the closet, 2/3-3/4 of the food.........seriously there have been big meals that I cooked that I got one small serving of and the rest he ate. And yes, he is a 40-year-old…
  • Wow, the people saying keep your money separate are kind of cynical. If you're confident in your relationship there is no reason to keep money and bank accounts separate. Plus when you are splitting bills with separate accounts, it will always feel like one of you is paying the other. Kind of weird in my opinion...but…
  • That's so me......................tears and all......... lol And to the people who hate cats but insist on coming on threads like this to tick us cat lovers off..... I have a middle finger with your name on it :angry:
  • For me, multigrain cheerios are best! When I started my "journey" almost 2 months ago I ate fruit and yogurt every morning for almost 3 weeks and stayed under 1600 calories every day. Did not lose an ounce!! Then I thought about the last time I lost weight and realized that I was eating 2 cups of multigrain cheerios with…
  • I'm 5'4" and right now weigh 277. I went to the free Zumba class at the local library one time last year and nearly killed myself lol I absolutely loved it but it was really tough. Start slow, whatever you do!!!
  • Mmmmmm........ sounds awesome!! Oh, now my mind is going to the land of extra calories.... if you had some cals to spare maybe add a bit of peanut butter? damn, now i'm hungry.
  • Also regarding good coffee... if you can afford it, I highly recommend checking out .....they ship anywhere and either send you whole beans or grind it fresh right before shipping. If I could still afford it I would be getting it....the Fool's House American is awesome for a good light-medium roast blend and…
  • I USED to drink it with creamer and sugar, or flavored creamer... for a while I was slightly addicted to the Italian Creme flavored. Now, though, I drink it black. After drinking it black for a while I don't care for cream and sugar. Especially powdered creamer...just can't do it anymore! On weekends I make espresso and…
  • CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It kills me how high in calories cheesecake is, because I don't do well with portion control when it comes to this!! A second choice would be pasta!! Another high-calorie food I have trouble doing portion control with lol third choice would be pizza :)
  • I was just about to say this! I did it with spice cake, but I originally read about it being done with chocolate. It turned out really good. I'll have to try the diet soda thing!
  • On normal days I eat around 1700 calories. There are days when I am conscientious but don't log and I consider those my "cheat" days. Last weekend I had pulled pork, frozen yogurt, and spaghetti on my "cheat" day. I still lost 2 lbs in the past week :) ((I know it's not water weight because I drink water like crazy))
  • I, too, am a recovering chip-aholic. A while back I tried the special k chips that are just over a hundred calories a bag and they were pretty good. This time though, I'm trying really hard to stay focused and behave myself so I didn't allow myself any chips for a few weeks. Yesterday I gave in and had a serving (yes, I…
  • Right!!! My ex wasn't anywhere near as smart as me.... I had to calculate the tips at restaurants/do the math on the bill, help him with spelling when he was typing a facebook was kind of sad!! ((I'm not saying that I'm the smartest but I am way smarter than him LOL))
  • No offense to the original poster, but in my experience when people make a point to use bigger words like that, it's because they're trying to sound smarter and better than they are.
  • Kirsten Vangsness and Queen Latifah YES!!!!!!! If I were into chicks I'd be gaga over them LOL I can't think of any male celebrities off the top of my head and all the ones that have already been named are huge NOs in my book (has nothing to do with their weight/size though) edit to add: AHA I thought of a male celeb --…
  • Best wishes to your sister! I, too, have an issue with portion control. I have found, though, that if I make half or more of the meal vegetables (non-starchy like green beans or broccoli) that it fills me up without overloading me on calories. That's my tip :)
  • Keep reminding yourself that it is a slow process. Focus instead on being healthy and don't stress about the scale. Take it one day at a time.
  • I have no kids myself but my mom was 38 when she had me back in 1982. No complications that I know of but I was born about a month early. I lost my mom when I was 17 and it nearly killed me. If you have kids late in life, just please make sure you take care of yourself for their sake.
  • I used to eat 3-4 servings of walmart's version of Honey Bunches of Oats in the morning, and would end up starving 3 hours later. When I started this journey a little over a month ago I was bringing 1 cup of Dannon Light & Fit vanilla yogurt and some canned fruit..either half a can of apricots or a full can (drained of…
  • Feel free to add me! I log on pretty much daily (unless I am taking a cheat day) and enjoy, encouragement. I am 31, currently weigh 272. I am down 10lbs from when I started about a month ago and want to get down to about 140.
  • Well I know of an herbal hormone balancer, but it comes in pill form. It's Vitex, or chastetree extract. It DOES will balance your hormones and regulate your period. It's actually one of the ingredients in Airborne....which since I am on birth control pills I can't use. About a year and a half ago I took some…
  • Seafood, beef, onions, okra
  • I was eating under 1500 calories almost every day for 2-3 weeks and the scale didn't budge. It wasn't until I started eating 1700 (which is my daily goal) that the scale started to move. Now I'm down 9 lbs.
  • There are a LOT of things that my facebook friends post that irritate aren't one of them, though. If I see a recipe that would cause me to gain 10 lbs I just say "oooooooooooooooooohhh...." then scroll on lol Just because I am trying to be healthier doesn't mean I should try to get everyone else to be as well.…
  • Ah, sorry, Just saw your reply about disliking yogurt! If you like chicken here's something I tried last night and it tastes awesome (in my opinion).... I heard about an injectable cajun creole butter marinade and found a jar at the grocery store. It says it's the "original injectable marinade" and the flavor is Creole…
  • I found Chia seeds at Whole Foods Market. Quinoa has good protein and is a complex carbohydrate. If you like yogurt, greek yogurt has good protein... but if you want something cheaper I'm sure you could find cheaper yogurts with good protein. For me, I shop at Kroger and they have a Carb Smart yogurt (kroger brand) that…