Csengure Member


  • "Have to" go shopping, eh? Oh, the sacrifices we make! ;) Nicely done!
  • So far I've attracted "friends" who go hard for a day or two and then disappear into the ether. Add me if you want, I'm here every day doing my own thing. :)
  • Pics are awesome but you have such a way with words. I got so caught up in the rhythm of your story...nicely done on all counts.
  • L2D2 is in the books. I approached level two with white knuckled terror having read that so many people hated it, but I like it much better. I sweat more, but I feel less tapped out afterward. Man, though. Plank twists slay me. Jillian is a devil come to Earth but I thank her for her mercy in putting those last because I…
  • I started yesterday! I didn't realize how demonic that jump rope move was. I hate that more than anything. So far my strategy is to run a warm bath beforehand so I have somewhere to relax after I'm done shredding and then staggering into the bathroom fumbling blindly for a towel to wipe the resulting sweat out of my eyes…
  • Oh, man. Mine hadn't been updated in ages. Every time I went in for a renewal they just filled in whatever it said before instead of asking me. Meanwhile I kept getting larger. I never thought it was a huge (hah) deal until the last time, when I got the DOL's Overachiever of the Year who actually asked what my weight was.…
  • Seems as though all of the focus on "omg you're so pretty!!!" might do more harm than good to a person with BDD and disordered eating when it comes to reinforcing unhealthy behavior with positive reactions. What really surprises me is how many people appear to read the OP, take it completely at face value, then blithely…