4_Lisa Member


  • Usually either by going to their website (if available) or through an app that breaks down restaurant items
  • If it's interfering with your life, then it is time for intervention. Although, the fact that you still find enjoyment in reading comics is a positive. Every time my depression took over I would lay and stare at the ceiling, cause I didn't care to do anything. You need to either see a councilor or a doctor, whichever is…
  • I do intense workouts 2-3 days a week (1hr nonstop weights, circuits etc) it can be done.
  • I have been mistreating my body for years, I'm still working on repairing it.granted for me eating around the 1450-1500 cal mark is about where I generally stay now, just because this is where I feel most comfortable. It took a long time to be able to eat enough to make the calorie goals. It has been about 8 months now…
  • And I don't look at it so much as starvation mode, more like a squirrel collecting stores for the winter... It collects and hangs onto everything cause you never know what is coming later.
  • Long and short of it is... A- you don't want your body to start feeding on itself it will take the lean muscle first for the protein it contains, not the fat everyone hopes it will. B- I've been there, if you aren't eating enough, your body simply hoards the food as fat, you need to eat enough so your body can function and…
  • I've lost 62 lbs since November through a traditional balanced diet. It can be done, I haven't cut anything out... including pastas, bread or beer!
  • Done! I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but there is definitely benefit to the campaign. Awareness and education are powerful tools for a healthy lifestyle. I have lots of friends doing many different methods, so far none have been successful at keeping it off.
  • Request sent... others can add me as well.
  • My hubby and I always joke that since he was the bread winner while I was home with the kids, his money is our 'expense' money, and my money is the 'play' money. Since we comfortably live on his wages alone.
  • I totally agree with this. Been with my hubby for 20 years, you are either all in, or you're not. We do have our own savings accounts, but those are basically just whatevers left at the end of our month. It has allowed me to save a little to surprise him with a vacation 2 years ago, and hopefully another next year.
  • Have always had a joint account for our paychecks. We also both have savings accounts too though. So money goes into the account, we each take whatever our budget is for the weekly gas, etc. We both have full access to the joint account, but we have an agreement that we never buy anything over $100 without consent from the…
  • My Husband has had knee issues for YEARS. he has tried everything imaginable up to a year ago. My son has scoliosis and had to have rods put down his spine, because of the time laid up in hospital (complications) and the time it took for him to get his mobility back, his hips were getting sore. His Orthopedic Surgeon…
  • I LOVE that the German pic had their weekly stock of beer in the front row... lol Great thread. Definitely a focus on processed crap in developed countries. Great thread.
  • Really, unless you have medical reasons for cutting out food, I feel a well balanced diet is best. I don't eat half fat, low fat, low cal crap. I prefer REAL food though. Naturally grown, less processed foods. I try to get meats straight from butchers and veggies and fruits from farmers markets. Fruits you do have to…
  • Edmonton AB
    in Canadian eh? Comment by 4_Lisa June 2013
  • I'm with you on that, usually post workout when I don't want a shake. Or if I'm on the go with my kids, quick grab and tides me over til I get home, then I'm not tempted by other things along the way.
  • I'm on everyday, feel free to add me. I don't often sugar coat things though... lol
  • I have just exhausted my smaller clothes that I had kept, so I have been going in to buy one pair of capris, a pair of dressier pants that can be worn day to day, as well as acceptable for the office (not as formal as they should be, but I have cleared that with my boss) and a couple cheaper tops. I just went again on…
    in New clothes Comment by 4_Lisa June 2013
  • Rather than sitting up in bed, put something under the legs at the head of the bed. My hubby put a 2x4 under the feet and it has helped at night.
  • I am going through the same thing right now. I have had 1 camera done, with severe irritation and swelling in my throat and larynx, to the point my voice is changed and scratchy. I have been given Tecta 2x a day (double the regular dosage) to decrease the acid in my stomach, going back to the ENT residents clinic on…
  • I love my eggs... especially as a post work out supper!
    in EGGS!! Comment by 4_Lisa June 2013
  • My migraines tend to be hormonal as well as lunar. I found that when I started taking a magnesium supplement they got better. Still get headaches, but not nearly as bad, and it tends to be more lunar now than hormonal. Also my daughter gets them, and usually when we take her to the ER, they give her a magnesium concoction…
    in Migraines Comment by 4_Lisa June 2013
  • I agree, we usually go to the larger off leash parks, we encounter other dogs, but not in a confined space, and we try to go during slower times, when we see the dogs getting stressed we leave. We know our dogs well enough to know when they are uncomfortable. Our little guy will give a whine, and he's letting us know he's…
  • Nothing, I don't believe in them either... sarcasm just doesn't translate....
  • I do both, I reward positives with play time, or belly rubs or something of that nature, and I correct negative behavior, the correction depends on the type of behavior, more serious (nipping) gets a tap on the nose, minor behaviors and she gets sent to her bed (on the floor in front of the tv). She's never given food as a…